Chapter 67 - People wanting to play interlopers

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A bit later on the HPSC building...

"All right, let's go. This place it's not fun anymore.", says Padara to Ravenous and both leaves through a dark mist portal.

The lights on the room are back on after the projection ends showing a room full of people who works at the HPSC, the president rises.

"As you can see, now we have another issue besides the League of Villains, who is suspiciously quiet nowadays.", says the president and a man raises his hand and she motions for him to speak.

"How much damage the attack caused?", he asks.

"This attack on Tartarus ended with at least 65 deaths counting security and prisoners along with the destruction of almost 70% of the facility.", says another man.

"The biggest problem comes with the fact that whoever it is, they killed All for One in national tv, that's something we can't cover to make the population to calm down.", says a woman shaking her head.

"We need to be careful on our next steps from now on but what we will do now?", someone asks.

"We need answers.", says the president, "And I think I know where to begin...", she says looking at Ahmya's record.

✂---------------Next morning-----------------------

Ahmya is at the kitchen on the dorm preparing some fried rice, more like using cooking as a way to distract herself after the events of last night, her mind is still a chaos because she is not ready to face Ravenous yet.

"You're up earlier than the normal, are you really ok?", she snaps form her thoughts after hearing Yasu's question.

She just looks down at the food, finished preparing it and puts a lid on the pan.

"Look, I will not force you to talk but-", he crosses his arms, "- your reaction last night wasn't the best so we are worried and I'm sure the others in your head are too."

She just sighs but still looking down, Yasu sighs as response.

"Let's just have breakfast before our classmates appears, specially that guy.", he says.

She just nods.


The day passes as normally, Octavia and Hinamori appears, the group decides to walk around to ignore the issue with Endeavor that it's happening, at least that was the idea until Yasu's phone begins to ring.

"Yes?... Father?... Wait, speak slowly... What...? I'm going there!...", he begins to become agitated, "No, I don't care about what the dammed school will say!... Don't hang up on my face!... He hung up...", he says absently.

"... What happened?", asks Octavia a bit unsure.

"That nomu attack, my mother was around... she is in the hospital now...", he says numbly.

"You know what? Time to stop mopping around now, I want you all to give a 'warning' to our high esteemed doctor.", thinks Ahmya while frowning and receiving some "Affirmative/Sure" as response.

"Do you plan to go to the hospital where she is in?", asks Hinamori.

"I don't know...", he says, "Father doesn't want me to go for some reason."

"I can ask my mother to come get us.", says Octavia and he looks at her, "What? Do you think we will let you go alone?"

"... Fine.", he says reluctant.


At the hospital the group goes to the receptionist to get the info and the goes to the room where Yasu's mother is, his father looks at them in surprise.

"I thought I told you to not come.", he says seriously.

"It's my mother too, you know, I have the right to know how she is just like you!", Yasu says annoyed and his father sighs.

"Things aren't that good... Looks like she hits her head and is still unconscious, the doctors don't know how much damage her head took...", he says and Yasu would have fallen if Octavia didn't used her hair to hold him, "That's the why I didn't wanted for you to come..."

"There's really nothing to do?", asks Hinamori.

"At least for now no.", he says and then sighs.

"Charibasa, I want you, Pingrek and Bowmunk to come here later with Myamsar.", thinks Ahmya.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupt but I need answers and one of you can provide it.", says a new voice and everyone turns to see one of the people who works at HPSC.

"I have a feeling it's related to last night...", says Guardira.

"Of course they would want to get involved.", whispers Ahmya angrily.

More annoying people spotted...

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