Chapter 1 Innocence lost

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If you wanted a cute fanfiction you should read my other one on this pair but if you're ready for something more dark and twisted, welcome to this deeper dive in what could have been happening beyond what we got to see. I honestly see Kabuto being about 15 when he joined Orochimaru to give you and idea how much time there is between this point and when we first met Kabuto in the anime during the Chunin exams.
I don't own Naruto and thus don't own the characters.

Twisted was how some saw Orochimaru even at a young age. But how could they make it sound so simple? His parents passed away on him and then no one wanted to take him in. He was left to care for himself. He was placed in the academy and learned how to be a ninja like many of his age group. At least after he pasted his tests and got placed on a team he had a sensei who would care a least a little about his wellbeing. He visited his parents' grave once a week at this time. He was praised for his skills as a shinobi even more since he learned without parents to guide him. He lived alone in a small apartment which felt oh so lonely.

Training the best he could still couldn't prepare his fragile heart for what was to come when war broke out. The second great shinobi war would be what would make him lock away his heart. What other's did in war was twisted. He had saw Tsunade's kid brother mere moments before his death when the building he ran into blew up and the necklace she had given him landing near were he was. He had to see how this pained her as he gave her the necklace back. Worse yet when he had gotten news and went to back up a squad Tsunade had been on with her lover Dan he saw how this broke her. He learned then how fragile humans were. He couldn't stand being weak, not now not ever. He would sneak into the library where so many jutsu were hidden and start to learn. This was when he realized no matter what he learned his life wouldn't be long enough to learn it all. He would have to find out a way around that. Even when the war seemed to be over Orochimaru continued his work.

After joining Anbu and Root he started to work with Danzo. To surprise of some another war broke out. He had a good standing enough to where he could work on what he pleased as well as keep an eye on things he wished as Danzo gave him that much freedom. He started to mentor a young girl name Anko. Life seemed to be moving forward with his hopes and dreams high.

One day when out on the battlefield he along with other shinobi got medical help from an orphanage nearby. From what he understood it was so the orphanage could get funding. That's when he first laid eyes on him. Kabuto was such an innocent looking child. A small thump of the heart he long sense thought dead was felt as he could see a piece of who he was when he lost his parents in the young boy. He simply suggested to the boy he would make a fine shinobi but the boy rejected it. He wasn't going to force him but he mentally made a note to keep tabs on this boy. His silver hair and dark eyes made him look as innocent as some doe. His skills as a healer were quite good for his age, he couldn't help wondering what the boy would become.

Danzo would go to the orphanage to talk to one of the caretakers and of course he took the opportunity to see what would happen and if Kabuto would end up joining their ranks. He was calm while they talked to the caregivers as Danzo sat down the rules if they wished to keep working. He knew if they didn't pay he would definitely come by to take children for his experiments, though he would take Kabuto for different things. He could feel the chakra of the young boy outside as Danzo made sure he would get what he wanted. And to the delight of his dark heart Kabuto came forth to join their ranks and become a shinobi just as he had suggested to the boy. He knew he would do what he could to keep Kabuto's skills from being wasted as he would keep tabs on him. He watched as he progressed with skill and knowledge. He didn't let himself get too distracted so that Kabuto wouldn't slip through his fingers. He made plans in the shadows as well as preparations. When Danzo sent him to make sure he took care of the two spies he couldn't help licking his lips a bit as a smirked formed on them. He knew this was going to be his chance to steal the boy and keep him safe from Danzo. It be when he could make Kabuto his. This was it, he was thankful everything was all prepared for this moment.
He would lay in wait watching Kabuto from afar. He licked his lips seeing how Kabuto attacked before he panicked trying to heal his dear adopted mother. He waited as soon enough Kabuto had to leave thanks to other ninja coming. He felt excitement surge over his body as he watched Kabuto having a moment at the river's edge. He came over to him. He fear in his eyes brought even more excitement to his soul. Enticing the boy with promises of answers which he had since he was keeping an eye on him. This boy he had high hopes to be the assistant he could rely on. That's why he didn't mind anything when the boy made a mess in the room as unsurprisingly he attacked him in a moment of rage. The boy was but a lost sheep now. So he gifted him a new identity story as well as a full name. He would be keeping him close for a while as he wanted him to get use to working with him. Thanks to having been well prepared for this he had a bedroom ready for the teen which was just across the hall from his. "This will be your room, I prepared a set of clothes for you and anything else I figured you might need." He said smirking at the boy as he was seeing the tiredness trying to overtake him. "My room is just across the hall, see you in the morning." Orochimaru said before leaving him to his devices.

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