Chapter 30 - End term and farewells

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"Time does flies when we are having fun.", thinks Ahmya.

"It surely does.", says Charibasa.

After months dealing with the school routine, now it's almost the end of June, meaning the end of term tests, since she is on gen ed the tests are easy, on these moments she is grateful that she didn't chose to be in the hero course because balancing all the shenanigans and school must be hard.

"Just remember to study for your end of term tests if you want to enjoy your summer break.", says Yamada-sensei at the end of the classes.

Her classmates groans at it causing her to roll her eyes.

"Bunch of drama queens.", she thinks and doesn't hear what Hayao said, "Sorry, what you said?"

"I said how about a study group with Void-san.", he says, "I'm sure we can help each other even though our grades aren't that bad."

He was right on this aspect, she is the one with the best grades and he is the fourth one of their class, she heard that Void is one of the smartest of her class too so maybe a study group isn't a bad idea.


"A study group?", says Void, "I don't see why not. Did you have a place to where to go?"

The trio are eating on Ahmya and Hayao's classroom, they didn't wanted to go to the cafeteria and deal with people after the incident some weeks ago.

"Maybe you could go to my house, my mother tends to work the entire day so I'm alone most of the time.", says Ahmya.

"What is your mother work by the way?", asks Void.

"She is the secretary of the boss of the Hero Commission, I thought I mentioned it before...", she says.

"No, I don't remember you telling it.", says Hayao, "Speaking about heroes, when your uncle and his friends will leave?"

"They are planning on leaving tonight.", she says, "I will miss him but life goes on."

"Yeah, your family is really fun.", says Void.

They continue their talk on more mundane topics afterwards.


"Remember to study and don't forget to have your parent's signatures on the permission slips if you want to go to the trip.", says Yamada-sensei when the class is over, "Ah, Hoshino-san, stay please, there are some things that we have to talk."

Ahmya finds it weird but tells Hayao to go ahead while she deals with the issue.

"Hoshino-san, I will go straight to the point, you aren't on trouble.", he says.

"I never thought I was to begin with.", she thinks.

"But after the things that happened to 1-A we wanted to do some different things for their practical test and principal Nedzu wants to talk about it with you...", he says.

Both leave to the principal's office, Ahmya sends a message to Hayao that she will take longer than expected...



After dealing with whatever Nedzu wanted, the group composed of Ahmya, her mother, her uncle and his friends are on the airport saying their goodbyes.

"Please visit us when you have time.", says Laura.

"When I get a break from this job, which is very hard...", says her mother.

"Maybe we will see each other sooner than we think.", says Ahmya and then turn to her uncle, "And I hope that the offer is still standing."

"What offer?", asks Markus.

"I offered for her to live with me and Orpheus when she gets tired with the hero shenanigans here.", says her uncle shrugging.

"Believe me, I'm almost at my limit.", she says sweatdroping and the group laughs.

"It was nice meeting you.", says Orpheus and Maurus nods in agreement, "And I hope you can get over your fear and show what you really can do.", he says to Ahmya.

"You sound like Piekron now...", she comments.

"I think it's our plane now, I will miss you, I had a great time if you ignore the Hero Killer incident but it was fun to see a said powerful villain being lectured like a child.", says Laura hugging her mother.

"Try to not kill anyone from the hero course.", says her uncle.

"Aww man, I really wanted to see it.", comments Markus.

"I can record it.", says her mother.

"Really mom?", she says sweatdroping.

"It's not every day my daughter is called to kick the hero class asses.", her mother says and the group laughs.

After the final goodbyes and some promises, her uncle and his friends finally leaves to take their plane.

"It will be quiet now...", she thinks.

"What are we, chopped liver?", says Kibadda and she laughs.

Maybe it's not that bad...

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