Chapter 16 - Sports Festival part 2

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After a tense moment, with Ahmya keeping the ominous smile, Shinsou just swallow hard while feeling cold sweat behind his neck.

"So...? Are you going to explain yourself?", she says still looking ominous, her aura so heavy that took the attention of the people around them, "No explanations? Ok, I got it, you just thought that you could have used me as your stepping stone, right? But that's fine you know why?", her smile got bigger along with her ominous aura, "You never had a chance to begin with."

"Destrobo, Cannassault, mind if I borrow your abilities for a sec?", she asks and receive a "Sure/Go ahead.", as response.

Still smiling, she just punched Shinsou in the face, people around could swear they saw a ghostly robotic glove on her hand, he didn't had time to react so he ended being thrown very far, everyone around just feels nervous, they realize that she isn't someone to be messed with, especially when angry.

She just looks at the results with morbid satisfaction then turn around to go back to the waiting room of her class, Hayao and Void just managed to free themselves and ran after her.



"She is really her daughter...", the black mage sighs and shakes his head in exasperation.

"I can see it, Hesperos, I can see it...", comments the paladin while looking nervous for some reason.

Their friends look at the reaction with curiosity.

"I feel out of the loop, can you explain?", asks the brown witch.

"It's a good opportunity to see her so I will explain in the way.", says the black mage, now identified as Hesperos.

They all leave their places to find a way to enter the school area.


"I'm surrounded by delusional idiots!", screams Ahmya in frustration, she can hear that the uberheroes are divided between laughing, trying to calm her down or lecturing her.

She gives an angry sigh and reaches the door of the waiting room and sees Charibasa, in the doll form, sitting in one of the chairs, he looks to where she is and runs straight to her, she gets down and pat his head.

"I hope I didn't let you waiting for too long.", she says and he just shakes his head as response, "Let's find something to eat, all this frustration made me hungry."

"You're always hungry.", says Pyokorider.

"Whose fault is it?", she mumbles and takes Charibasa on her arms before getting up, when she is about to leave she hears someone calling her name and turns to see Hayao and Void, "If you are planning to lecture me about the punch just forget it, it was a long coming for him."

"You're kidding right? That was EPIC!", says Void enthusiastically, "The guy just thought that he was going to get what he believes he deserved and 'BAM!'", she makes a imitation of punching something, "a punch in his face."

Ahmya only looks at her like she grew a second head and then turns to Hayao, he only sighs and began to pet his centipede like scarf.

"He was asking for it.", he quietly says.

"Ok, I like them, keep them.", says Grenburr.

"Things aren't that easy, Grenburr, just like you trying to flirt with Charibasa.", she answers exasperated, she can hear the others laughing while Charibasa was trying to hide his face in embarrassment.

"We agreed to never talk about it.", he says.

"No, you said to never talk about it, I never said I agreed with it.", she shots back and then notices the other two looking at her weirdly, "Yes...?"

"Are you ok? You spaced out for some time.", says Void.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.", she doesn't feel like explaining about the voices, "Sorry, but I'm going to find something to eat so if you excuse me..."

But before she could leave a blonde buff hero appeared, she could feel Charibasa tensing and the snarls and scoffs of the others.

"Young Hoshino, can I talk to you?", says All Might and he see the other two, "In particular."

"No.", she answers him with a dry tone, "Whatever you want to tell. Tell. It. Now!", she says in a low threatening tone and holding Charibasa tightly.

"Right...", he sighs, "Young Hoshino, what you did back then was unheroic, I'm sure that what happened was a big misunderstanding..."

"Sorry to break you 'Mr. Number One' but Shinsou have a brainwash quirk that he tried to use on me so no misunderstandings, he was just acting on his jealously towards me because, in his vision, my quirk is being wasted outside the hero course.", she says still seriously.

"Well, he isn't wrong, you know. I'm sure you would have been a splendid hero, imagine what you could do with a quirk like yours...", All Might tries to say until being interrupted.

"And I recommend you to stop right there.", says a new voice and everyone turns to see a group of people who they never saw before, at least until Ahmya runs to hug the one dressed as black mage.

Things are escalating quickly...

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