Chapter 25 As time was running out

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Finally we are on a new part of this story and still have a long way to go. Ahead will more show why I choose the name of the story as I did. As their relationship isn't a healthy one for a good long time. But that doesn't mean it always will be. We are going to go through the ups and downs of it.
After a day of rest Orochimaru had the sound four gather before her. "The time is right, head for the leaf village NOW!" Once the four left the space Orochimaru started coughing which being nearby Kabuto would rush to her side his face pale with worry. Kabuto had to help Orochimaru to her room as he would have to use his ninjutsu to try and stabilize her before going and working to make her some medication as he was worried.

Orochimaru sighed a bit after she was left alone. The depression of her current state was setting in and she felt a bit tired thanks to her host's body doing poorly. "And this was such a good body too...." She sighed. "I had no issue with this body besides the small issue any female has. Such a strong body now going to waste." A few tears started to well up in her eyes as she felt frustrated. She gripped the blanket a bit as despite the pain in her arms she couldn't help the need to hold onto something. "Damn you Sarutobi Sensei." She said to the darkness of the room. She would then stare off into space until Kabuto returned to give her medication he had made for her to help her relax and keep her stable for now. Which after taking it she couldn't help laying down and falling asleep.

Kabuto sighed as he watched her sleep for a moment as he wondered what to do. He decided to go make more of the medication she may need for now as he didn't know how long it last in her current state. He chewed his bottom lip a little as he stood in the small garden of herbs alone. He had to take deep breaths to push down the depression and desperation he felt trying to bubble up. 'Sasuke wouldn't be mature nor will I be use to the idea but she needs a new host. Oh it be a tad weird for Lord Orochimaru to be slightly shorter then me.' He sighed as he knew had to just deal with it as what mattered was her survival. He couldn't let the one whom gave him purpose as well as owned his heart to get any worse as he couldn't bare a thought of the world without his beloved Orochimaru. Everything he did was for his master. He rather die then let anything happen to her. He had to just place his trust that the sound four will get Sasuke and be back quickly....before Orochimaru's condition worsened. He pushed the emotions down to focus as he needed to just get back to Orochimaru's side to make sure if he is needed that he is there for her.

As the hours passed Kabuto cared for Orochimaru and made sure she eat to keep what little strength she had left, up. As it came to night Kabuto couldn't help asking. "Lord Orochimaru, did your really send all four of them? Was that necessary?" Orochimaru was sitting in her bed as she spoke "I hadn't the heart to refuse them. They all were so imgur to meet this Sasuke I'd spoken so highly of, they wanted to test his strength." He couldn't help smiling at her. "It's not a very fair test, in his condition he is no match for all four of them." She chuckled some. "And that's why he will come to me seeking greater power, just as I always said he would." She grinned. Kabuto couldn't help thinking her grin was a bit sexy but pushed it to the side so he could focus as they waited for her new host to arrive. He would make sure she got some rest though she was stubborn and frankly her health was worrying him as it was easy to see the battle had taken it's toll on her body. He would need to keep a close eye on her until her new host arrived. He had to keep focus on monitoring her health. He couldn't let her health slip even slightly. His heart was tight in his chest a bit with worry. He couldn't help kissing her forehead as she slept as she looked so peaceful. He loved her, he knew that but wouldn't dare say it. Especially since other might try to use it against him. He knew he himself wouldn't be sleeping until she changed hosts so he pulled out a book to read up while waiting.

