Chapter 39 - Day after

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"... As you can see, the damage on Kamino Ward is more extensive than it looked last night so...", Ahmya is watching the morning news while using her mother lap as pillow, she is still exhausted, and petting Myamsar who is sleeping on her like a cat.

Both hears someone knocking on the door and her mother gets up and leaves Ahmya laying down in the couch to see who is it at this time.

"Hi Mrs Hoshino.", says Void, she had brought Hayao along too, "Can we enter?"

Ahmya's mother let's them enter and goes back to the living room.

"... And looks like this fight was the last of All Might's career, now going back a little you can see the moment some random children, now identified as being UA hero students, jump in the middle of the fight to rescue the student that was kidnapped..."

"I wonder how UA will deal with it now that everyone knows that some hero students decided to play heroes in the middle of a war zone...", says Hayao.

"I've seen worse but considering what happened on I-island you think that they learned their lesson with leaving things to the trained heroes.", says Ahmya, "And they will probably have it worse because I made Myamsar drop the recording of their planning on Eraserhead's lap while he was dealing with the media."

"... On other news, heroes and the police are trying to investigate what happened on Deika City, some people who had relatives there found weird that they weren't answering messages or calls and when they left to see what happened they found a giant pool of lava in the place, until now no ice or temperature quirks worked, this is what the police chief said:

We are still trying to cool down the lava but so far nothing we tried worked, the moment we manage to properly investigate what happened we will get the villain who killed a city full of innocent people..."

"'Innocent'? Yeah, right.", mumbles Ahmya but both Hayao and Void manages to hear and they give a look to each other now that they know that Ahmya had something to do with it.

"How is Grenburr by the way?", she asks.

"He is still resting, they did put a decent fight after all.", says Wooyari.

"Yeah, until they were melted with magma, that ice quirk user lasted longer, pity that his sacrifice to allow the other leaders to run was for nothing.", she says.

"... The executive director of Shoowaysha Publishing, Chitose Kizuki, along with the politician Koku Hanabata and the board member of Feel Good, Inc., Tomoyasu Chikazoku were found dead with multiple stab wounds, there are no leads on suspects..."

"Myamsar really likes to play the shadow assassin.", comments Oohoroc.

"That's the why I send him after them, he can do a clean kill and not question when I send him after someone.", she says while petting him making him to stretch but not wake up.

"And the CEO of the Detnerat Company, Rikiya Yotsubashi, was declared missing after his some employers noticed his absence at work and not answering any form of contact..."

"If they manage to cool down the magma, they can find something... or not.", comments Ahmya.

"I'm not going to ask.", says Hayao.

"You and father would get along so great...", comments Void.

"I do wonder how the other girl is...", says Ahmya.

"Other girl?", asks Void.

"In the middle of the mess they involved a third party but I was so done with their delusions that I kind of said 'fuck off' and destroyed everything...", she says sheepishly.

"Brother will hear about it.", says her mother going to the kitchen to get the phone.

"Wha... wait!", she says getting up, dropping Myamsar, and going after her mother.

"Even though the weird situation you're right, I hope she isn't too traumatized with what she saw...", comments Charibasa.



A girl with long brown hair and brown, almost gold, eyes was watching the same news with her family while having breakfast.

"Villains are getting really out of control nowadays, are you sure you still want to continue with your job Amu-chan?", says her mother to her older sister.

"It's fine really, I'm made of tough stuff and people needs me, specially now that their dreams will be broken with All Might's retirement.", says her sister, a young adult with bubblegum pink hair and golden eyes.

"Here she goes again with her stupid 'believe on your dreams' bullshit.", thinks the girl.

She just leaves the table and goes to her bedroom and lays on her bed.

"They didn't even noticed that I was kidnapped last night.", she says upset with her family.

She feels a small tug on her sleeve and looks to see one of her small summons looking at her worriedly.

"I'm fine Millennial Tree, really. I just somehow can't stop hoping that someday they will notice me instead of only looking at my sister...", she sits on the bed, "And after what happened last night I'm sure that things will change, I just hope it doesn't end on something that makes Amu more important that she already is...", she says the last part with a sneer, "I know I should be traumatized but for some reason I never felt more safe on my life..."


She was looking at Ahmya while said girl observed the pool of lava that was once a city, the flames and the blowing wind made her look more menacing than she already was.

"Just one thing, don't tell anyone what you saw here though I doubt that someone would believe you.", says Ahmya.

✂-----------------Flashback ends---------------------

"I wonder if I will see her again, we have the same power after all.", comments the girl.

Time to deal with the consequences...

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