Chapter 58 - The aftermath

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Some the time passed after the Yakuza raid, the media and the heroes still don't have idea about what happened to Overhaul, after his quirk "mysteriously" disappeared he fell and no hero managed to get him on time... but that's unimportant details...

"How things are going?.... I see... Hmm... So he is out? Good... I see... I talk with you later, thanks mom.", says Ahmya on her phone before hunging up.

"There's a conclusion for our new predicament?", asks Yasu and Ahmya turn to her friends and see them trying to make a castle of cards.

"Nothing much, just that with Overhaul dead and the heroes not knowing what happened people are uneasy with heroes...", she gives an amused smile, "The little girl kind of grabbed on Rock Lock and didn't wanted to let go so he is her temporary guardian with UA helping on her quirk training with Eraserhead, mother said something about the girl being scared of Midoriya too..."

"I don't blame her, which type of hero puts a child in danger while her quirk is out of control just because it's convenient for him?", says Octavia while trying to balance the cards, "Now that I think about it, my mother said that she received a call about they wanting to borrow Nana to be some sort of therapy animal.", she points at Nana sleeping on a cat bed alongside Myamsar and Ahmya nods.

"On other news, Nighteye isn't a hero anymore, after the Commission decided that he putting first years on a big and dangerous operation along with the repercussion of a picture on the internet...", she says smugly, "and the mysterious loss of his quirk without explanation but I know the reason...", she gives a discreet look at Myamsar and he stretches but continues to sleep, "You can guess the result."

"Not going to miss him honestly.", says Yasu, "My father said that when I was born, Nighteye told him that my existence was going to ruin his hero career, the lack of context was so big that my father got angry, specially after the incident with my quirk awakening and he dared to appear and act smug while saying 'I told you so' while conveniently ignoring that it was all my father's obsessive fangirls fault, not mine."

"Ah yes, I tend to forget that your family have a bad blood with him.", comments Ahmya and he just shrugs in response.

"Let's not forget your part on all of it, your picture caused a quite uproar you know.", says Hinamori, "My sister called me just to complain about it.", she rolls her eyes.

"I kind of avoided my social media pages these days, what happened?", asks Ahmya.

"Well, looks like that after the picture was posted some people got disturbed and called out Nighteye for having bdsm equipment on his office, he trying to explain made things worse because people hopes that heroes uses the money they gain from the Commission to help more on protecting them, not personal needs, they get a salary for this.", says Hinamori and she sighs, "Now every hero and sidekick will have to send a monthly report of their expenses and on what they used the money, every irregularity will be met with termination of contract and a life ban of working on heroics."

"A life ban you say?", comments Ahmya.

"And we know very well who will be kicked out soon", says Yarida.

"Which is a relief and not a big loss honestly.", she answers.

"Yeah, my sister was angry because they doing it will 'ruin their dreams'... sheesh, she needs a reality check because she really deluded herself with her own 'believe on yourself and your dreams' talk she sprouts every five seconds.", says Hinamori and she shakes her head in frustration.

"Your sister is Amulet right?", ask Octavia and Hinamori confirms, "Should have known, with you apparent hate for anything related to 'future' and 'dreams' talk."

"She even managed to annoy Millennial Tree,..", said cookie raises from her bag at hearing his name being mentioned,"... which is accomplishment on it's own because he is the calmest and chill being I know in my life."

"I'm telling you, most of the people who work with heroics are a bunch of delusional power-hungry people.", says Ahmya, "How is that castle going?"

They are almost done with the castle of cards until Nana wakes up and jumps on the table scattering all the cards on the table and in the floor.

"NANA!", says Octavia frustrated while the others laugh.

Time for a break....

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