Chapter 53 - Nana: the hero we need

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The next day...

"So, are telling me that my cat did what was supposed to be the pro heroes job?", says an incredulous Octavia to the detective after he explained why she and her friends were there, "Where is the little girl now?"

"The girl is currently at the hospital being watched by Rock Lock.", the detective says and Octavia releases a relieved sigh, "But that isn't the only reason...", the door opens and a man enters, "This is Sir Nighteye, he was the responsible for the Yakuza case."

"I want to understand how your cat managed to infiltrate their base and not be noticed.", he says and Octavia feels slightly nervous under his gaze.

"Nana is a cat, what you think you will gain interrogating my daughter?", says her mother, you can't interrogate a minor without parents or guardians present after all.

"You don't understand Mrs Void, I spent years trying to gather evidence that the Yakuza was doing something and you can't imagine my surprise when a random cat brought what I needed.", he says.

"You talk like that little girl is an object and what you want really?", says Octavia, "Don't tell me you want me involved on your case just because my cat did a better job than you?!"

"I believe we are finished here.", says her mother.

"Wait--", he tries.

"Finished.", says her mother crossing her arms with a serious expression.


Outside the interrogatory room...

"Tell me again: why we agreed to be here?", says Ahmya sighing.

"Someone needed to keep an eye on Nana.", says Yasu.

Before someone could say anything more, the group hears a loud discursion.

"Mrs Void, please understand.", says a male voice.

"No, you understand, my daughter didn't need to get involved and you do your damned job properly this time!", they hear Octavia's mother say.

Soon Octavia approaches the group and takes her pet carrier with Nana inside.

"What happened?", whispers Hinamori.

"He happened.", she says and points to Nighteye still talking with her mother until he notices the group...

... And unfortunately, he recognizes Ahmya.

"You--", he tries to talk.

"You will only talk with me when my mother is present so leave.", says Ahmya annoyed and he looks like he wants to say something but reconsiders and leaves.

"Sorry for the inconvenience.", says Octavia's mother, "Let's bring you all back to the school."


Octavia raises Nana to her eye level to face her, "Ok Nana, what did you do this time?"

A tense moment passes with the rest of the group watching... until Nana rubs her face on Octavia's face making the rest to sweatdrop.

"She is a cat after all, what you hoped for?", says Yasu.

"Now can we focus on what happened?", says Hinamori.

"Sure, Oohoroc, I need your mind reading ability.", Ahmya says and a portal appears and a small humanoid being with a mask that resembled a monkey appears.

Octavia puts Nana on the floor and Oohoroc gently touches her head, his hand glows for an instant and then he turns to Ahmya and begins to gesticulate.

"Since you all don't understand I will translate it, he said: Nana was walking around while teleporting until she entered a dark room with a scared little girl inside, said girl tried to make her go away but she insisted on being near, until a guy entered, he tried to get the girl then part of the ceiling fell on his head...", she takes a sip of her drink, "Then Nana gently pulled her by her hair to follow her, the girl was reluctant but ended following anyway, while their passed the corridors some people tried to stop them but some sort of 'unfortunate accidents' happened to them.", the group snorts at this part, "Then when they reached outside, the little girl hides and Nana brought the first por hero she managed to find, that's the resume of the story."

An awkward silence predominates while the group look a Nana, who is sleeping now unaware of how big changes she made by just being a cat.


"Sir, I'm speaking the truth!", says a random guy.

"Do you think I'm stupid? It isn't enough that I lost my hand now you come and tell me that a cat waltzed here and stole Eri?!", says an angry Overhaul, "Get rid of him."

The guy gets dragged away.

"I don't care what you do but I want the bullets to be ready soon, with Eri or not, you hear me?", he says and leaves.

Now we go back to what was supposed to be "canon"...

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