Chapter 37 To the Eastern Hideout

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My buffer is low again and I am hoping that it get it up some soon.
Kabuto stirred slowly as he took in his master's scent as he woke up. He snuggled up a bit more to him only to feel a bit aroused. Adjusting his glasses that he forgot to take off his face he would move to nuzzle Orochimaru's neck.

Orochimaru would open his eyes with a yawn and then he smirked. "Kabuto, we have work to do" He would say as he moved away from him to sit up.
Kabuto would inwardly pout as he just gave a blank face. As his master got out of bed he sighed. He would get himself ready for the day as it was true they had to get the last things set before traveling again and then he would be working at a different base. Once they were both dressed they would leave to eat breakfast. Kabuto would make a mental list of things he needed to do besides making sure he was well rested. The list made him sigh but he would do it all the best he could.

The next few day past fast as Orochimaru left Kabuto to finish his work and prepare for moving. So before they knew it, it became time to head out again. So They would all eat breakfast together before heading out. They would have to cross some ocean to get back to the mainland which wouldn't be too hard. The 3 of them running across the water until they made landfall. From there they took a break to eat. Then they would head to the Eastern hideout as it was important to be check on things there. It would take them a few days all the while Kabuto kept a bit of distance from the other two. He knew he had to focus on working. It wasn't going to be easy on him but he did his best. He enjoyed the Eastern hideout a good bit and was glad they would be there but knew well he would have to keep his wall up a bit more around those in the hideout.

When they arrived both Orochimaru and Kabuto smiled softly seeing the snake entrance. Just as they reached the cover of the hideout rain had started to fall. Sasuke would look to the rain before following the other two down into the hideout. Kabuto would leave his master's side to get to work as he felt a bit excited to check on things.
Orochimaru on the other hand simply glanced back at Sasuke before showing the teen around the important places for him to know before leaving him to check on a few things as well as do a bit of work. Orochimaru walking past subjects in tubs as he checked how they were coming along. It was interesting how they were changing.

Kabuto felt right at home as he had mentally made sure his guard was up before getting there. He felt quite inspired to work and so kept a small smile on his face as he worked. It was going to be a lot of work but it was fine.
Soon it was dinner so they all gathered to eat in the dinning room. The meal was quiet but of course felt a little different as they were in a different hideout. Kabuto went to his room without even glancing at his master's room door. He stretched as he would sit on his bed to remove his gloves, sash, bags, and shoes. Then he would reach and take his hair tie out before placing it on his nightstand. He then would go to the bathroom connected to his bedroom. Once inside he would strip down and place his glasses to the side. He would turn the water on and move under it without even worrying about the water getting warmed up yet. He placed his hand on the wall as he would let the water wash over his hair. Taking some soap to wash his hair a soft sound coming from his lips as he felt the grim of travel come off his hair. His eyes closed and the image of Orochimaru showering with him entered his mind causing his face to warm. "I can image a bit it wouldn't be bad." He say softly to himself. He would finish washing his hair before going to wash his body. His mind going over his memories with his master to help get himself off for now. His face was dark when he finished as he placed a hand on the wall with the water washing over him. 'That was helpful.' he thought as his breathing started to get back to normal. He would then place his back to the wall as he thought about how possesive his master's grip was. "He is intoxicating." He said softly to himself as he took deep breath. "But then he is a snake, as he crawls under my skins." He looked to the ceiling as his face was still warm. He wanted to just be taken in by him but knew he needed to collect himself. He moved his hand to turn the water off. Taking a deep breath he would pull the curtain back and grabbed a towel to dry off. He grabbed his glasses on put them on. After drying off he would wrap the towel around his waist before walking back into his room which was quiet. He would walk to his closet to grab something to wear to bed. After getting dressed he walked over to his bed to notice a scroll on his nightstand. He picked it up as he sat on his bed to give it a look over.
It read:
Kabuto I moved our special lab stuff to a little island which I will entrust to you. I just don't want you going off to check on it just yet as we have work here. I will give you the a map where it is when the time is right.

