Chapter 28 - The one that's really a filler

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After the Hosu fiasco the group had decided to postpone the restaurant trip, but since they wanted to forget the incident, they are now having lunch on Ahmya's favorite buffet restaurant, they were known for being cheaper, having high quality food and for their "eat how much you can" policy, she called Hayao and Void to be part of it, she didn't wanted to be the only teen in an adult group.

"Thanks again for inviting us.", says Hayao.

"It's no problem really.", says Ahmya dismissively, "I kind of wanted to apologize over the scene at the cafeteria after all."

"But we already said it wasn't your fault.", says Void.

"They are right you know, sometimes we have to remind people that they are overstepping boundaries even if they don't realize it.", says her mother, "Though I still have to talk with our lawyers about the hero issue..."

"Now that you mention it, on the sports festival you said that you were classmates with two of the current hero students.", says Markus, "And you mentioned that one of them tried to 'show who was the boss' and it ended bad, I'm a bit curious about what happened."

"You really lack tact, you know.", says her uncle shaking his head in exasperation.

"It's ok really, it's not really a long story.", says Ahmya.

"Story time!", says Void cheerful.

"Ok.", says Ahmya and turns to Void, "Firstly: you weird me out a lot; and secondly: this 'problem' happened after I transferred to their school, after another incident, mother decided that the best course of action was to move to another neighborhood to avoid him...", she sneers at his mention, "So yeah, first day in a new school you know..."


[Ahmya is 10 years old]

Ahmya was waiting for the teacher to call her to introductions, she really hates being the center of attention and she is sure that someone will ask about her quirk.

"Why people can't mind their own business?", she thinks.

"That's the problem with this society, your position on this is based on how 'powerful' or 'useful' your quirk is.", says Charibasa.

Before she could answer the teacher called her and she entered the classroom.

"Everyone, this is Ahmya Hoshino, she just transferred here so I hope you can treat her with respect.", says the teacher, "Did you have anything to say?", he asks and Ahmya just sighs.

"Yeah, I have one thing to say.", she says, "Before someone asks, my quirk is called 'Uberhero power' and what it does is none of your business."

The class became quiet and an awkward silence predominates until the teacher speaks again.

"An interesting introduction... Please sit on the back near Hinata Naoto.", said person raised his hand and she left to sit on her place.

After some time, she realized some things, one: the school are a bunch of people pleasers, two: they are grooming people with strong quirks to be heroes and leech the fame later, and three: there's a quirkless guy from another class who doesn't stop following her.

"I think I know how to turn things on my favor...", she thinks.

"Oh, time for another devious plan...", says Myamsar mischievously.


After two weeks, she became the most talked thing among the school staff, they were always praising how diligent and helpful she was with the teachers, even with small things like getting coffee, this attention didn't sit well for one student who was angry that he wasn't the focus of the praises anymore so he decided to confront the source of his problems...


Ahmya was just walking to her classroom after delivering some papers the teacher asked her for.

"Hey you!", she hears a voice saying and sees an angry blonde boy with red eyes.

"Can I help you?", she says emotionlessly which makes him angrier.

"Yeah, you can. You know, in this school only the strongest rules!", he says and makes a small explosion but then gets annoyed when she didn't even flinch, "People like you should be on the shadows where you belong, not trying to steal what is mine!"

"Pathetic.", says Grenburr.

"So let me get this straight: you are trying to threaten me just because there's no one feeding your ego?", she says nonchalantly, "I don't care so excuse me, I have more important things to do."

She is about to leave but then he grabs her arm.

"I'm not done with you, bitch!", he screams.

"Ok, that's it! Destrobo, Cannassault.", she thinks and just raise her other arm and did what anyone would do: punches him in the face.

After this she just walk away like nothing happened leaving an unconscious boy behind.

✂-----------------Flashback ends---------------------

"After this they called mother and his parents but nothing really happened, teachers said that someone so 'helpful and kind' wouldn't punch him without reason so they brushed it aside as one of his shenanigans.", she finishes her tale and notices that the group are trying, and failing, to hold their laugh, it's a public place after all.

"And after this Midoriya began to stalk you more to 'know more about your quirk'...", says Pyokorider.

"Don't even remind me...", she answers, "But that's a tale for another day..."

The past it's all in the past after all...

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