Chapter 7 - I just want to go home [it's too much to ask?]

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"It was kind of them for letting the candidates use the changing room showers.", Yarida comments while Ahmya is drying her hair.

"It's the least they could do, imagine who hard it would affect them if the candidates walked around there looking like they passed from hell and back after the exams.", she mumbles and then yawns, "So tired...", she says while reaching her locker where she put her bag and coat.

When she gets her bag, she checks if everything is there, after this she puts the towel in a plastic bag and then in the bag finally closing it and leaving the room after dressing her coat.

"I'm done Chari, let's go home.", she says to Charibasa who was waiting for her outside the room, he is still on his other form.

When both passes the corridors, people begin to murmur and she doesn't like the attention, it's not her fault that UA was irresponsible with their own robots, dammit!

She just sigh, she is doing it a lot lately she notices, and when they reach the gates she hears someone calling for her, when she turns she see four people that she doesn't recognize, it's two boys and two girls: the first girl have long green hair with the tip stylized like a ribbon and have frog features, the other girl have a rocker vibe with short purple hair and earphone plugs on her ears, as for the boys, one have blonde hair and looks like a martial artist he had a tail too, the other had black hair and tape dispensers on his elbows.

"You're the one who saved us from the zero pointer.", says the boy with blonde hair.

"I think so, look I just did what had to be done.", she just says tiredly.

"We just wanted to say thank you for saving us, when the zero pointer appeared we weren't in a very favorable position.", says the black haired boy while scratching the back of his head.

"I'm very blunt on my opinion so I can say that you were the only one who really cared while everyone else ran away, ribbit.", says the frog girl.

"Yeah, it was obvious that something was wrong with that robot when the heroes appeared afterwards.", says the purple haired girl.

"Look, it's all good and all but I'm very tired and I just want to get home and lay down ok, see ya later.", Ahmya says tiredly and pass the gates with Charibasa leaving the quartet behind.

"We forgot to ask her name.", comments the black haired guy.


While almost reaching the train station they are intercepted by her sister and she doesn't look so happy.

"You know, I was having the perfect morning: I woke up, eaten breakfast and got to UA to do my entrance exams but everything wasn't perfect you know, because I saw you there after I told you to not go!", she just gets angrier, "And worse! I heard the people talking about your 'powerful amazing' quirk! I should have been the one being praised not my weak sister."

Ahmya was about to leave but noticed that her sister fingertips were bandaged so she decides humor her a little.

"So, sister dearest, mind telling me why your fingers are bandaged? No wait, let me guess... your nails broke the second you tried to use them on the robots, right? Did they take you to the infirmary immediately? I would hate if you got gravely hurt because of your weak, almost useless, quirk.", she uses a fake concerned tone.

Her sister silence is the confirmation that she is right.

"Ha! I won! You all owe me your weeky chocolate supply now!", says Yumiyacha and some groans are heard afterwards, Ahmya had a hard time to not smile at their antics.

"Well, guessing by it you didn't get a single point! Oh God.", she covers her mouth with a hand in a fake surprised tone, "And there goes your plan of being the 'power couple of UA' with Bakugou.", she continues mocking her.

"I still have a chance! They will realize their errors and see how powerful I am! I was trained by Noir Legendaire after all. And what about you? I'm sure you were worse than me, people called your quirk powerful but they just lack taste on real power.", her sister says trying to regain her arrogant tone.

"Oh, I don't know really, I just destroyed every robot I saw, you can say I got a bit trigger happy there...", and with this she takes Charibasa hand on hers and go to her train that arrived leaving her annoyed sister behind.


They were finally on her neighborhood but when they were almost there they were intercepted by a man.

"You're that homeless looking guy that works on UA.", she says in a mix of frustrated and tired, she just wants to sleep it's too much to ask for?

"You owe us a lot of explanations.", his irritation was very noticeable but she wasn't feeling like humoring him.

"I don't owe you nothing, he wanted to know the summoning and it was what he got, so are you going to leave or you will try to get the info you want by force? Just for you to know, Chari still have thirty minutes on this form so be careful on your answer.", she says and Charibasa glares at him.

He gives them an annoyed look but decides to retreat, she sighs again and both begins to walk to her home again.


When finally reaching her home she just opens the door and throw herself in the sofa, Charibasa had to close the door and her mother appeared after hearing the small commotion.

"Let me guess you almost overused your quirk.", Ahmya didn't even lifted her head to nod and she notices Charibasa new look, "What happened to him?"

"That's what happens when I fuse my quirk with a djinn summon.", her voice is muffled because she still didn't lift her head from the pillow, "For some reason the fusion with the Yarigami Sutra only works on him and I didn't wanted to freak out people with a giant statue in a cannon with spears."

"Yeah, but in compensation you freaked out people with a literal 'killer move' made by a god.", comments Guardira.

"I was kind enjoying you all being quiet for once.", she says.

"We wanted to give you time, you looked too tired.", says Yarida.

"While I wanted to talk more, I want to rest for a bit.", she gets up and sits on the sofa and stretches a little, "I'm going to my bedroom.", she tells to her mother.

"I will call you when dinner is ready.", says her mother.

She only nods and goes to her bedroom being followed closely by Charibasa.

And this is just the beginning....

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