Chapter 40 - Talk

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Just a normal morning in the park, except that Ahmya have a gloomy aura and can't stop sighing making her friends sweatdrop.

"Are you ok?", asks Void and Ahmya.

"I had to endure an almost one-hour lecture about 'how to keep your anger and kill at the right moment' from my uncle, could have been longer but I believe Orpheus realized about what was the lecture about and both ended fighting for the phone for almost two minutes with Orpheus winning and saying that they call later before ending the call...", her friends sweatdrop again.

"And we know who had to endure a lecture afterwards...", comments Oohoroc.

"Now if they could be more open about their relationship...", she thinks and look at her watch, "Better we go back, we had to endure teachers coming to our houses because they decided to make UA a boarding school thanks to 1-A shenanigans.", she says annoyed.

"Yeah, now I will have to spend with my school years in a dorm with that girl...", grumbles Void.

"And we with people that we didn't bothered to memorize their names... I can imagine they barging on our business with the excuse of 'class bonding'.", says Hayao and Ahmya sighs.

"And dealing with Shinsou... If he annoys me too much you two will be my alibi when they find the body.", she says and both shrugs.

After that they go back to their respective homes.


"I'm back.", she says entering her home and taking off her shoes and putting her slippers.

"Welcome back, we have visits.", says her mother, "And you know who they are."

And she was right because in the living room are her homeroom teacher and Eraserhead.

"While I understand Yamada-sensei.", she gestures to her teacher and then to Eraserhead, "What are you doing here? Your business isn't with 1-A?", she says skeptically and he looks at her annoyed.

"I just came here to say one thing: I know that whatever happened on Deika City it was something you did.", he says.

"Oho? Bold words coming from a hero without any proof.", she says amusedly.

"Don't use that tone with me! Every weird thing that happened so far had you in the middle of it!", he accuses.

"'Weird'... You mean when I 'saved' you and everyone else on USJ? Or when I 'saved' your students from Stain? The training fiasco that I told you all that it was going to end bad but you all ignored me because 'I'm a gen-ed student that can't compare to the hero students' and look how well it ended? Or that I stopped your students of making a stupid stunt on I-island? Or that I informed you that your students were going to do another 'hero' stunt? There are too moments, be more specific please.", she says with a shrug and notices her mother trying to hold her laugh.

"Please, we are getting sidetracked here.", says her teacher before Eraserhead begins with his accusations, "Look, as you surely saw in the news All Might retired."

"Way to state the obvious, I had to endure a party on my head thanks to it.", she thinks.

"Like you weren't partying too.", says Guardira and she decides to go back to pay attention on what is being told.

"... And after the villain attacks it was decided that to keep the students safe we will implement dorms where they will spend their school years, the visits are more to see if the parents will keep their children on the school or remove them.", he finishes.

"It's ironic that the entire school must pay for the shenanigans of one class but anyways, I will go but not now.", says Ahmya.

"That's not how it works.", says Eraserhead.

"Sorry, but after your 'beloved hero'...", she sneers at the last part, "... retired, my mother had to deal with more paperwork including the preparations for the provisional licenses that obviously will have a 'heavier' meaning this year. So yeah, sorry if I want to be sure if my mother will be safe and healthy, I will only go officially to the dorms after they finish their little licenses 'arc' and no school or heroes will stop me, capiche?", she says in an ominous tone.

"Little listener, you must understand...", her teacher tries to say.

"You heard her, didn't you?", says her mother and glares at Eraserhead, "And Eraserhead, I will ignore that you came to my house and accuse my daughter of slaughtering a city just because you feel like it but next time... oh, if there will be a next time to begin with...."

"I say it a lot but your mother scares me...", says Grenburr.

"You and everyone else...", answers Ahmya.

"Are you threatening me?", says Eraserhead.

"Oh no, it's just a warning, after all if you can't even keep your class on line who are you to judge my daughter?", she says making a thinking pose.

"You...", he tries to say but her teacher pushes him to the door.

"Alright, even if you don't go to live immediately you have to come when we introduce the dorms to the students... I will email you about it later.", and both leaves and her mother closes the door.

"Eraserhead is so easy to rile up.", say Ahmya amusedly.

"Well, as hero is good but as teacher, he really lacks a lot, so... you're going to do something about his disguised favoritism?", says her mother.

"Ah, don't worry, the only good thing about those dorms is that it will be easy to find that class and show them who is the person they risked their lives and future careers.", she says, "I'm sure Midoriya will be in denial though but meh, it will be a development for him to get over his idolatry on Bakugou."

After this they continued their day as normally while feeling a bit smug.


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