Chapter 34 - I-Expo fiasco part 1

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After a tiring semester, Ahmya is ready to deal with the summer vacations, but first...

"I can't believe that you got invitations for the I-expo!", says Void with enthusiasm.

"It was nothing really, mother was called to help with the Hero Commission representative.", she answers while waving her hand in dismissal.

"But you are sure it's ok with us coming too? The invites were more for family after all.", says Hayao.

"It's fine, it's not really a big deal.", says her mother.

"Like we were going to give those two some satisfaction...", says Tondenga and she agrees silently.

Some days ago, her mother was invited to go to the I-expo, not wanting to leave Ahmya alone she dragged her along and Ahmya dragged her two friends into it because she didn't wanted to be alone in a event focused on heroes. Currently they are all in a small plane.

"This plane will soon begin its descent to I-island.", they hear the pilot say and buckle their belts while waiting for the plane to arrive on it's destine.

When arriving on the airport they got to the inspection before retrieving their luggage, when about to search for some guide to take them to the hotel...

"Wait, A-All Might?!", they hear one of the guides saying out loud which causes a domino effect of people trying to talk with the "Nº 1 hero".

"Why I'm not surprised?", says Ahmya unamused and her two friends agreed with her.

"Considering how big this event is it was very obvious that he was going to appear...", says her mother.

After managing to find their hotel, her mother goes to solve some issues regarding the representative and the trio choses to explore the pre-opening.

"Heroes everywhere... Somehow I feel like I shouldn't be here...", says Ahmya.

"Don't be such a downer. It's a day to have fun! Let's see the hero itens!", says Void dragging Ahmya with her.

"Only you to be that enthusiastic about support itens...", says Hayao following after them.

After dealing with a Void almost drooling on every piece of technology, they managed to drag her to go eat something, until they see an explosion and decides to see what it was.

"I have a bad feeling...", she thinks.

"You and all of us...", answers Alosson.

When they arrive, they see Bakugou on a type of game and on another inspection almost all the 1-A class.

"Why I'm not surprised, better we be careful since they are trouble magnets.", says Ahmya.

"At least they have you to remind that are worse karmas.", says a male voice and sees her uncle with some friends.

Ahmya obviously runs to hug him, while ignoring to commotion Bakugou is causing.

"Nice to see you again but what you're all doing here?", says Hayao.

"Some sponsors gave us invites.", says Markus.

They notice that there are more people along the ones that they already knew but before someone can say anything they hears the more commotion, courtesy of Bakugou and his class.

"Give a moment.", says Void and then she jumps to the stage, makes some of her hair to shape like a void tendril and slaps the boys into a wall and then turns to the hostess, "Can I try it too?", she says with a sweet smile.

"S-sure, why not.", says the woman, "Now we have another unexpected challenger! What results can she get?"

"She will do it?", asks Hayao.

"She will do it.", answers Ahmya shrugging.

"Villain attack! Ready! Go!", says the woman.

Void hair becomes tendrils moving violently, then the hill explodes like a volcan expelling a black liquid substance, everyone gets shocked by it, except Ahmya and Hayao.

"I wonder how frustrated she was...", says Ahmya.

"F-five seconds! She just made a daily record!", screams the woman.

"WHAT! HOW THAT TENTACLE HAIR DID IT?!!", screams Bakugou propelling himself towards Void but it's hit by a club.

"... That's going to become a routine, mark my words...", says Cannassault.

"Thanks, Cannassault.", says Ahmya and then he disappears.

The group sweatdrop at it.

"H-Hoshino-san?!", Ahmya hears Midoriya say and sighs.

"Let's go, I don't want to be here anymore.", she says and begins to walk away.

"Is she from your class too?", she heard his blonde companion say before tunning everything out.

"Now our peace is gone...", says Taterazay.

"Yeah...", she answers and sighs.

After this some introductions were made. Blake, a woman with shoulder length purple hair and dressed in a gothic lolita style and carries a candle for some reason, took interest on Void's quirk. Zephyrs was Orpheus cousin, he had a green skin and dark green hair that looked like leaves, he dressed like a rpg archer. Scarlet, a dark-skinned red-haired woman who dressed like some sort of priestess, for some reason she was wary of Ahmya. This without counting the ones that decided to be on the hotel because the travel was tiring for them.


The day was kind of fun until the time they closed, Ahmya and her friends got back to the hotel to see her mother talking to a man with long blond hair that was braided, he dressed quite commonly.

"Mother, I thought you were getting ready to the party.", says Ahmya.

"Oh, I was but they needed me for some last moment check...", says her mother sheepishly, "By the way, this is Rogue.", she says gesturing to the man, "He came with brother and a lot of other people."

"Yeah, we know. We saw them.", says Void and Hayao nods.

"It was nice and all but I have a party to get ready to, excuse us.", says her mother dragging the others but when Ahmya was about to pass she stops on his side.

"Just getting rid of the blue tips doesn't counts as disguise, Bleu.", she says and walks away but she notices him tensing.

After her mother got ready, she just told them to be careful and left, no one noticed that Ahmya instructed Myamsar to follow her mother and keep her safe.

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