Chapter 23 - A break from the canon shenanigans

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Everyone was back to the classes in the next day after the sports festival, Yamada-sensei announces that they will have tomorrow and the next day off to rest, he still passes some homework though. The entire day was about the teachers reminding about the days off and passing some homework for them to "not slack off", their words, after enduring another boring and tiring day Ahmya is glad that the classes are over.

"Finally, I just want to go home now.", thinks Ahmya.

"At least we will have two days to relax for a bit.", comments Yarida.

She sees Hayao and Void approaching.

"So...", begins Void, "What you going to do these two days?"

"I'm going to spend time with my family.", says Hayao.

"I promised to show the city to my uncle and his friends.", says Ahmya.

"Ah yes, how they are after the 'incident'?", asks Void.

"Uncle is still tempted to use Grinding on those reporters...", says Ahmya remembering yesterday's incident.

The rumors escalated so fast that when they were about to leave the group was harassed by reporters, which made Maurus, Orpheus and Laura uncomfortable with the unwanted attention, her uncle wanting to attack the reporters and Markus tried to deescalate the situation, it was useless. They only stopped when her mother appeared and threatened to sue and ruin the careers of each reporter present, they literally vanished after it.

After some small talks and goodbyes, the trio divides to go to their own destinations, when Ahmya arrives home she sees her mother, uncle and his friends talking on the living room.

"They must have given her some the days off.", she thinks.

"I'm home.", she says.

"Welcome back.", her mother answers and she go to her bedroom to get changed.

After Ahmya gets settled the group continues their talk until a dreaded question appear.

"I don't want to feel like I'm intruding but...", says Laura hesitantly, "Why she...", gestures to Ahmya, "...needs to have her food checked? I believe that all of us noticed it.", she says and the other three of the group nods.

Ahmya gets tense, her mother gets a sad look and her uncle sighs.

"I knew that you were going to ask about it...", he mumbles, "Ok fine, but what will be said here will not leave these walls, understood?", the others nods at his words and he uses it as encouragement to continue, "In reality you can say it's a paranoia caused by trauma, I believe that you all remember that years ago I left suddenly."

"You mean when you said that you had a family issue and was needed there?", says Laura tentatively.

"Yes, turns out that my dear sister's ex-husband after knowing that Ahmya had a powerful quirk, he realized that he chose the wrong twin and tried to get her on his custody, with no success obviously but did you think he would stop there? Oh no, he for some reason though that with Rea out of the picture he would get my niece's custody...", he notices his friends widening their eyes in horror after realizing the implications.

"Wait, you don't mean...", says Markus.

"That's exactly what I mean.", he says bringing his sister close in a half hug, "He tried to poison her but Ahmya managed to heal her enough to call for help, she was only five at the time..."

A tense atmosphere filled the room while the others tried to make sense on what was said, Ahmya couldn't take it and left to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Leave it to uncle to tell this story without planning revenge.", thinks Ahmya.

"Are you really fine with them knowing?", says Charibasa.

"There's no use to hide and uncle said that they have a tendency to be noisy.", she answers.

"Rea-chan, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked!", she hears Laura say and then tunes down whatever happened afterwards.

"Let's hope they don't try to treat me like glass after knowing this.", she says and takes a sip from her water.

"I think that both you and Hesperos will maim us if we tried.", says Orpheus behind her making her to spit her drink.

"Please don't do it again, of the 'fight or flight' reaction I always choose fight so don't test your luck again.", she says.

"Sorry.", he says but she notices that he is amused by her reaction.

"So, what you are doing here?", she tries to act nonchalant, "I thought that you were part of the 'apology festival' over there.", she points to the living room.

"I already apologized so I didn't see the need to force the matter.", he says and then look serious, "I'm more curious about something you said yesterday."

"Which was?", she says calmly but was panicking on the inside.

"What you meant with twenty-one voices? Even with Hesperos saying later that it was something related with your quirk, I have a feeling that there's more on it.", he says and then crosses his arms while waiting for her answer.

Thanks weird luck, I hated it...

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