Chapter 30 Pained Heart

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Woah we have made it to chapter 30.
Trigger warnings for the chapter: Rape is covered and we will be cover trauma bonding. They relationship is toxic at this point. It will cover the aftermath a bit as well.
So read this one at your own risk. It wasn't an easy chapter to write.
The next day went by fast and before they knew it they arrived to the hideout. Kabuto would get to work after they arrived while Orochimaru would show Sasuke around.
Kabuto would sigh as he started his mound of work he would need to do. 'Perks of being the one he depends on is I got a large workload.' He sighed softly to himself as he worked with Karin. And quickly a few days would pass as he worked hard with his stress level being high as Kabuto barely saw Orochimaru during those days. It was starting to make him feel a little drained. After a long night of work Kabuto would walk down the hall to his room. He glanced at Orochimaru's door before sighing and going into his room. He closed his bedroom door before taking a shower which helped to relax him as the warm water flowed over his body. Kabuto took a deep breath as he washed his hair before his body. Taking deep breaths he would rinse off before walking out of the shower and grabbed a towel first to dry his hair before wrapping it around his waist before grabbing his glasses. Kabuto just left his hair down as he grabbed his bags and shoes to carry them into his room. His feet felt cold against the floor as he walked to his room. He sighed softly as he place his shoes by his bed and then his bags on the nightstand. He would go to his closet to pick out something to wear to bed. He would just grab a pair of pants and put them on with nothing else as he didn't feel like putting in the extra work to put on a shirt as he would just turn to his bed after he hung his towel to dry before laying down on his bed. With a yawn he would take his glasses off and placing it on the nightstand before his body just drifted off quickly.

Kabuto was jolted awake as he felt his hair being yanked. His first response is to try and scream but he found himself gagged. He forced his eyes open despite the pain to look around the dark room to find what was going on. A few tears rolled down his face thanks to the pain. He would blink a few times when his eyes landed on a blobby form of someone he missed. 'Lord Orochimaru?' He thought just before he heard the person say with a smirk in their tone. "Took a bit to wake you. I am shock you allowed yourself to sleep this long." Kabuto swallowed feeling a little nervous. Orochimaru chuckled darkly as Kabuto wondered what his master wanted from him. But just as his mind had some clarity his hair was yanked again.
Orochimaru would look over his young medic. He licked his lips as he saw how he nearly screamed again. "I wouldn't be removing the binding from your mouth if you are going to scream." He said smirking. He would licked Kabuto's shoulder as he felt the boy quiver as he did this. he would then bite Kabuto's neck which he heard him tried to scream a bit as he bite down hard. Orochimaru would lick the small marks he left. He would run his fingers over Kabuto's torso before grabbing a rope before he roughly grabbed Kabuto's wrists and tied them together.
Kabuto would struggle a bit as he was partly a bit scared from how Orochimaru was acting. He squirmed and hoped to keep his arms free. This would get a growl from his master whom would simply move to straddle him to get into a better position to pin his arms down. Kabuto's lips quivered as he tried to keep himself from crying. He knew that if he couldn't free himself that the only choose was to give in. This was his master so no one would stop him. A few tears rolled down his face as his wrists were tied together with the rope Orochimaru had. "I hope you will be more cooperative Kabuto...huuumm, oh well." Orochimaru would say as Kabuto kinda wished he at least could see clearly as he had gave up struggling.
Orochimaru smirked seeing how Kabuto had stop struggling. "Good your calm now." He said softly before he would lick Kabuto's neck before tracing downwards to his waist line. He would lick around his waistline before he would removed Kabuto's pants. He was glad Kabuto seemed to have given in as it make this all the easier. Disrobing himself with a twisted grin on his face. He would turn Kabuto over where his face was into the bed and his butt in the air.
Kabuto swallowed as it dawned on him what was going to happen. He had been intimate with his master back when she was in a female form but now in a male form he was forcing him into this. This didn't feel like it be pleasant but he couldn't do anything about it. He swallowed as he would focus his chakra to where he felt would get damaged in a bit as it was the only thing he could do.
Orochimaru smirked as he would smack Kabuto's ass before moving to position himself where his member was right at his back entrance. Without any preparation he would push into him which was greeted with a soft squeal thanks to the gag he left in Kabuto's mouth.
Small tears rolled down Kabuto's face as he felt the pain of Orochimaru pushing all the way into him. He gripped softly to the covers the best he could as he endured this. He used his chakra to minimize the damage this would do to him as Orochimaru sped up.
After a while Orochimaru would release into Kabuto before pulling out for a moment to flip him over. Looking at how Kabuto's eyes seemed a little puffy Orochimaru asked in a condescending tone. "Oh, can you not take pain anymore?"
Kabuto swallowed hearing this as he tried to push away his feelings. He would look to the side away from Orochimaru.
Orochimaru chuckled before leaning down and removing the gag from Kabuto's mouth before whispering. "It's still late as why I couldn't have you being loud" Which brought a blush to Kabuto's face as he choose to say this right in his ear.
Kabuto shivered as Orochimaru licked near his ear before he grabbed his chin and made him turn to look at him. The next thing he knew was Orochimaru was kissing him. Kabuto couldn't resist opening his mouth to allow Orochimaru's tongue into his mouth. He found himself not only kissing him back but putting his tied hands behind his head to keep him close.
Orochimaru smirked into the kiss and would only pull back after a long while. "Will you keep quiet and do as I say?" Orochimaru said in a commanding tone to a breathless Kabuto.
Kabuto nodded before speaking. "I will do my best lord Orochimaru." He said softly.
Orochimaru smirked as he would say "Then move your hands above your head."
Kabuto swallowed before doing as he was told. To his surprise Orochimaru would gently untie his wrists. Then he felt soft kisses on his wrists. Then he felt kisses down his arms before his lips were taken again into a deep kiss. He couldn't help moaning softly into the kiss.
Orochimaru pulled back smirking. He then positioned himself again at Kabuto's back entrance causing the boy to gasp softly. "Did you think I was done with you already?" Orochimaru said in a teasing tone.
Kabuto's face grew flushed as he looked away from him as he felt embarrassed.
Orochimaru would chuckled before pushing into Kabuto slowly which was greeted with a soft moan from Kabuto. Orochimaru would lift an eyebrow before leaning down to kiss Kabuto deeply as he would start to thrust him. This was a good move as it kept Kabuto from making any loud sounds. He would deepen the kiss as he would hasten his thrusts.
This time it wasn't as painful for Kabuto which made him moan a little into the kiss. A few tears still formed at the edges of Kabuto's eyes as Orochimaru thrusted him faster. He gave himself into the pleasure of the moment to at least enjoy this.
After a while Orochimaru would release into Kabuto again in him. They would both be breathing hard and Kabuto would have released sometime before Orochimaru had. Orochimaru slowly pulled out of Kabuto whom was starting to pass back out. Orochimaru would move away from him before standing up and getting dressed again. He glanced over to his sleeping medic and pulled the covers back over him. Orochimaru would leave Kabuto to go to his own room for the rest of the night to sleep.

