Chapter 57 - Heroes being heroes

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After Ahmya revealing her past to Yasu, she made him promise to not tell anything to Octavia and Hinamori, she wants to tell when she is ready... However, even with all the "action" she still have school.

"Looks like 1-A is getting famous.", comments Hinamori looking at the news on her phone.

"Let's hope it don't go to their heads, they were too much on the spotlight and this is supposed to be their first year.", says Ahmya.

"And doesn't change that Nighteye is planning something big to stop Yakuza...", comments Yasu making the others look at him.

"What you mean with it?", says Ahmya suspicious.

"I don't have all the details but he appeared on my house and tried to convince my father to quit retirement", he says shrugging, "My mother called me last night and told me that he told Nighteye to shove his logic in a place that I'm not allowed to tell because of current time."

The day passes normally, Ahmya is very surprised that things are going ok but she feels that said peace is short lived...

"I need to make my homework...", Ahmya comments while entering her bedroom.

"Need some help with it?", asks Pingrek.

"Some help would be good yes, math it's not my best subject...", she notices a shadow portal opening and Myamsar jumping from it, "You were told to come back when something happened so what was it?"

Myamsar takes the recorder and plays the hero meeting.

"So this is what the League got involved with? Quirk erasing bullets?...", she thinks a bit, "Continue to keep a eye one them, you and your double."

Myamsar does a small salute and jumps into another shadow portal.

"Don't you think you are overwhelming him a bit?", says Charibasa.

"You know that we have to be alert, surely Man Child will think that he will have a leverage against me so yeah, we have to cut the roots of evil before its spread more.", she says seriously.

"If they used the little girl to make the bullets, I wonder how they are dealing with it now without her.", comments Destrobo.

"Let's wait and see what happens, if they manage to arrest the Yakuza then we don't need to worry about this part...", she says, "So... about that help with my math homework...", she finishes sheepishly making the uberheroes groan even though they had offered the help.


"The heroes what?!", Ahmya shouts at the phone, "So they retrieved the girl?... Yeah, that's the why I told you about what they were planning because it was Nighteye... Yeah the 'future is set on stone' guy... So what the Commission said?... Well, it's their fault so they deal with it... Thanks mother and bye.", she hungs up.

"What happened this time?", asks Yasu

"Looks like they lost the girl, a fake doctor took her and they disappeared.", she says.

"Maybe if they accepted letting Rock Lock take her it wouldn't had happened, he was very overprotective of her after all.", says Octavia.

"Looks like Nighteye plan of invasion became a rescue mission now.", comments Ahmya.

The other look at her confused and she explains what Myamsar brought to her.

"It's their fault so they deal with the consequences.", she finalizes.

"You say that but in the end it will be you who will solve the issue...", says Yasu sweatdropping while Octavia nods in agreement.


Some days later...

Funnily enough, Ahmya got a cold, consequently she is still at the dorms while the rest of her classmates are on school.

"I can literally bring this country to a new order but I still lost to a cold...", she laments.

"Look at the brighter side: you don't need to deal with gossip about 1-A today.", says Piekron.

"At least Yasu-kun said he would bring today's homework.", says Guardira.

"But you know how out of the loop I feel when I miss one school day...", she mumbles.

Considering that there isn't much for her to do she watching tv, one of her favorite cooking competition shows.

"This guy thinks he can cook a filet mignon in five minutes?", says Bowmunk.

"It's not a good idea...", she comments.

When they where about to see the result, the show is cut by the news and everyone groans in frustration.

"We are interrupting our current program to show you the raid on the Yakuza base lead by Sir Nighteye...", the reporter says and Ahmya can feel her anger rising.

"One day... Just one day without them getting on my way... Whoever wants to go have my permission!", she says angrily.

She doesn't notice who were the ones who accepted...


"STAY OUT OF MY WAY!, shouts Overhaul launching his last attack until his power literally disappears around him and he falls to his death while Deku stares with confusion and horror.

Some meters from there a humanoid being with a dragon mask looks up from the scope of his sniper.

"Losing his quirk to his own bullets... Call it poetic justice, thank you for bringing the bullets, Myamsar.", he says looking at a shadow vortex behind him.

"You know, in the end he was right, she ended being the one solving the problem heroes couldn't.", comments Wondabarappa.

"And he will not let that go when he finds out...", Cannogabang says while walking to the shadow portal.


"The future changed?", says a shocked Nighteye.

"Hello Nighteye, you don't have idea how long I wanted to have this talk.", says a humanoid being using a frog mask.

"W-who are you? You're here to finish me?", shouts Nighteye.

"Call me Piekron and on the contrary, I want you to live. Pingrek just heal him enough to survive, the doctors can finish it.", he waves his hand on Nighteye direction and another being with a penguin mask uses some sort of blue aura that heals him, "Being dead would make the purpose useless after all.", he says calmly.

"What purpose?", Nighteye says with dread.

"Well, you need to pay after all, death would be too simple for you.", he says and walks around with his hands behind his back, "Oh no, I want to ruin your ideals and philosophy, you are a joke for the ones with the gift of clairvoyance.", he says annoyed, "And I'm sure she would agree with me. Pingrek, let's go, we are finished here.", he says and both walks through the shadows.

Nighteye was later found and rescued, the doctors said it was a miracle that his wounds aren't bad as it looks.

The aftermath will be interesting....

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