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"Heat of the moment."

Jenny walked over to Dean, kissing his cheek. "So we can't go to the diner we saw down the street?" Jenny complained as Sam nodded.

"You'll thank me when it's Wednesday." He grumbled, as did Jenny's stomach. She sighed.

"Well, I saw a vending machine down the hallway. I'm going to get a snack. You coming with, Dean?" Jenny turned to him as Dean shook his head.

"Nope. I need to take a shower." Jenny shrugged, grabbing a dollar off of the nightstand and walked out of the motel room. Sam waited for a moment before walking out, standing with the door open to watch Jenny carefully.

Jenny hummed quietly as she stared at the snacks and candy, eyes widening at the Nougat candy bar at the top. "Jackpot." She whispered with a grin, Sam looked to see Dean shut the bathroom door, listening to the shower turn on as Jenny waited for her candy to fall down.

The candy got stuck. "Oh, come on!" She grumbled in frustration, slapping the glass. "I want my Nougat!"

Sam looked back as Jenny started her attempt to shake the Nougat free. Sam turned back to the bathroom door nervously. There was a loud crash.

Sam turned to see the vending machine on the ground, Jenny's hand sticking out. Sam sighed in defeat. "Dean?" Sam yelled, but got no response. Then, Dean yelled, followed by a loud, deafening bang as Dean had most likely just killed himself in the shower. Sam covered his face.


Jenny handed the delivery boy some money, shutting the motel door. "Woo! Tacos!" Dean cheered before snagging the takeout from Jenny's hands, she frowned at him.

"Now I kind of wish I got tacos. But my quesadilla should be fine." Jenny complained as she, Dean and Sam sat at the kitchen table. Dean picked up his taco with a grin, bitting down into it. Sam ate his own taco, watching as Dean made an uncomfortable face.

"Do these tacos taste funny to you?" Jenny and Sam turned to Dean.


"Heat of the moment."

"Hey, I was thinking I should get a haircut." Jenny said as she read through a magazine, looking to Sam and Dean. "Short hair? I think I'd look pretty good." Sam raised a brow at Jenny, shaking his head.

"Get a haircut tomorrow. Not today." Sam grumbled as Dean cleared his throat.

"Speaking of haircut, I need to shave." Dean got up from the bed, walking back into the bathroom. After a few moments, Jenny and Sam snapped their heads up at the sound of something sizzling, followed by a thud. Sam sighed in defeat.


"You guys want to come with me on a beer run? Because if you're keeping me cooped up in here, I want to at least enjoy myself." Jenny stated as she grabbed her motel key. Sam looked wary.

"It's just across the street, Sam." Dean reassured. Sam still looked unsure but nodded, he and Dean following after Jenny.

The three walked into the gas station across the street from their motel room, looking around. Jenny grabbed a two liter of soda and a pack of beer. Dean walked over to the coffee stand, pouring himself a cup.

SACRIFICE ³ - DEAN WINCHESTERWhere stories live. Discover now