Kabuto felt groggy as he woke up slowly. 'Was that a dream?' He questioned to himself before he slowly sat up. It was then he felt a slight soreness in his body. He raised a hand to rub the sleepiness from his eyes before picking up his glasses and putting them on. It was then that he saw it. Kabuto swallowed blinked a bit as tears came to his eyes. 'It wasn't a dream....that really happened.' He thought to himself as he looked at his pants that laid on the floor and the mess his bed was in as well as the few stands of his hair which had come out when Orochimaru yanked it. Kabuto couldn't help putting a hand over his mouth as he tried to collect himself. 'But why? I would have likely given that to him if he had asked....heck I could have prepared then...' He wondered before slowly he would slip off his bed as he stood. His legs wobbled under his weight as he forced them to hold. He felt violated right now as he walked carefully to his bathroom door. It was only then that he even thought to glance over to his bedroom door. A sigh of relief came from his lips when he saw it was closed. He then entered the bathroom and looking in the mirror he couldn't stop himself from feeling sick. He swallowed it back and used the bathroom. While he washed his hands after he couldn't stop the feeling so he took his glasses off and took a quick shower. It was all he could do. After his quick shower he would dry off and place his glasses back on. Swallowing down his emotions he would get dressed for the day and strip the bed as he put the dirty laundry together before picking it up and carrying it to someone else to wash it. He took a clean set of linens and put them on his bed. Then with a deep breath he would go to the dining room. His breath caught seeing Orochimaru sitting their oh so casual drinking tea and looking over some papers. Kabuto swallowed the knot in his throat as he would go to the kitchen to get food before coming back and like nothing happened he would sit next to Orochimaru. Kabuto wouldn't see Orochimaru's smirk towards him as the teen kept his head down. Quietly Kabuto ate breakfast but just as he finished his food he heard Orochimaru speak "Oh, how are you this morning, Kabuto?" the tone of his voice was a bit teasing and a cold sweat formed on his back. Kabuto swallowed to pulled himself together. "I am fine Lord Orochimaru. Just got a late start is all." He said softly before getting up and taking his dishes to wash them before going back to work.
Orochimaru smirked as he watched Kabuto leave. His eyes would turn back to his work. 'That was the first and wouldn't be the last my dear Kabuto. Maybe I should get him something.' He thought quietly to himself.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here. See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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