Chapter 24 - Back to the routine

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The two days passed too fast, now it's time to go back to school, it was raining...

In the train, Ahmya looks at the passing landscape and sighs.

"Things could have gone better...", she thinks remembering those two days.

Things escalated a bit fast with outsiders knowing about her lack of trust on food to she having to explain about the uberheroes to Orpheus, she deliberately left out being part of a war. It was fun and relaxing to just lazy and fool around but now things are supposed to go back to the "normal".

"At least they didn't pry for more,", says Cannogabang.

Before Ahmya could answer she noticed a commotion a bit ahead and noticed it was because of Midoriya being praised by the people because of the sports festival.

"Empty praises...", she sneers.

"Let's just ignore him and any other shenanigans his class will cause.", says Oohoroc.

"I can ignore the shenanigans but if this ends with someone care hurt then their faces will be my punching bag.", she answers.

"You did that already with that Shinsou guy...", comments Yarida.


After some boring classes, it's lunchtime, Ahmya decided to eat on her classroom, she was along with Hayao and Void, she appeared for some reason.

"How were your breaks? Mine was decent.", says Hayao.

"Managed to talk with my father so it was good.", says Void.

"It's was a mix of good and frustrating on my side.", she says.

Before they could talk more, Shinsou suddenly appears and go straight to where Ahmya is and she sighs.

"What you want this time? The punch on national tv wasn't enough?", she says.

"I don't understand you; you literally hold yourself back for the sake of what? Being a useless civilian? You are literally blessed with that quirk of yours!", he says and her faces darken.

"Look Shinsou, I'm going to say it once so better pay attention: I don't delude myself with being a hero, thanks to them society was ruined because they became the parameter for everything: children dreams on becoming heroes and only that, forgetting that are other jobs just because it isn't 'heroic'; quirks are judged by being perfect for heroics or villainous,...", she noticed him flinching, "... there's no middle ground for anything because everything here in Japan is just about heroes!", she finishes in frustration.

"No wonder Japan is the laughing stock of the rest of the world on hero related matters.", comments Void making Shinsou glare at her, "What? Whether you like it or not it's the truth."

"And there I was hoping that you were going to apologize for harassing Hoshino-san because of your envy...", says Hayao shaking his head.

"Why I should apologize?! She was the one who punched me in the sports festival!", Shinsou tries to defend himself.

"Yeah, after you tried to brainwash her.", he stands up and stands in front of Shinsou, "So let me ask: what's the difference of what you did there to a villain act? You wanted to use her as a stepping stone to get what you wanted just like with those students you controlled afterwards, so how it was different from a villain?", his pink/magenta pupils gets a ominous glow along with the diamond eye of the centipede.

Shinsou looks like he wanted to say something but then his face changes to frustration and leaves.

"Wow, that was a low blow and that's coming from the daughter of a crime lord.", comments Void.

"He was getting on my nerves.", he says and goes back to eating.

The rest of the recess was calm.


Ahmya arrives home after this really tiring day of school, she enters and notices that her uncle is there along with Orpheus but her mother is absent.

"I'm back.", she says.

"Welcome back.", her uncle greets, "Your mother said that she will arrive late today, something with hero internships."

"Oh right, that time of the year again. Anyway, where are the others?", she asks..

"They decided to stay in the hotel.", says Orpheus.

She just shrugs and goes to her bedroom.

After changing her clothes and seeing what she could make for dinner, she decides to finish her homework on the living room until her mother arrives.

"Somehow, I can't shake the feeling that something will happen... and that will be related to that class...", she thinks.

"Well, let's hope it doesn't end being too serious but considering the 'Hero Killer' factor I doubt luck will be on our side...", comments Pyokorider.

"Considering how luck is hardly working for us nowadays...", she gives a discreet glance to Orpheus, "At least it wasn't too bad, he suffered a big blow on his career after they found out that he wasn't patrolling along Ingenium like he was supposed to."

Ahmya doesn't notice that her small talk was noticed by the other two occupants.

"Is she always like that?", whispers Orpheus and her uncle only shrugs.

"She prefers to keep her talks private, less people to look at her weirdly for 'talking alone'.", he says and Orpheus just hums as response.

After some time, her mother arrives completely tired and cursing to god and the world for her job not having enough workers, which made the others sweatdrop at her antics.

The calm before the storm...

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