Chapter 11 - Invasion

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Another normal day of school, Ahmya was walking calmly to UA until she sees that the front gates are flooded by reporters, she just sighs and notices Hayao frozen while staring at the reporters.

"He must have some serious problems of social interaction to react like that.", comments Kibadda.

"He does looks like someone social awkward after all.", she comments and looks at the reporters, "And mother was right."

"Well, she was the one who spread the rumor so it was obvious that it was going to blow soon.", says Alosson.

She just narrows her eyes and takes Hayao by his wrist and drags him with her to the gates.

"Can you tell me if All Might is here today?", "How are All Might classes?", were things asked by the mass of reporters she just lifts her hand in a 'stop right there' gesture.

"Firstly: go bother the hero course students if really want to know about All Might; second: go bother someone who cares about it; and third and last: leave me and my friend pass or then I will call my mother to make her call our lawyers because media are talking with minors without their parents or guardians' consent.", she says and pass dragging Hayao with her.

"Buch of vultures.", comments Grenburr.

"When they aren't?", she shots back.

"Touché.", he answers back.


"I know it's sudden but you have to pick a class president.", says Yamada-sensei.

After this announcement everyone tries to convince the others to vote them, in the end it was decided that the president was a girl called Aya Tsukino and the vice a boy called Hiroshi Shirogane.

On lunchtime Ahmya decides to eat on the cafeteria even though she brought her food again, when searching for a place to sit she finds someone who she didn't wanted to see right now.

"Hoshino-san.", greets Midoriya, "Did you want a place to sit? You can sit with me and my friends."

"No, I'm fine.", she marches to where she saw Hayao sitting alone, it was a distant desk, he just gives a curious looks at her.

"Do you know him?", he asks mentioning about Midoriya.

"No one important, just a stalker from middle school.", she says and he looks worried so she elaborates, "I don't talk about my quirk besides family but he is so obsessed on knowing everything about other people's quirks that he decided to stalk me to find about it."

A look of realization dawns on his face but before he could elaborate an answer, a girl appears, she has long black hair that was releasing some sort of black miasmas and was dripping a little like it was some sort of liquid, her eyes are completely black, she was using a black sweater bellow the uniform jacket.

"Can I sit here? I very annoyed by my class right now to sit with them.", she says.

"Go ahead, no one is stopping you.", answers Ahmya gesturing to her and Hayao.

"Thanks, I'm Octavia Void, I'm from the support course.", the now identified Void says, "Sorry about the void dripping on the floor, it tends to happen when I get angry."

"What made you so angry?", asks Hayao but then deflates with the attention, "Only if you want to say it of course.", he buries his face on his centipede like scarf in embarrassment.

"It's not much.", she sighs and then gets annoyed, "Just one of my classmates is making things harder for us all but the others are ok with her because she have talent even though said talent causes more damage than good."

"Mood.", says Ahmya remembering that Hitoshi is still on her because on his vision she is 'wasting a great opportunity.'

Before someone else can say anything else, the loud sound of the alarms resonates and the people in the cafeteria runs like they are going to die, Ahmya only looks around and gets up and walks to another direction.

"Where are you going?", asks Void.

"There is always more than one emergency exit, but people always take the obvious visible one, so I'm taking it, Myamsar says that it's only the reporters so if you want to remain here until the commotion is over is on you.", she says and goes to the other exit.

She just is walking on a random corridor while going to her class like she memorized the maps of the place until she sees someone with his back turned in front of her, a boy with a hoodie but she can see the blue hair, he then turns to her direction.

"You...", he says.

"Man-child.", she greets with a small nod and looks around, "Nope, not dealing with it, do your thing and we pretend that it never happened."

"... Agreed.", he says and goes walking to the window and jumps.

She just continues walking to her classroom


After class is over, she walks to the train station with Hayao and Void, for some reason she wants to get involved with them, she is not going to complain.

When arriving home, she notices that her mother is already there.

"They must have released her early.", she thinks.

"Are you going to tell her about 'it'?", asks Tondenga.

"Yeah, at least she can tell me what they are planning.", she answers back.

Both mother and daughter get ready for dinner and Ahmya decides that is the best time to ask.

"Mom, I saw Man-child on UA today, they are planning something?", she asks.

Her mother spits her drink as response.

If anything happens, it's all All Might's fault...

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