Chapter 31 - A tragedy asking to happen in 3...2...1...

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Some days before the end of term tests...

1-A is reunited on the Gym Gamma, Aizawa-sensei said that they were going to be part of a special practice before the tests, they look animated... Ahmya just looks at them from the door unimpressed.

"Such a pity that their happiness will be very short lived...", comments Destrobo.

"Well, you can't have everything, are you all ready to break some hopes?", she asks and receives some cheers as response and gives a small smile at their antics.

"... The principal thought it would be a good idea for this class to have some 'experience' before the tests, so you would know what to work with until the test's day.", says Eraserhead to his class, "To help us with this exercise we got a bit of help, you can enter now."

"Get ready and be careful.", says Charibasa.

"We endured a yearlong war and another year just to find a way for me to go back home, and I was 5 at the time, so this hero wannabees? They didn't saw the humanity's ugly face... yet...", she thinks and sighs.

Ahmya enters the gym with a neutral face, she can see that beside Eraserhead there's the other teachers and the principal but her biggest surprise was...

"Mother?", she says, her mother was there with her phone like she is recording something and using headphones.

"Hello dear, do you thought I was going to miss it? Say hello to your uncle.", her mother points the phone to her and she waves awkwardly.

"You're doing a live, seriously?", she says and then she just facepalms and shakes her head.

They just ignore the teachers and 1-A making them sweatdrop.

"Ahem.", Nedzu gets the attention back, "We want you to meet the one who scored first in the entrance exams but as the hero course never was her intention, we allowed her to move to her desired class."

"Heh, just forgot to say that you were tricked, so much for being smarter than human beings...", says Canassault.

Ahmya can see some people of the class having a look of recognition, specially...

"YOU BITCH!!!", yells Bakugou using his explosions as propulsion to hit her.

"Kaachan!/Bakugou no!", yells the people of 1-A.

But before Bakugou managed to reach Ahmya, he is hit in the stomach with a mace and throw back to his class stunned.

"And this is the supposed 'prodigy'... Really, you left yourself completely open.", says the one who hits Bakugou, the teachers could see the resemblance from the ones from the USJ attack but this one had a deer mask and big antlers, he carried a long mace.

"That's 'Piñata Boom Boom' for you.", says Ahmya and the 1-A class becomes confused with the nickname.

"Please, we agreed with no unnecessary violence.", says Eraserhead sighing.

"And what? You expected me to take the hit to stroke his fragile ego?", she answers back without missing a beat, "Why did you think I said to bring Recovery Girl?"

"Anyway, this is Ahmya Hoshino, she agreed to help you all with your performance.", finishes Eraserhead after sighing.

"How about we follow the idiot's example? I want you all to try to attack me.", she says darkly.

"They don't have any idea with what they are dealing.", crackles Myamsar.

"And knowing Midoriya, he will probably try to use it as a scheme to show 'how wonderful hero we can be'...", deadpans Pingrek and Ahmya had to suppress an eyeroll because she knows that he could very well do this.

"Are you sure about it?", says a girl with long black hair in a ponytail.

"Don't worry I will be fine.", she says while waving a hand in dismissal, "But not you.", she finishes in her head.

"I would like to not participate on this exercise, ribbit.", says a girl that Ahmya recognizes as one of the people she saved on the entrance exam.

"Me too.", says another girl, and then followed by two boys.

"Guys... Why?", says Midoriya.

"I still remember the entrance exams and if she was a powerhouse back then I fear how she is now.", says the guy with a tail.

"Looks like not everyone lacks common sense... Apparently there are people who are immune from Midoriya's recklessness.", she thinks.

"Ok, I can excuse anyone who doesn't want to try, so anyone else wants to drop?", she asks and no one reacts, "Well then, your funeral."

"Please, don't traumatize my students.", says Eraserhead.

"Real world will not coddle them, they should as well understand that life will always go to the throat....", she says.

Destrobo suddenly appears and punches the middle of the gym making everything tremble and forcing 1-A to separate.

"And between life and death, everything is allowed.", she says and the symbols on her eyes glows ominously.


"Well, that was disappointing.", says Cannassault.

"Well, they are students what you could have hoped for?", says Destrobo.

"Still, even if they say they don't, they did get an ego because of the villain attacks...", says Wooyari.

"And that was their downfall, they thought that just because they dealt with real villains meant that we weren't serious...", says Charibasa and then takes a thinking pose, "... Or maybe because it was an exercise that made them think that we would downplay things for them, who knows.", and shrugs.

While the uberheores talked Eraserhead was trying to scold Ahmya, without success because he could see that she didn't cared that his class could have died. It was a fiasco... Bakugou tried to attack again and ended punched in the face, courtesy of Destrobo, surely his nose was broken, when his class tried to save him, they ended burned thanks to Wooyari and his long pike, others ended with broken bones of with some bad cuts thanks to Cannassault and Charibasa.

Only a few, excluding the ones who gave up the exercise, got out without much damage because they surrendered and surprisingly, they didn't attack the person anymore afterwards.

"I told you to bring Recovery Girl for a reason and it wasn't because of me.", she says, "And if you want to blame anyone then blame the principal since this exercise was his idea."

Ahmya could see that the staff was shocked with what happened, well, her mother looked proud, not her fault that those proclaimed heroes doesn't get the concept of the "real" real world.

They will understand it, sooner or later...

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