Chapter 70 - Aftermath [other side]

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Around the time the classes are over...

Ahmya and her friends are leaving the school to go to their dormitories.

"The teachers looks tense now...", comments Hinamori.

"From what I heard, something happened on the hero classes today.", says Octavia.

"Knowing our luck, it's surely Pandara related...", says Yasu while facepalming.

Just as he mentions it, Wondabarappa appears in front of the group.

"You jinxed us.", says Octavia nudging Yasu.

"Wondabarappa, what happened this time?", says Ahmya really done with everything.

"Well...", he rubs the back of his head nervously, "You see, Pandara decided to be extra again and after revealing themselves to the hero courses... Well...", he shows an unconscious small Pandara making everyone shocked.

"No way...", she takes them in her arms, "It was expected because they were just fooling around with their powers and wasting their energy... I wasn't expecting for this though."

Wondabarappa just nods and disappears, almost immediately Eraserhead arrived, Ahmya just narrows her eyes.

"Yes Eraserhead-san?", says Hinamori trying to act formal, the cookies she had on her shoulders hides on her hair.

"Today that being appeared again and now both my and Vlad King's classes knows about him...", he says and ignores Ahmya saying "It's them.", "And now they want explanations."

"And why us?" says Ahmya disinterested, "You're their teacher so it's your job to do it."

"Because we also saw one of your servants along with them.", he says and Ahmya narrow her eyes at the servant mention, "That's the why you will go to the 1-A dorms tonight and..."

"No.", Ahmya interrupts.

Eraserhead opens his mouth to try to say something but gives up and leaves annoyed.

"Stupid people...", Ahmya grumbles.

"Are you ok?", asks Yasu.

"Just fine...", she sneers and then sighs, "Can we go back, this ruined my mood."

The group says their goodbyes and leaves to their respective sides.

✂---------------Later that night-----------------------

Ahmya is on her bedroom watching Pandara and Wondabarappa eating some snacks, she is now thinking that they will be stuck in this form for a good time, she now pays attention while Wondabarappa explains what happened on the training classes.

Ahmya facepalms in the middle of the explanation "Wait a moment there, are you telling me that Pandara decided to reveal themselves because they were bored?", both nods and she groans in frustration, "Way to go for a normal life...", she mumbles.

"But something is still bugging me.", comments Wondabarappa, "Why those tendrils only focused on them when they appeared.", he says pointing at Pandara.

"I can explain that.", says Pandara making the other two giving a double take at them, "After I took that lowlife's quirk I felt a weird pull, I was curious about it so I decided to investigate and found that pull brought me to the one who released me in this world.", they take a bite of a chocolate bar, "Looks like the other side is kind of conscious and probably hate my side of the quirk, so it probably decided that I should be taken out."

"Why things gets even more complicated?...", Ahmya says exasperated and feels the frustration of the others too.

Well, things are moving...

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