Chapter 41 - Dorms and confrotation

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Ahmya is just checking her bag again and then get the keys and is about to leave when her mother stops her.

"Call me when it's over so I will know where you are.", her mother says and she nods and proceeds to leave the house.

While she walks to the train station she sighs.

"Let's hope 1-A don't ruin things more than they already did.", she mumbles.

"It's easier to make a rock stuck on the ground to move than they not doing something stupid.", comments Jamsch.


Ahmya is now in front of the dorm along with her class, while the others look at it in awe, she isn't that impressed.

"Can they stop with the 'H aesthetic'? We already got it.", she thinks.

"Yamada-sensei just said that he will be a bit late, something happened and he needed to solve it.", says the class president, she wonders if she needs to begin to bother remembering names and ignores the "Yes!" she received.

"I'm going to walk and see the area, are you coming with me?", she asks Hayao and he just shrugs in response and both leaves the group.


While both were walking they found Void, who slipped from her group, and decided to continue the walk while talking about average things until they realize that they are near 1-A dorms, they were about to turn back until they notice that Eraserhead was scolding them because of the "rescue stunt" and decided to listen.

"... I would have you all expelled as punishment.", he says.

"Then why you don't do it? 'Nº 1 hero' retirement aside, you just threatening them and then going back will only reinforce on their heads that they can do whatever they want and it will be brushed aside.", says Ahmya which caught the attention of everyone.

"What you're doing here?", says Eraserhead, "You were supposed to be with your class."

"Yamada-sensei had a sudden matter to take care of so he is not here right now?", she says shrugging.

"Well, you three should go back and not get in the matters that not concern you.", he says.

"Ironic of you to say it because this year all problems had your class involved and the consequences involved everyone around them. Heck, it wouldn't surprise me that this dorms thing is only happening to protect them specifically but UA needed to involve the other classes to not show favoritism.", she says, she is really bitter about the dorms.

"Now you're being too judgmental of the situation.", he says.

"Oh, I am? How about the fact that you enables them or is not really much help?", she says annoyed.

"Excuse me?! Who are you to tell me this? Her daughter or not, you need to know you place in this situation!", he says angry while activating his quirk.

"I can tell it because looks like you don't really care about your class.", she says, "How about the fact that you never tried to help Midoriya with his quirk? Don't look at me like that! He literally got his quirk on the day of the entrance exam so he would need more help than the rest of the class since his quirk is still developing!", she ignores Midoriya palling and Eraserhead looking shocked, "Oh? Don't tell me you didn't read his file, better yet, did you read anyone else's files? I don't think so, after all it's all on your judgement mister 'I only need my own opinion'."

She was about to continue but hears Hayao calling her because looks like Yamada-sensei arrived, just when she was having fun... Oh well, time to finish it then.

"I wanted to say more but this will be postponed, just let me tell you something:", she turns to 1-A, "Playing hero will only get you so far and then you will become a liability; what you did was reckless, stupid and it obviously happened because since it was your 'friend'", she makes quotation marks with her fingers, "you thought that it was personal and you needed to be involved instead of trusting the heroes, and before someone goes with 'but it worked in the end' let me ask you: Did it really? Their rescue stunt took everyone's attention, especially the heroes, and if the villains took advantage of the distraction to attack and kill the heroes? Not a good scenario, right? So, still feeling that you did the right thing knowing that you could have made things worse? And let's not forget the backlash UA is suffering thanks to you and your 'heroic spirits'."

She sees them flinching and looking to anywhere but her which makes her feel a bit better from her bitterness because of the dorms.

"And before I forget, Eraserhead-san.", she says with a closed eyes smile, "With how you defend Bakugou looks like an obvious favoritism.", she puts a finger in her cheek in a contemplative expression, "I wonder if said favoritism would still exist if you knew who he really is..."

Before anyone could ask what she meant with it she leaves with her group.


After the introduction of the dorms and Ahmya giving a look on hers so she will have a idea of what to bring, she decides to go home, she doesn't feel like being there anymore.

"At least you managed to let out part of your frustrations...", says Piekron.

Before she could give an answer, she sees Midoriya, her face takes a serious look.

"What you want Midoriya?", she says annoyed.

"Hoshino-san... I thought about what you said and after the camp I decided, killing isn't the answer and I will show you that!", he says determinately.

"It's another of your attempts of making me see how heroes are the answer? You know, let me just say it once, so pay attention because I'm not repeating myself: you can't save everyone, even if it's not you who do the kill someone will die as consequence of your actions and when it happens you will break if you keep that 'I will save everyone' idealism, this is real life not some sort of comic book where people dies offscreen so no one notices."

She walks away leaving an upset Midoriya.

Moving... Moving...

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