Chapter 3 Oh how time flies

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I don't know how long I will go over this part of the backstory but it will be a bit. Hope you are enjoying it. And i will tell you all now expect ups and downs between the two. It will happen.
I don't own naruto and so I write this for fun.
With 2 and a half week having gone by at the new base. Kabuto had learned better how to hold his hormones and that was to, well take care of them while he was alone at night. He didn't need to do it every day but if Orochimaru did anything that got him overwhelmingly horny he would have to take care of it that night. It also kept those fantasy dreams he had away. He needed to calm down and a little release sometimes is all he needed.
'I am a teenager after all, it's normal for us to need a release sometimes.' he thought to himself as he looked over the test results. Writing down a few notes he would bring it over to his master. "Things seem to be working well, soon we can make sure the curse mark is finalized." He said to him.
Orochimaru smiled "Good, I am sure Kimimaro would be ecstatic to know that. I will have to come get some of the best test subjects." He smirked.
Kabuto wondered for a second if he would, binge one part of him wanted his master to bite him. "Come with me and we will get things set up to do that." He say and Kabuto's shoulders sagged slightly in disappointment though he knew the risk of it. He gritted his teeth slightly. 'I shouldn't be disappointed, we can't risk me not being able to handle that power and dying. Nor could I really properly watch over things if I am tested on. Why am I being so stupid?' he thought to himself as Orochimaru stood and started to walk away. Kabuto broke from his thoughts when he noticed this as he didn't want to get left behind as he walked quickly to catch up as they walked together.
The walk was quiet and when they arrived Orochimaru was the one who set everything into motion. As he wanted many to fight it out to pick the strongest to be tested on. It was moments of seeing Orochimaru showing his power over others like this that did get to him a little but what got to him most was when the man's strong will was on display. That didn't happen too often especially since they all knew that the man could kill them all.
It was only after this when Orochimaru moved to sit and watch the fighting that he addressed him. "Kabuto" This drew the teen's attention from the fighting to his master as he gave a small bow. "Yes my lord?" he spoke softly. "Once you are settled well and things are looking good here I will have you go back to the leaf as a spy. I am working on arrangements to make sure you are put on a squad whom is loyal to me. When I send you I will expect you to give me updates often and which shouldn't be too hard" Orochimaru's eyes were gazing at him intently as he stood straight hearing him. "Yes my lord, I will do what I can to gain trust and information for you." He moved to gently push his glasses up as he felt his heart race a little. This would be an important mission that he was entrusted. "Good, as at times you will also come and help me with my experiments and things. I want you to be training, spying, gaining trusts, and when you report in you will help with some experiments." To this Kabuto swallowed a bit as he felt adrenaline spark in his body by the command in his master's tone. "Of course Lord Orochimaru. When will I be meeting with my squad?" He asked softly as he couldn't help letting a grin grace his face. He was excited to work on getting information on the leaf for his master. "Oh it will be as soon as we finish a few things. For now let's enjoy the show." He said and Kabuto turned back to the fighting below and he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying how they killed each other. "When they are done I will have you store the dead for later use." Orochimaru said softly.

They watched until only 4 remained who would join Kimimaro for testing the curse mark. It was times like this that reminded him how he was different then the young Kimimaro, he might be a tool for their master's will but Kimimaro was to hold Orochimaru's soul later on. There souls intertwined but in a teasing manner. He was glad to not be in line for that. Kabuto watched as they took the new version of the curse mark. Kimimaro would receive if all went well.

Another week or so went by where they focused on these tests and thankfully all seemed well. Kabuto was thankful that his hormones didn't bother him during this. He felt in control as he worked. It was right after Kimimaro was marked and was going through the process of near death that Orochimaru made sure to pull Kabuto to the side. "Soon we will travel to met up with your new team. You seemed to have settled into your work and I trust you will be careful. I can't have such a valued resource like you get wasted. You are my right handman now and I hope you will be able to keep up to those expectations." Kabuto swallowed the lump in his throat, even if he didn't let anything show he felt aroused by the commanding tone and words. He could feel his master's strength covering him as if to devour him. "Yes, of course Lord Orochimaru." A smirk formed on Orochimaru's face. "Good as only with your skill do I feel we can get the information needed to take down the leaf and anyone else who causes us issue. The sound village will be known soon enough to be a great village." Kabuto would just nod. He know tonight would be a night he had to relieve himself as he was heavily aroused right now as dark thoughts of destroying the leaf village by his master's side came to mind. "Now go get everything you need in order as I need you to slip into the village soon." Orochimaru said and Kabuto nodded. "I will be ready the day after tomorrow, to travel out." Orochimaru would smile softly. "Good, I will take you to meet them then. You should go get some rest, it's late." Orochimaru told him as it was nighttime now. With a soft nod he would bow and leave Orochimaru to go to sleep.
Orochimaru would lick his lips a little as he watched Kabuto leave as he didn't miss how the teen was aroused. He would go back to work with a small smirk.

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