Chapter 73 - More annoying people 2

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"So, it's almost christmas, huh?', hums Octavia, "Do you have something planned?"

"Yeah, I'm going to spend it with my parents", says Yasu while petting the centipede scarf.

"I'm going to be with my mom and maybe do a videocall with my uncle.", comments Ahmya.

"I'm going to spend it here.", says Hinamori and the others look at her and she sighs, "I don't feel like entertaining my sister, I'm sure she will bring her friends again, she does it every year..."

"If you want, you can spend it on my house, I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind.", says Ahmya and Hinamori seems to think about it.

"Doesn't sound bad, I just want to avoid issues, last year one of my sister friends annoyed Pitaya so much that they almost burned the house down, it was funny to see the others trying to hold them down but they only stopped after Longan threw a glare at them.", then she sighs, "Afterwards I had to deal with my sister trying to lecture me because I let the cookies free to do whatever they want, sorry if my quirk summons living beings instead of having fairies that change my personality.", she grumbles the last part.

"Let me warn my mom that we will have one more person with us.", says Ahmya getting her phone to message her mom.

"On the other hand, I will spend mine with my mother too.", says Octavia, "Though father said that he would come too but I wonder how since his looks are very... 'exotic'..."

The group remembers what Octavia's father looks like and silently agrees that it will be hard for him to appear on Japan without getting the police or heroes attention.

"Maybe he found a way to disguise himself?", wonders Yasu.

"Even though this talk was good, let's finish preparing for the day.", says Hinamori.

The group goes back to their routine and to prepare for christmas...

✂---------------Some days later-----------------------

After the new year's UA was back with their school schedule, it was a nice break though...

"I heard that the hero students are having their internships again.", says Octavia, the one who always finds a way to know about the latest gossips.

"Not surprising since the LoV is too quiet and there's the Pandara issue.", comments Ahmya, "Though Pandara is too quiet nowadays too, I'm sure they are planning something... and maybe the uberheroes are onboard with whatever it is...", she feels like they all are avoiding her gaze.

"Why you say that?", asks Hinamori.

"They too are too quiet, last time it happened they decided to play vigilantes killing all villains they could find, it was when I was eight years old.", Ahmya shrugs.

"Wait...", Yasu realizes, "It was them?! No wonder the supposed vigilante disappeared and no one could find them...".

"I think I remember about it, my parents tried too hard to make my sister give up being a hero at the time because those deaths were too gruesome.", says Hinamori.

"YOU!", the group heard someone scream and looks to see Ahmya's sister.

Ahmya looks unamused and the other three confused.

"Don't you have a life to live?", says Ahmya sarcastically and her sister looks angry.

"Stop pretending that you are better than me, I'm just here to fix the situation.", she says and makes her nails longer.

Ahmya just rises an eyebrow and waits, it wasn't fast or anything, her sister just tried to go after her face, she summons the flag and uses it to stop her sister's arms and kicks her in the stomach, in her fall she breaks her nails... again...

"I'm really sure that she is a sadomasochist.", comments Kibadda.

"You all were too quiet.", she answers back and receives a lot of apologies as response but decides to focus on her sister.

"I recommend you to leave, you don't have that man grooming you into thinking that the world should be grateful that you exist, face reality, your quirk is useless.", she says and sees her sister angrily gets up and leaves.

When she picks her bag, something falls from it and Yasu goes to investigate.

"With the amount of envy she haves she would be perfect for a darkhero, well, I don't take children, I'm not a pedophile.", says Pandara out of blue while shrugging.

The group does a double take.

"Since when you are here?", says Octavia scared and Pandara takes a thinking pose.

"Five minutes ago...? Maybe, not sure.", they shrug again and the group sweatdrops.

"Everyone...", says Yasu with an urgent tone.

"Did something happen?", says Hinamori worriedly.

Yasu just stares at them silently and reveals what had fallen from the bag, a book, but not any book, it had written "Paranormal Liberation Front" on the cover, Octavia becomes pale, Hinamori gets a look of horror, Pandara just stares blankly because they don't know what it implies, Ahmya though...

"Some people should learn to stay dead...", she says with a dark look.

I'm back bitches....


Sorry for the long delay, I'm still trying to get a decent schedule after some things happened here.

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