Chapter 55 - Some reassurance

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Beginning of the week...

"Yasu-kun, do you know why Ahmya-san looks like she wants to murder someone?", asks Octavia.

"She is like that since she returned from that hero agency...", he says.

Ahmya didn't paid any mind from what her friends are talking about, she is still angry about what Nighteye tried to do.

"Ther nerve of that guy...", she thinks sneering.

"Well, you know who he was the sidekick of and for someone who says that the future is set on stone it was very hypocrite of him.", comments Grenburr.

"He doesn't care about the future, he only wants to prevent the outcome he doesn't want.", says Piekron but by his tone it was very obvious that he was disgusted.


"Sorry Nighteye-san but what you are insinuating?", says her mother in a sweet but venomous tone.

"Please don't try to lie to me, time is of essence from what I want to ask.", Nighteye says, "I researched your daughter and knows that when you were poisoned and almost dead she managed to save you--", he is interrupted by Ahmya hitting her hands in the desk, breaking it.

"How you know about this?!", she inquires angrily.

"Please control yourself.", he says unfazed by her outburst, "How I found out is of no importance but—"

"What. You. Want?!", she says ominously and he just sighs.

"I just want to ask for a favor, as you know All Might retirement wasn't so suddenly like it happened---", he tries to explain.

"No.", she says seriously.

"Excuse me?", Nighteye looks perplexed.

"You heard me the first time, whatever you want, no, I'm not going to help that oaf.", she looks ready to fight.

"You don't understand--", he is interrupted again.

"No, you're the one who don't understand, your beloved hero helped to keep the mess called 'hero society' and pretended that everything was fine!", she loses her composure, "He was just another hero but he wanted to act like he could solve everything alone making people spoiled and when reality crashed? They began to panic now that they are to do things themselves instead of waiting for that guy.", she finishes in a dismissive tone.

"Sorry but I can't accept you talking about All Might like that.", he says seriously.

"Well, it's good that I never asked for your permission then.", she says mockingly, "For Almighty's sake, you're just like Midoriya.", she rises from her seat.

"I can see you're back with your expressions.", her mother says amusedly.

"That guy is gone so I'm very well allowed to go back to my real habits.", she says.

"HE WILL DIE!", he shouts in frustration but Ahmya just look at him unimpressed.

"So? Everyone dies someday.", she says and leaves the room.

"You said it was of no importance but you can wait a call from my lawyer.", her mother says and follows Ahmya.

✂---------------Flashback ends-----------------------

She just sighs at people's idiocy and goes back to deal with the day...

But it was complicated because that damned conversation doesn't stop replaying on her head.

"Are you still worried about how he found out about the poisoning attempt?", says Yarida with a worried tone.

"Yes... Somehow, I have the feeling that I know how he knew...", she mumbles.

She just looks at the horizon from the school's roof, no one knows that she can go there by shadow traveling.

"I knew you were here.", says a male voice.

Ahmya looks to see Yasu at the door.

"I thought it was locked...", she says absent minded.

"I have my ways.", he waves his hand in dismissal, "But seriously now, what happened? You're acting off since that day and it's worrying us.", concern laces his voice and she turns back facing the horizon.

"Do I really need to speak?", she says tiredly, today was an exhausting day, and he sighs.

"I can guess it have to do with the future sight hero and his obsession with that hero.", he says and Ahmya turns to look at him, "Don't look so surprised, my father told me everything about him including his obsession with 'fate'."

"I wish it was only that the problem.", she laughs without any humor, "The damned guy found out sensitive information and thought that he could act out on it!", she says angrily, "Not even the Dark Heroes and Archfiends were so low! I will destroy that guy, no matter if he is a hero or not!", she feels hands on her shoulders and sees Yasu looking at her seriously.

"Breathe.", he says calmly, "You are about to spiraling again.", with this she takes some deep breaths and he releases her, "Better now?"

"I think so, looks like I need to call the family therapist again but I can work with it.", she says a bit upset.

Then she, to his surprise, hugged him which took him some seconds to recompose himself and return it.

"You know, it's situations like this that makes me very tempted to open that box to see the heroes deal with him...", she comments, her voice muffled since she put her head on his chest.

"Wait, what box?!", he says a bit alarmed.

Not thinking on bringing the apocalypse, haha, of course not, unless...

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