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"Everyone wants to be a hero" I call bullshit because it was the "hero obsession" that ruined my family, though it was doomed to fall for a long time...

Two little girls around the age of three are playing in their backyard until one of them accidentally makes her nails grow, their father who was watching them gets the girl and enters the house and leaves the other behind, later when their mother arrives from work the father tells what happened with him calling the little girl a prodigy and that they will go to the doctor tomorrow to register her new developed quirk.

My "father"... This man is so obsessed with getting fame he thought he deserved not even caring if his family got hurt through it...

The little girl with long nails is chasing her sister with the intention to hurt while their father watches and scolds the sister for running away and hinder "his prodigy" of her training to become a hero.

He literally made my life hell because his 'little prodigy' had a future, hah, like with a weak quirk like hers she would get more in the way than help but whatever makes his boat floats...

The father is seen scolding a little girl with scratches telling her to not say anything to her mother and that she should always help her sister like a good big sister would.

Well, his downfall was always supposed to happen, he was the only one who couldn't see it...

The mom arrives early from work and wants to make a surprise but when she opens the door, she sees her oldest daughter cowering while her sister is violently scratching her and their father incentivizing her to attack harder until he notices his wife, soon that escalates to verbal fights that ends in a divorce and the father leaving with the youngest.

My life kind of got normal after it, or at least until my quirk appeared...

The little girl, now four, is playing on the living room until a weird black flag appeared in front of her, curious she reached to touch it but when making contact she disappeared.

[Laughs] I really scared my mom that day...

The mother enters the living room and doesn't see her daughter, she searches for her in the house but couldn't find her and then she called the police and even they couldn't find her until eight hours later she appears on the backyard with different clothing and some wounds and when her mom sees her, she caught her in a tight hug.

After the scare she got happy that I got my quirk...

After some questions from the police and taking her to a hospital, the mother and daughter finally gets back home and the daughter explains about everything that happened after she disappeared and her mom makes her promise to not say everything that she can do to avoid unnecessary attention which she complies.

You can say I had a decent life, my mom loves me and respect my wishes, but of course life have its ups and downs...

The girl is now ten years old and was transferred to a school called "Aldera Elementary School", on her first day she is asked what her quirk is and she only says its name and nothing more getting the attention of a green haired boy.

Human ego is something funny you know, makes people think that they are above everyone else just by existing...

The girl is cornered by a boy saying that he is the powerful person there so she should not get in his way, she did the mostly logical thing: she punched him in the face and left like nothing happened. Later the director would call her mother and his parents but the teachers says that impossible that a sweet and really helpful girl would punch someone over something so stupid like "showing off".

But well... things aren't always good on life you know...

The girl just arrived school and was about to enter her classroom when she sees someone who she never wanted to see again: her sister.

But yeah, this is my life so I will enjoy what I have and don't complain, oh before I forget, my name Ahmya Hoshino and I just want to have a average life I don't get what people have against my decision but my mom is on my side so that's all that matters to me, [sighs] the joys of having a powerful quirk: people thinks that you automatically wants to be a hero.


Finally bringing my fic from Quotev, but it's only on this site, if you see this on another site besides wattpad and quotev then warn me.

This is the non reviewed version, my friend who is responsible for it is dealing with some personal issues and I don't want to pressure them, later when I get the "fixed" version I will repost the chapters.

And no, no profile because I like to let the story show how my characters personalities and abilities are.

On another note, this fic isn't canon friendly, in both story and characters wise, so the canon character will not be put in a good light so if you're not a fan of it you're warned... oh yeah, if you don't like how I write my characters, please don't feel forced to continue reading, I had to deal with someone who told me that I was writting my mc trauma wrong because she wasn't following their vision of trauma.

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