Chapter 74 - Before the storm

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Early in the morning, Ahmya's bedroom...

"So, the doctor is planning to give All for One to Manchild...", says Ahmya while looking at Myamsar, "Did you told Pandara about the other quirk?"

"Not yet.", he answers curtly.

"And there's the fact that mom told me about the truth about the internships...", she says.

"Yeah... In the end they are only excuses to train the hero students because their lapdog told them that LoV and the rest of the MLA are together on planning a big attack.", says Charibasa thoughtful.

"If we play our part right, we can get rid of everyone that gets in our way...", says Piekron with an ominous tone.

"I have a feeling that you aren't telling me things again...", she says exasperatedly, "Whatever...", she turns to the second Myamsar, "What is happening on the hero side?"

"So far they are more concerned with a second quirk uprising because of the book... oh right!", he remembers something, "A certain ex-hero that can't see the future anymore is trying to get involved with the MLA issue, the Commission is stopping him though but you know him."

"Even without future sight he still thinks that he knows best...", says Ahmya shaking her head, "He tried to bully mom into making me try to 'heal his quirk', didn't worked though."

"Yeah, now he can't be near you or your mom at least for 30 meters and if he had to be on the same room a lawyer has to be present...", says Charibasa in reminiscence.

"That's all for now.", she turns to the two Myamsars, "Got back to your positions, if something urgent happens then you are allowed to come back to report."

With this both Myamsars disappears on the shadows and the other two uberheroes go back to their "pocket dimension.

"Now what to do with you.", she turns to the cookie sitting on her study desk, "You will have to keep quiet about what you saw though.", the cookie only tilts his head to the side with a curious look, "Don't look at me like that, you know the others are pretty stressed because of that book.", she sneers at the book mention, "I will really get rid of them for good this time.", she grumbles.

You must be wondering why there's a cookie with her, well, in the previous day while the group were having a conversation, said cookie decided to take a nap inside Hinamori's bag, he mistook the bags though, Ahmya called Hinamori at night to report her finding and Hinamori said that she would get him back in the next day...

Ahmya sighs and gets a rainbow-colored bomber jacket to put above her uniform blazer, she never liked the cold and she doesn't really care about the uniform rules, she saw a lot of people breaking it and not being punished after all. She gets the cookie and puts him on her bag being mindful of his long hair and horns and leaves her bedroom to deal with another day.


Somewhere else...

A certain ex-hero is frustrated after the Commission shot down another of his ideas.

"Why they don't see that I have a point! That woman and her daughter ruined everything for me...", he looks at his arms, "That girl took my quirk and now no one takes me seriously! Just because I can't see the future anymore doesn't mean I should be cut off, they need me!"

"And I can grant you the power to get what you want.", says a voice above him and he looks up to see Pandara.

"You!", he says alarmed, "If you think I'm going to work for you then you're mistaken!", he growls at them.

"Do you really believe it?", they says nonchalantly, "No one on the hero side considers you one of them anymore, they even keep you out of any matter related to the new threat."

"What you know about it!", he screams at them, "I know that is a question of time for them to realize that I'm right!"

"Are you sure?", Pandara begins to circle him like a predator, "You know that they will never consider your opinion since you don't have any quirk anymore, your value for them literally is zero now, but that can be rectified.", they makes a bat looking mask to appear, "If you accept my proposition then you can show them that they are losing a great opportunity putting you aside and that they should be grateful that you even bothered with them."

Nighteye looks at the mask uncertain, "It's too good to be true, there's must be a catch on this."

"Nothing too serious.", they says dismissively, "Nothing you need to worry about."

Nighteye keeps staring at the mask, "Except if you want them to continue to push you into the shadows.", Panadara comments.

Nighteye gets an angry look and puts the mask, said mask glows and then Nighteye begins to scream in pain.

"Yeah, you didn't need to worry about the conditions, you will cease to exist after all.", they says while looking at their nails and ignoring the screaming.

"I'm surprised that you managed to convince him.", says Ravenous coming out of a portal.

"The types of him believe that they are some sort of master manipulators but are the easiest to manipulate, but man...", they feel nauseous, "I really feel like eating a soap bar because of what I had to say."

Ravenous just pats their back in comfort.


On the other side a certain teacher and underground hero gets the most disturbing news of his life and now he wants the answers he believes that he is entitled with.

One annoying person less, a lot more to go...


Didn't post before because my mom was in a bad humor and I was avoiding the pc to avoid giving her ammunition to feel entitled to attack me.

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