Chapter 21 Decisions

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Been taking a bit of a break from writing but hoping to get things back on track soon. It's just warming up.
Sadly the whole fight with Tsunade only starts in the chapter.
Kabuto would be tending to Orochimaru as they mentally and physically prepared for which ever outcome Tsunade chosed. He couldn't help hoping she would help Orochimaru as it hurt him that she was suffering. He made sure to make sure Orochimaru eat and took care of herself. He could tell her mood stayed sour. But he tried his best. He was glad for one thing and that was her health seemed stable. Thus the week would pass by slowly with no word from Tsunade. Which slowly made Kabuto more worried and antsy.

'What is keeping her? Hard time with finding sacrifices?' Kabuto wondered to himself. "What's it going to be? If she agress to our proposition then your arms will be healed and you can proceed with your plans to destroy the village hidden in the leaves and Lady Tsunade is reunited with the two people she loves most. But if she would say no, what then?" Kabuto asked Orochimaru whom was relaxing in a chair nearby. "Then I'd simply use force to bend her to my way of thinking." She smirked as she spoke which Kabuto couldn't help but to find enticing so he stepped a bit closer to her. "You really think it be that easy?" He asked wondering how she could be so confident against someone like her. "That's what your for." She said with a smirk which he couldn't help smirking in return. "Mmm, No need to worry. In all the world there is no one who knows Tsunade better then I, including her greatest weakness. She will agree to the proposition. I guarente it." She said as her voice sounded like velvet to him. Tomorrow was the day things would be decided. So for now Kabuto would push down his hormones. Kabuto would leave for a moment to make her tea. He wanted to keep her hydrated. He was glad she was able to drink on her own now just not able to handle chopsticks. Though he didn't mind feeding her. So he brought her some tea before soon calling it a night. It was important to get some rest for tomorrow just in case he needed the strength. Tonight was one night he didn't sleep next to Orochimaru to keep from being distracted.

The next morning they would eat before taking the few things they needed before leaving to met up with Tsunade. Kabuto had helped Orochimaru dress in her normal close before they left. "It's important that nothing interfere with these negotiations." She would say as they started their way to the meeting point. Kabuto glanced over to her. "Your point being?" Orochimaru glanced over with a small smile "Tsunade's companion could be trouble, I'd feel better if she was dead." She say calmly and he pulled a kuni out ready to handle that as after a few thoughts he had when things were a bit tense between them he then split from Orochimaru to see about taking care of her.

Kabuto arrived to where Shizune was only to find Jiraiya and Naruto as well. He hide just out of view. 'I wasn't expecting to find Jiraiya the mountain sage, that's more then I bargen for. I may have to rethink this. And Naruto to think you'd be here two.' He retreated as he would have to report this to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru would arrive to met up with Tsunade. She was glad that Tsunade was waiting for her and was by herself. "Well what's your answer?" She asked smiling inwardly. "I will heal your arms, but in exchange you keep your hands off the village." She said not facing Orochimaru. Orochimaru couldn't help chuckling at this. "Very well." She said with delight. The wind would pick up for a bit blowing their hair as Orochimaru smirked wildly. "Shall we?" She asked before Tsunade turned and they started to walk towards each other.

Kabuto was making his way back as he landed on a roof nearby ready for anything. As he remembered her words from last night. Biting his bottom lip as he started to think of all the things that could happen right now as he watched Orochimaru stand infront of Tsunade. But just as it seemed like she was going to heal his Lord he throw a kuni inbetween them causing them both to jump back before looking up and noticing him. He would then do some flips before moving to stand behind his master. "What is the meaning of this? Am I to understand that you really come here to betray me?" She said as she gathered herself. "Tsunade" She said accusingly. "So that's your answer Tsunade, after all I offered you. You would repay me by trying to kill me." She would say as she showed agitation. "Fortunately I can depend on Kabuto's loyalty, a good thing he arrived in time to see the evil intent hidden in those healing hands of yours" She spoke as slowly Kabuto took steps to stand closely behind his master. "Yes, she and I are from the medical core, I could tell she was building up her chakra for an attack." Kabuto spoke calmly thought he felt pissed she dare try such a thing. "Tsunade, Tsunade and I was going to restore your love ones to you. I was even going to give up my dreams of destroying the leaf village." Orochimaru would say as the wind blow their hair around a bit. "As to that Orochimaru, I knew your promise to leave the village alone was worthless, a lie. But even so, even though I knew that...The chance to see them both one more time, to see them once more even if just for a moment. To be able to touch them, to feel them, just once more to see their precious smiles, I am weak. So weak that for a moment I would have sacrificed everything just to see them again. Just once." Tsunade spoke as if her heart was breaking. Orochimaru and Kabuto just watching as she spoke. "For that I was willing the throw away the village and the lives of everyone in it. To think that I could have been so blind. But the memory, it was the memory of their faces. I loved them, I loved them both so much. The chance to see them again, to hold them in my arms." Tsunade was crying now and looked like she might even have a breakdown or at least that's what Kabuto was thinking. "But then something happened, that boy, he made me remember something - something I've been trying to forget." She took a moment to think as she stood a little stronger but was still crying. "That's what he made me remember, the dream they shared. The dream they gave their lives for. It ment everything to them. You said once that all things on Earth crumble and fade away. I wish that were true. I only wish this feeling would go away. But I know it never will." The wind picked up as Tsunade finished. "It seems we reached an impass so be it. I'm afraid you give me no choose but to use force." Orochimaru would say as Tsunade dried her eyes. Tsunade made the first move rushing at them before jumping to do a slamming kick. They both jumped away mere moments before it hit. They would land on a roof nearby. "Come on Orochimaru" She challenged her. This made Orochimaru chuckle "It's amazing that in all this time you and I have never actually met in combat." she said before Tsunade took off her jacket as if to show how serious she was. "That's right." She say as she started to charge at them. "Don't get your hopes up. You still have to go through me." Kabuto say feeling protective. "No matter it be a pleasure to kill you both, right now." She say as she punched the wall of which was under where they stood. They would both have to jump back again. "She hasn't lost any of her strength. It wouldn't go well for you if she ever connects" Orochimaru would say slightly smiling. This made him a little annoyed "I can see that. This is not the battlefield I would have chosen. It's too cramp here." Kabuto would reply. "A change of scenery?" She asked glancing over at him. "Yes, I think a change would be wise. When I found her attendant she was with someone whom might prove troublesome to us. They could be here at any minute." Kabuto say as the both watch as Tsunade charged at them again and jumped to attack them in the tree they were standing in. She nearly got a hit on Orochimaru since she was paying attention to Kabuto during their little chat. Jumping down from the tree they would start to run to move the battle elsewhere. "This troublesome someone who is it?" Orochimaru asked. "One of the Sanin same as you." Kabuto informed her before they jumped onto a wall for a moment before continuing on to a better battlefield. As they knew she would follow them.

