Chapter 62 - Culture festival pt 3 [Background is very useful too]

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"... And that's the report of what happened.", says an electrician.

"I see.", says Ahmya's mother, "Something more?"

"Yes.", the electrician says, "I want to know why those kids were alone while dealing with that equipment, one of them had a electricity quirk and the other can do explosions so why there wasn't any teacher with them?"

Everyone in the room is silent because it's a good question, the electrician smirks internally.

"Who would have guessed, that plan really worked...", thinks Rogue.


"So there's the plan...", says Ahmya.


At the auditorium a person begins to not feel good and they say that they have a danger sense quirk and that said quirk got triggered the moment they entered the auditorium, the result was immediate and the people left because they got afraid of something bad happening.

No one notice the person walking to a desert are and changing into Destrobo, just like no one noticed a white cat dragging a white-haired girl...

"The first part is important, Destrobo will make people leave the auditorium before things escalate..."


"I wonder who opened the box this time..." says the newcomer, they looks like the uberheroes but without the mask and some triangle symbols on their body.

Midoriya rises determined.

"That was me!", he says but the other just look at him unimpressed.

"Kid, go home, you're too weak.", they are about to leave but Midoriya tries to punch them, "You're annoying."

"You will go back to the box!", he says and the other sighs.

"If you want things to be like that ok then, don't cry when you're about to die.", they says seriously and jumps before an explosion hits them.

"Don't ignore me over this pathetic Deku!", screams Bakugou.

The newcomer just sighs and materialize a mask and scythe.

"... because I'm sure that when the damage is done Midoriya and Bakugou will make things worse..."


The people outside only sees a giant explosion and then run away in panic, no one notices the fighting in the middle of it, nor both Bakugou and Midoriya fallen on the ground.

"That was sad, are sure you sure that you were the one to open the box?", says the newcomer ready to give the final blow but then suddenly stops and goes to a random direction.

"... Midoriya and Bakugou will obviously lose so yeah, they were useless, but I know Pandara, in the moment they feel my presence they will come to where I am...."


The newcomer arrives in the middle of a forest.

"Hello Pandara, long time no see.", says Ahmya.

The now named Pandara smirks and goes to attack her but Destrobo and Myamsar intercepts them.

"... I will keep them busy so now for the next part, that part will be tricky..."


After the explosion the heroes appear to rescue the students, a beaten Midoriya gets up along with Bakugo and ran to a random direction with some heroes following them.

Not too long Ahmya's mother arrives with some firefighters and the Commission.

"... unfortunately, I need to involve my mom on this, we need to make it look convincing..."


After some time fighting Padara stops.

"Are you going to talk now?", says Ahmya.

"... Fine...", says Pandara with a bitter tone.

"It's safe to get out now.", she says and her friends leave their hiding spots.

Before they could have the talk, Midoriya and Bakugou appears with some heroes.

"Stop right there!... Oh, hi Hoshino-san...", says Midoriya scared.

"Looks what we have here, the one who doomed our world and his fragile male ego friend...", says Ahmya.

"... The tricky part comes now and Rogue, that's your part, don't look at me like that, it's partially your fault, so..."


The festival was put on hold until the investigations are over...

No one knows what caused the explosion so some electricians were called to investigate, one of them "found" some damaged equipment and blamed it on some sort of failure or a quirk gone wrong.

"... Rogue I need you plant proof that it was 1-A's own slip that caused the entire accident..."


"And that's the plan.", finishes Ahmya.

"Civilians will not know what is happening while 1-A takes the fall...", says Yasu.

"Someone needs to pay and Midoriya needs to understand that actions have consequences, he tried to play hero when he wasn't necessary", says Ahmya.

✂---------------Flashback ends-----------------------

At the end of the day 1-A indeed took the fall and the festival was delayed until all the electricians finished looking at any chance of more incidents.

Now for Ahmya, let's say that she will tell an interesting tale to the heroes... the full of holes version of course...

Time for some damage control...

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