Chapter 68 - What to do...

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"Sorry but I can't help you with the current problem.", says Ahmya uninterested.

After an unfortunate encounter with the Commission guy, he took Ahmya to the HPSC building, currently talking directly with the president, though it's more a one-sided talk since Ahmya refuses to bend to her demands...

"I'm not in the mood to play games.", says the president seriously, "Your quirk summons beings that looks like the one who attacked Tartarus! How do we know that it wasn't you that ordered the attack?"

"And what I would gain with it?", says Ahmya with a bored tone.

"Eh?", says the president confused, she thought that with the threat Ahmya would reveal something.

"I'm not a hero, nor plan to be one, I'm just someone who wants to live their life in peace without people breathing on my neck 'your quirk is powerful, you should become a hero'. This was a waste of time to every party involved.", she sighs and gets up, "What is happening it's not my problem but-", she looks straight at the president eyes, "-I can tell you who was the one to blame for the current situation.", she smirks internally while hearing the other uberheroes laughing in her head.

✂---------------Some days later-----------------------

Midoriya is now running towards the corridors of the general course classrooms, those last days were very weird for him: first he releases a literal god, though he thinks it's a exaggeration on Ahmya's part; he noticed the looks of derision from the other classes after the Culture Festival fiasco; said being just destroyed the high security prison of the country and killed the most dangerous villain of all time, and looks like they aren't alone anymore; now the HPSC have a interest on him for some reason; and let's not forget his weird dreams and quirk acting out while asleep.

After discovering that he is the one who should seal said being again... Now he is realizing that everything that happened so far wouldn't have happened if he just gave back the box to Ahmya instead of doing things behind her back and hoping for the best. Now he is a nerve wreck that even his classmates are suspicious that something is happening but he can't involve them, it was his fault so it's his responsibility to fix things.

"And maybe then I will manage to make Hoshino-san see that heroes aren't that bad...", he thinks reaching the door of Ahmya's classroom just to find out that she isn't here...

✂---------------At the cafeteria-----------------------

"Thanks for the warning, Piekron.", says Ahmya.

She and her friends are together eating a big box full of croquettes, tempura and rice balls that Myamsar had brought to Ahmya a bit earlier.

"Mother must be stressed again, the amount she cooks is relative to how much she is stressed.", says Ahmya before taking a bite of a rice ball, "Maybe I will have to talk with Pandara because of it..."

"I'm more surprised about what was used along the potatoes.", says Hinamori breaking apart one croquette to give to the cookies, "This meat, vegetables and tofu are expensive."

"She probably was already aiming for me to eat it, she knows that I'm not picky with food.", says Ahmya, "And we prefer to save money for things that we will really need."

"True, we were already on her house before and it looks so simple that makes you wonder about the money her mother receives, she works at the HPSC after all.", says Octavia, "By the way, how is your mother?", she asks to Yasu.

"Yesterday she woke up, the doctors are keeping her there to see if nothing else happens though.", he answers.

"That's nice, you looked really bad after getting back from the hospital.", says Ahmya.

"Speaking of not feeling well... Are you really ok? Nowadays you look a bit down.", says Octavia and Ahmya sighs.

"Honestly I don't know, things are getting a bit more complicated and I just wanted a simple life.", she says.

"Look at the brighter side.", says Hinamori, "At least you aren't on 1-A, after the fiasco at the festival a lot of rumors about 1-A causing the 'incident' on purpose because they weren't ready with their presentation so they decided to ruin it for the other classes because no one are allowed to outshine them."

"Man, your school is surely bitter towards a group of kids.", says a new voice and no one except Ahmya recognizes them.

"Rogue? I thought you was already back to England.", says Ahmya and her friends look at her in surprise but they could see the resemblance, like he didn't even bother to hide his identity, he just looks a bit younger.

"Your uncle forced me to still be here to oversee how things will develop.", he says pouting, "Specially after hearing that I lost the box which caused it to be opened.", he just takes a tofu tempura and takes a bite.

"I'm more surprised how you are here and no one noticed it yet.", says Octavia.

"I've invaded worse places.", he says waving a hand in dismissal.


"Yeah, I will tell my mother. Goodnight.", says Ahmya to Yasu before entering her bedroom to go to sleep...

... Just to be greeted by the sight of Pandara bowing down in a gesture of begging for forgiveness...

"... What?", it's the only thing she manages to say with how confused she is.

Pandara raises from the ground but still remains in kneeling/sitting position, they avoid looking at her in the eyes.

"I acted on impulse and didn't think about how it would affect the ones around me...", the specially you wasn't said but was very implied, "The power rush got the best of me and now we are in bigger mess than the beginning, I'm sorry.", they say and bows down again.

"I didn't think I would have to burn that bridge too early...", thinks Ahmya while not really knowing what to do in this situation.

How to deal with a distressed god?...

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