Chapter 14 - How to avoid a crisis

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After the USJ incident classes were back to the normal, Ahmya was just enjoying a random rhythm game she downloaded on her phone when Yamada-sensei arrived.

"Ok class, firstly, it's been some days but I hope that you all are mentally ok after what happened and secondly, I would like to announce that the school decided to make the sports festival to happen in two weeks so you all must train and show your strength.", he says and her class begins to cheer.

"Let's show the 1-A that they aren't the big thing here anymore.", announces a random boy.

"Looks like they are still bitter from what happened.", comments Jamsch.

"Yeah.", she says, "Of course they are bitter because they were forced into an agreement to not tell anyone that 1-C was there too, imagine the news: 'UA puts non hero students at risk for the sake of making future heroes'.", she rolls her eyes and then feels a small tug on her sleeve and looks to see Hayao looking at her.

"Isn't that a bit too sudden? Why now?", he asks in a whisper.

"That's just UA way of damage control, they need to show that 'everything is fine now' and that the attack didn't affected the school.", she crosses her arms and shakes her head.

After this the classes happened normally.


At the end of the school day, she was walking in the corridors with Hayao and Void while talking about their families, looks like that her family isn't the only one with a lot of connections, when they pass the corridor that leads to 1-A they see an agglomeration on their door.

"Don't tell me that those people are THAT stupid.", she says while facepalming.

"They survived a villain attack that could lead to someone's death and they are acting like it was a privilege.", sneers Hayao while his centipede like scarf hiss with its diamond shaped eye glowing intensely.

"Better call a teacher.", Void says and leaves.

The now duo notices Bakugou making the animosity grow while Shinsou is about to say something, Ahmya just marches to where he is.

"This is the hero course now? And I was thinking that after the attack it would make you get down of your high horses and...", he was saying until Ahmya arrives and takes him by his ear and drags him away while everyone watches sweatdroping.

Soon the teachers arrive and the show is over.


After dragging Shinsou the farthest way from 1-A she releases him.

"What gives?! I was about to put them in their places!", he says angrily and she just roll her eyes.

"'Put them in their places' really? Are you even hearing yourself?! That's your excuse to bully them just because you can't tell everyone that you were in the villain attack alongside them? And don't come with the bullshit that you could had worked better than them, if Myamsar didn't had warned the teachers fast and if I hadn't sent 'my team' someone could have been badly hurt or worse! So I say it again: swallow your jealously and ego and rethink your concepts!", she says completely done with his stupidity and leaves.


"Are you ok?", asks Hayao after managing to find her along with Void and she sighs.

"I think so? It's hard to tell, Shinsou makes me very frustrated with him and his preaching that he will be a hero but he is the biggest hypocrite ever!", she says frustrated.

"Why you say that?", he asks and Void just looks in curiosity.

"The fact that he always is angry or jealous when someone have a powerful quirk 'perfect for heroics', and it's obvious that he was bullied because of his quirk with the way he is so reserved around everyone and avoids talking about it. It's like his only reason he wants to be a hero besides the stereotypical childhood dream is just to prove everyone that bullied him that he can be a hero.", she explains, "Some would say it's a story about surpassing obstacles but in reality it's just about a mix between bitterness, a tantrum and showing off."

He just nods and the trio are silent for the rest of the walk to the station.


At home she sees her mom speaking on her phone before going to her bedroom.

"So... Are we going to do something for the sports festival?", asks Tondenga.

"No, in the end the only thing they will see is just a quirk and you all aren't dolls to just be there and be pretty for the audience.", she says sitting on her bed.

"Not participating, that's ok.", says Charibasa.

Soon she hears her mother calling her and she goes back to the living room.

"You look happy, something happened?", she asks.

"Oh? Nothing much, just my cousin on my mother's side is getting married in a month and guess what?", says her mother and she just cross her arms.

"Yeah right, be honest with me please, I know that you hate your cousins with passion.", she says and her mother rolls her eyes.

"They could die for all I care, but we are invited so we have to go but that's not the good news. My brother is coming in two weeks.", her mother says excitedly.

"Uncle 'Essy'?", she asks getting excited too.

"Yes.", her mother answers, "Looks like he is coming early to take a break from hero work on England."

"Funny, school just announced that they will make the sports festival in two weeks", she says thoughtful.

"It will not end well, mark my words. By the way, he said something about bringing company, not really sure because I heard something breaking on his side and then he ended the call.", her mother says, "Must be his new boyfriend or something.", she says dismissively and Ahmya sweatdrops.

After this she decides to finish her homework while her mother makes dinner.

What to do, what to do....

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