Kabuto blushed and has a big bright smiled on his face. His eyes were a bit misty reading it as he looked it over a few time to make sure he read it right. He had to put it to the side so that the few tears of joy that was springing forth wouldn't smug the writing. He swallowed down the rest of his tears as he smiled. He wiped his face softly. "Such an amazing gift." He said softly to himself as he looked to his ceiling. Part of him wanted to go hug his master but the other part knew better to stay were he was. "Thank you." He said softly knowing he wouldn't hear it as he would gently roll the scroll back up before laying down to rest. He couldn't stop smiling as he laid there. He took his glasses off and placed them on his nightstand. It took him a bit to go to sleep.

Orochimaru had gone to his room after dinner to write up a small note for Kabuto which he would go to his room and softly knock but with no answer he would check the door which he raised a brow as he found it was unlocked. A small smirk coming to his face as he would look around the room before placing the scroll on Kabuto's nightstand. 'Should I wait for him?.....Might be best I don't' He thought to himself as he would walk out the room and once in the hall he would take a key out and locked the door so Kabuto would be safe. Then he turned and went to his own room. He couldn't help smiling softly as he knew that Kabuto would enjoy the content of the scroll. He locked his door before he walked to his bathroom and strip before getting into the shower. He relaxed as the water touched his skin. He washed his hair then his body. After he was done he would grab a towel and dry off before walking out towards his room. He would wrap the towel around his waist before sitting on his bed to brush his hair. He couldn't help humming softly as he thought over his sweet little moments with Kabuto. He sighed softly to himself when he placed his brushed down. "Lots of work to do and learn." He said softly to himself before standing and stretching before going to his closet to find something something to wear. Letting his towel fall before changing into a silk robe which he tied together before going and laying down to sleep. He thought over the things that laid ahead which is why he had to push so hard. He had to ensure their survival. It kept him from wanting to hold Kabuto close. He would go to sleep quickly.

When morning came Orochimaru sighed as he woke. He stretched and sit up. He felt a bit down but pushed it down. Getting out of bed he would go to his closet to get dressed for the day. He needed to focus at the tasks ahead. "There is a lot of work to be done and I have to make sure Sasuke has what he needs to train as once I have his body I should be able to stop the Akatsuki's plans." He said softly to himself as he thought of plans and backup plans to stop them. He couldn't help softly sighing as he got dressed. He would then leave his room and glance over to Kabuto's room door before looking away as he walked down the halls to the dinning room only to see breakfast was just being started on and Kabuto wasn't there yet. He sighed softly to himself as he sat at the table.

Kabuto woke slowly as he felt groggy. Blinking a bit before rubbing the sleep from his eyes he would reach over to his nightstand to grab his glasses to put them on. He sat up and looked over to his nightstand. A smile coming to his face seeing the scroll from last night. He would get up and get dress for the day as he felt full of energy and joy. He would contain himself when he left his room as he didn't want anyone bothering him. He smiled inwardly when he saw his master was already sitting waiting for breakfast which he sat down for. His mood going down a bit when he noticed Orochimaru's sour mood. He wondered what could be on his master's mind but just sighed softly as Sasuke joined them. He just left things as he rolled his shoulders back as food started to be served. The meal was quiet but felt slow. When Kabuto was done eating he would get up and go to the lab to start to get work done.

Orochimaru sighed softly with how Kabuto left but with the meal over he would take Sasuke to a room to train him. He needed him to be strong. He had to keep himself in the best state as well. The day went by fast and so before he realized it, it was time for dinner. He sat there mind full of so many things that he didn't even pay any mind to anyone just ate dinner and then leave to go to the lab to do some research. He had planned to not sleep any as he had to work. He looked at the different tubes. 'If I can only make sure I have enough power before they make a big move. It's a lot of work ahead. If I don't do it likely no one will.' He had thought to himself as he worked. It was a long night and he would get himself some tea after a while to help him stay awake. He studied and worked all night long. Before he knew it was time to get breakfast. He would stand up from the desk he was sitting at and stretch before walking to the dinning room for breakfast.
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