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"Why did you do this to me?" Karen asked through tears, Jenny looking between her, Bobby and Dean.

"I'd rather died myself than hurt you." Jenny watched as tears fell from Bobby's eyes, and her brows raised in surprise. She had never seen him cry before.

"But you did hurt me. You shoved that knife into me. Again and again. You watched me bleed. Watched me die!" Karen raised her voice, Dean slowly putting an arm out to Jenny, backing away. Dean grabbed a hold of Bobby.

"Bobby, she's not real." Dean whispered, but the older Hunter didn't listen, he was too fixated on the memory of his wife.

"How could you?" Bobby sucked in a breath as he desperately tried not to break down. Jenny grabbed Bobby's arm.

"You were possessed, baby. You were rabid. And I didn't know what I know now. I didn't know how to save you!" Bobby told Karen, whose face contorted into more anger.

"You're lying. You wanted me dead! If you'd loved me—" Karen raised her voice. "You would've found a way!"

Bobby sobbed, shaking his head as Jenny tried to drag him a way forcefully. "I'm sorry."

"Bobby, that's not your wife!" Jenny yelled, stepping in front of him as she kept trying to push the man. "It's not real!"

"Come on!" Dean yelled as the two finally managed to drag Bobby into the living room. They slid the doors close as Karen ran, screaming at them. Jenny jolted against the door as Karen slammed into it, pressing her body against the door.

"I'm telling you, all of it. Your house, your wife, it's a nightmare!" Dean yelled as he gripped Bobby's shoulders in an attempt to snap him out of it.

Jenny watched as Dean and Bobby stood across from her, looking at each other. She looked around as Karen continued to scream, slamming her fists into the door. Jenny grabbed a wire and wrapped it around the doorknob and one on the next wall over.

"I killed her." Bobby cried, and Jenny turned to her adoptive father, gripping his arms tightly.

"Listen to us, Bobby! This is your dream! You control what happens!" Bobby shook his head, despair in his voice as he spoke.

"Just leave me alone. Let her kill me already." Jenny shook her head.

"You need to wake up! Snap the fuck out of it, Bobby!" Jenny begged, staring into Bobby's teary eyes that didn't look at hers. "Look at me!" She raised her voice. Bobby finally looked at Jenny.

"You're not going to die. I won't— I can't let you die, Bobby. Please, you're my dad. I can't let you die." She pleaded, trying to clear away Karen's screaming. "You have to believe us."

Bobby looked at Jenny for a moment, then to the door that was close to caving in. "I'm dreaming?" Bobby wondered as Dean and Jenny nodded their heads quickly.

"Yes! Now take control of it." Dean demanded. Bobby kept staring at the door before he shut his eyes, and the banging finally stopped. Jenny slowly let go of Bobby and turned her head to the door as Dean removed the wire. He slowly opened it to find that Karen was gone.

"I don't believe it." Bobby mumbled, Dean and Jenny looking back at him, scoffing.

"Well you should. Now wake up."


Jenny gasped as she shot up quickly, breathing heavily to find herself on the ground. She looked up to Dean, who was sitting on the bed as he himself had just woken up. Sam was in an uncomfortable position as he woke up, as well.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now