Chapter 9 - First day

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Ahmya is finishing with fixing her new hair, now instead of black it's the right side dark gray and the left side mint with curls at the end, it was her mother idea to avoid people recognizing her from the entrance exams.

"Well, it doesn't look bad.", says Charibasa.

"You say that because it's your color.", shots back Cannogabang.

"No fights today, please.", she says out loud and hears some "I'm sorry" as response.

She just gives a last look on the mirror, a white shirt with a red tie, a grey vest and dark green skirt, she put a pastel rainbow sweater and brown boots with green accents. After deciding that she is decent she leaves her bedroom.

When arriving on the living room her mom gives her a hug and asks if she have everything she needs and after Ahmya saying yes, they say their goodbyes and she leaves to take the train.


"I'm going to study in a 'H' shaped school...", she thinks while arriving the gates.

"I have a feeling that you will never let it go.", says Piekron.

"You don't have idea.", she mumbles entering the building and going to search for her class.


"This door is gigantic!", says Destrobo.

"That's because of people with mutation quirks that makes the look giant.", she whispers while opening the door, "It's a good thing we decided to come early."

When opening the door the classroom only have one person sitting on the back of the class, a boy with blue skin, shoulder length white hair with some nuances of pink in side ponytail, long elf like ears and had a weird black scarf with a pink diamond like symbol at one of the tips, he looked like he was reading a book before she entered and looked at her, the sclera is completely black and the iris is a shade more lighter and his pupils are pink.

She just gives him a nod and sits on the chair on his right side, she sighs, she really needs to work on that new habit of hers, she just gets her phone from her bag and her earphones, she needs some distraction or she will get more nervous.

After some time playing some Final Fantasy game on her phone, she feels someone patting on her shoulder and looks to see that the blue skinned boy [wait, his scarf is some kind of centipede?] was pointing to the front of the class and she notices that the class is full and the teacher was just entering.

"It's some karma because I said I pity him?", she thinks after noticing that their teacher is Present Mic, she just closes her game and put her phone back on her bag.

"GOOD MORNING CLASS!", he says with his loud voice and Ahmya flinches at the volume and she notices she wasn't the only one, "My name is Hizashi Yamada but you all already know me as 'Present Mic', I'm you homeroom teacher."

"This will be a long year...", she thinks.

"Yes...", says Yarida.

"Now, since I'm sure that everyone is here, we are going to orientation now.", he says.

Her class goes to orientation and after some boring speeches about "do your best" or "we will help you as much we can" and the rules that she did, or not, paid attention to, they are finally released.

She decides to give a look at the school, just to know her way and not get lost by accident, she just summons Destrobo in doll form to not be alone and walks away, not noticing that the blue skinned boy saw she doing the summon.

While walking on the halls she hears people gossiping about class 1-A not being at orientation but ignores it, what this class does is not her problem though she is sure that if she accepted the hero course she was going to this class.

After making sure that she found all the hallways, exits and alternative halls, she decides that it's a good time to go home, the classes will only begin officially tomorrow after all. When going back to her class to retrieve her bag she sees a purple haired boy, she is sure he is on her class, in front of her looking serious.

"Do you want something?", she asks emotionlessly while feeling Destrobo getting tense on her arms.

He only looks for more seconds and then shakes his head leaving.

"Weird.", she says but decides to ignore it, "You will not try to stop me too, right?", she says feeling someone behind her and turns to see the blue skinned boy.

"No...", he whispers, he looks like someone social awkward so she doesn't try to pressure him.

She just nods at him and leaves to get her bag and go home.

Just enjoying the peace while it lasts...

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