And so they kept running and avoiding her attacks until they were in the middle of a large field. Kabuto was breathing a little hard from all the running but he just needed a moment to catch his breath which was fine since Tsunade seemed to need the same. Orochimaru chuckled "Out of breath already? Well none of us are getting any younger are we. Time to end it." She said as Kabuto catching his breath crouched a bit infront of her "Taijutsu was never my forte but -" He reached into his bag and took a food pill out before eating it. He then started to make hand signs to considerate chakra around his hands. He was getting serious now. Disappearing from his spot to come up from under Tsunade now as he want on the attack. She would try to punch him which he jumped away from. Only to have to hide behind a rock as she sent a flying kick his way. Seeing she missed she tried to flip backwards to attack him but Kabuto was ready and moved to hit her right arm and left leg doing some damage before she landed a punch which sent him backwards a bit. He couldn't help smirking at he damage he had inflicted. He stood as he spoke "Yes, I have weaken the muscles of right bicep and left thigh, just enough so you wouldn't be able to unleash that incredible strength of yours." halfway on the ground she glared a bit at him. "A chakra scalpel, hu? Well why not just go for the kill" He couldn't help smiling "That's true, with this scalpel I could sever an artery or puncture your heart without even breaking the skin. But of course that requires careful aim and a long blade. Both of which is hard to accomplish in the heat of battle. But that's said -" He would move in to attack again. "Perhaps if I just aim for your neck" She would block his punches and kicked him in the butt causing him to flip then need to jump back to his feet before he could attack again. He would land a strike on her chest which made her fall to her knees. She was holding herself just under her large breasts. He wouldn't help smirking down at her as she breathed heavily.
"Have to be careful to avoid hitting anything too vital. We don't want you dying just yet." He said as he dismissed his chakra scalpels before adjusting his glasses. "Still you aren't going to be moving much anytime soon." He said only to be attacked as he let his guard down. He face planted and skid a bit. He turned his head to look at her. 'I underestimated her, she shouldn't still be conscious - let alone. Alright then I guess I will have to stop going easy on her.' He thought as he moved to squat to try and stand. 'It be SO much easier if I could just kill her.' He thought as his hand moved close to his kuni bag before it sparked. 'I try to move my right arm and my left leg tenses. No...she couldn't have.' His thoughts were cut off as she punched him across the face sending him flying. "Surprise." She said as she stood tall. He tumbled a bit before landing on all fours. She was breathing hard. He tried to get himself up which was a hassle.

Orochimaru chuckled. "Now I see" She said
'Nothing is responding right, but it's not my muscles.' He thought as he struggled to try and even sit up. "I see you finally figure it out, it's your whole nerva system. I turned my chakra into electricity and then sent an electrical charge riping through your body." She said proudly.

'She attacked his lines of communication, scrambling the electrical impulses that carry messages from the brain to different parts of the body. Cut off from the brain his body doesn't know what to do. She's literally short circuited him.' Orochimaru thought as she stood on the sidelines watching.

Kabuto manage to sit up as he thought. 'To be capable of this in her condition but then she is one of the Sanin.' He was frustrated for sure but tried to think through how his body was responding. Closing his eyes to focus on the task. 'When I try to move my right hand, my left leg responds. And trying to move my left ankle moves my right shoulder.' He would focus on figuring out what swapped with what. As he wouldn't let this stop him. 'It's tricky but I think, yes. I think I have just about figured out what moves what. Thought you had me didn't you.' He opened his eyes. "Surprise." He would say pulling a kuni out of the bag on his hip as he turned around ready to fight. "Now then." He said before launching at her. "So you fear the sight of blood, eeh" He said as he charged at her. "Let's put it to the test shall we?" He said as he was ready to attack only for a smoke bomb to be thrown at him as he jumped back.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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