Chapter 3 - The deal part 2

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Ahmya sees that the situation doesn't look so favorable for the heroes but decides to leave, it's their problem anyway.

"Should we help him?", asks another voice in her head.

"No, besides he always gloats about how he could defeat any villain he wanted so he should use it as learning experience for his ego.", answers Ahmya walking away until she notices Midoriya running to the Slime villain.

"Who could imagine it... he does have a last wish...", before Ahmya answers she sees All Might appearing and making a speech about 'true heroism' and giving a strong punch that changed the weather.

"Good thing I always carry an umbrella with me...", she thinks while taking an umbrella from her bag and opening it, "Well, unnecessary things aside, let's do what we have to do.", she begins to walk away.

A bit after when she is walking to get to the train station, she hears someone calling her name and turns to see Midoriya coming at her direction.

"Hoshino-san... I-I wanted to thank you for earlier and ask why, I saw you there, why you didn't do anything? I know your quirk is very versatile so it would have been a great help to save Kacchan...", he is interrupted by her lifting her hand for him to stop.

"Wow, he really lacks common sense sometimes.", comments another voice.

"Look here Midoriya-san, what I did this time had nothing to do with you, I just wanted them to shut up and begin the classes already and seriously?", she gives him an incredulous look, "I was just acting like how society expects me to act as civilian: leave the villains to heroes to deal with... Wait...", she realizes something and gets angry, "You are taking notes on my quirk again?!", she says menacingly.

"He really did it this time, hey Pingrek, we need to work in another spell to keep people away...", says another voice offhandedly.

"N-no, I-I swear! I just thought...", he tries to explain until he sees her enraged look.

"I'm leaving before I hurt you, I just wasted my time here.", she just shakes her head and turns, but before she leaves she says, "Look, we already had that talk but you need to get rid of your stalker tendencies when you gets obsessed with a new quirk.", and then proceeds to leave not noticing a angry blonde approaching Midoriya.


"This is it.", Ahmya comments while waiting for her mother on the entrance of UA, she just gives a look at the letter, a letter written by the principal of UA himself asking for her to come and she is sure that it's because of her quirk.

"Ahmya-chan?", her thoughts get interrupted by her mother arriving, "Shall we go inside?"

When reaching the gates, a man that looked like a homeless person greeted them and guided them to the principal office, where the principal was already waiting them.

"Greetings miss and mrs. Hoshino, as you know I'm Nedzu, the principal of UA, do any of you accept any tea?", says a mouse? bear? Ahmya is not sure but doesn't want to ask about it, after both refuses, he continues, "As you know I'm always interested on the new generation of heroes, but something on you caught my interest..."

Ahmya just feels like leaving and never coming back, the voices in her head tries to give some comfort words.

"Sorry Nedzu-san, but what you want with my daughter?", asks her mom with narrowed eyes, "I don't see a reason for you to use your time on a random person."

"That's where you got things wrong mrs. Hoshino, when I heard about someone who could summon living beings to do their bidding, you can say that I'm really interested.", Nedzu says with a weird glint in his eyes, "Miss Hoshino, can you summon them right now?"

"I can only summon three now.", Ahmya says emotionlessly, she doesn't like to call them when there's no need, "You want me to call them here or in another place?", she really doesn't want to be here.

"Please, bring any you want to.", answers Nedzu with a maniac glint but it was so fast that anyone would think it was just on their head.

Ahmya just close her eyes and mentally asks who wants to come, after receiving three affirmative responses she lifts her right hand and mumbles something making three colored circles appear on the floor bringing three small identical beings if it wasn't for the masks and scarfs.

One uses a brown colored mask that resembles a dog and uses a blue scarf along a with a little cape, the second uses an orange-yellow colored mask that looks like a cat and uses a light green scarf, the last one uses a pink-magenta colored mask that resembles a fish and a dark blue scarf.

Nedzu looks at them with interest and Ahmya have to hold herself from getting in front of them because she doesn't like the look he is giving, a very common déjà vu for her.

"My, how interesting, they have names? Say how much time they can be here?", asks him after a while.

"The one with the dog mask is called Wondabarappa, the cat one is called Myamsar and the fish one is Wooyari, they are called patapons. They can be here until they don't feel like being here anymore and they can fight.", Ahmya really wants to go home.

"So, we just come here to my daughter to show you her quirk like an exhibition?", her mother's irritation is very noticeable.

"Now now, I just wanted to satiate my curiosity, you can't blame me for this.", he gives a small chuckle and Ahmya gets the three patapons into her arms like dolls, "Now that it's done with, I will tell you the real reason for this meeting, I want to offer miss Hoshino a spot on the recommended exams."

Both Ahmya and her mom becomes quiet, like pondering about something.

"No thank you.", says Ahmya seriously and Nedzu gets a bit surprised.

"I respect your response but why refuse it?", he asks.

"I want to enter on my own merit, not in the easy way, I heard how the exams always favors the physical quirks just like I know that the teachers kind of have a say on which classes the participants will be so... how about a deal?", when she finishes saying it she notices her mother getting tense and Nedzu looking interested.

"Oh? Please tell me about it?", she could see a scheming glint on his eyes.

"If I manage to get first place on the normal entrance exams, I will get to choose which class I want, no offense but I don't like people deciding things for me.", she says.

"And if you don't get first place?", he asks.

"You decide but I'm not going to lose. No turn backs or distorting facts.", she says, "So we have a deal?", she lifts her hand for a handshake.

"Deal, I look forward to see your performance miss Hoshino.", he accepts the handshake, "Well, I thank you for coming here but I think it's better you go back home."

With it both Ahmya and her mother left to go back home.


After the mother and daughter duo left the office Nedzu just finishes his tea and gets thoughtful.

"So, what you think Eraserhead?", he asks to the empty office and then a man appears in a dark corner of the room, the same 'homeless looking man' that greeted Ahmya and her mother.

"Based on what we saw and read about her quirk she probably must be one of those kids who had their ego inflated since their quirks manifested.", he answers critically.

"I'm not sure but I can't say I'm not excited to see what she can do to keep the deal.", Nedzu gives a small smile and chuckles a bit.


After a tiring night and a small dinner Ahmya is sleeping soundly on her bed along the little patapons she called earlier while her mother covers them with a blanket.

Just wait for what tomorrow brings...

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