Come morning Kabuto had to stifle a yawn as he would stand and stretch. He would reach into his hip bag to get a food pill to regain energy for the day ahead. He would then hear a soft knock on the room door. He would walk to the door and take the tray that was in the hands of one of their subordinates. "Thank you, I will be here to make sure she is well." Kabuto say as they bowed. "I will be back to bring food at lunchtime if need be" They would say before leaving. Kabuto gave a soft smile before closing the door and carrying the food to her nightstand. "Lord Orochimaru it's time to wake up to eat." He said softly shaking her shoulder which got a groan before she clinched her jaw and opened her eyes. "Is it morning already?" She asked softly. Kabuto gave a soft nod. "Yes and unfortunately they are not back yet. But I do have your breakfast, as it's important to keep your strength up, my Lord" Kabuto said softly as it was a struggle to keep himself from worrying. He gave a fake smile to hide his emotions after helping her sit up. He then turned to grab her bowl of food and tea. He first helped her drink up the tea to be hydrated but before he started to feed her she sighed. "Give me a moment" She said as she would get up and go to the restroom to relieve herself. While she did that he placed her food to the side and worked on eating a few bites of his own food. He knew his chakra levels were important right now. He couldn't afford to be weak right now. Hearing the sink he placed his food to the side again. He glanced over as she stepped out of the bathroom only to see her start to cough which he would rush over to use his chakra to help stabilize her before helping her back over to her bed. He couldn't help feeling worried but pushed it down. He made sure she was comfortable sitting in her bed before getting her bowl of good again as he sat by her bedside to feed it to her. At first she seemed to reject the food which made him sigh. "Lord Orochimaru, please eat. You need your strength." He pleaded a bit with her which with a sigh she looked into his eyes and couldn't help but to allow him to feed her as the pleading look in his eyes warmed her heart. Kabuto would feed her each bite of food in her bowl before giving a soft smile. "Thank you my Lord." He said softly as he put the bowl to the side and sat with her as he ate his own food.

As the hours past Kabuto had to swallow his worry which was making itself a pit in his stomach. He would still eat lunch after feeding his master whom was now sitting reading. Part of him felt nauseous but he couldn't let Orochimaru know his emotional state. He had to swallow it down and keep it calm. He couldn't help starting to feel antsy with how long it was taking for them to return with Sasuke. 'What could be taking them?' he wondered. It would cause him to have to step away from Orochimaru as he couldn't keep himself together if he didn't step away to go on a little walk and force himself to breath calmly.

Though he had calmed down as dinner pasted and night fell Kabuto's worry would come back to the surface as he could see Orochimaru wasn't doing well her groans and moans of pain echoed in the halls of the hideout. Orochimaru couldn't even find comfort under the water of a shower. Kabuto couldn't hold his worry in any longer as he stepped into the bathroom. "Lord Orochimaru" He said standing on the other side of the shower curtain. "They're not here yet? Still no sign of Sasuke?" She said in frustration. 'Times running out, she can't go on like this.' Kabuto thought to himself before speaking. "Please my Lord, there are bodies ready for you. My Lord, you may even use mine if you want." He said despite to not see his master fall before him. "NO! It must be Sasuke. Why do you think I've waited this long?" She said stubbornly which pissed him off. "But you've run out of time! That old man, the 3rd Hokage - His jutsu was stronger then we thought." He couldn't help that his words had an edge to them as his worry and panic was starting to show. "You can't afford to wait any longer. If you don't take another body right now you'll lose everything, EVERYTHING!" He said hoping to convince her. "Lose everything?" She would say before her screaming of pain rang out again. "I've chosen several suitable vessels, I'll go get them ready. And then I will see to Sasuke. Leave everything to me." He said as he made plans in his head to keep his master alive. 'Should I use Kimimaro?' He thought to himself as he heard the sounds of her in pain as well as her frustrations echo as he turned and left her room to do what needed to be done. His footsteps echoing as he entered an area they had lots of experiments locked up. He would release the tags which bind the doors shut on all the cell doors. He watched them come out of their spaces before speaking. "All right listen up all of you, how would you like to be released from your imprisonment? Sadly it's just one of you." He said with a smile before closing the door behind him for them to fight it out as the strongest would be worthy to be his master's vessel. He then made his way to where Kimimaro rested. 'Now to awake Kimimaro.' He thought as he footsteps echoed.
"Kabuto sensei, it's as I thought isn't it. I wasn't chosen once again." Kimimaro would speak softly as he laid in the bed hooked to equipment as Kabuto looked at the monitor which told him of Kimimaro's failing health. "Save your strength, you've served your function well Kimimaro. It's not the sound ninja 5 anymore." Kabuto say looking over sorrowfully over to Kimimaro before turning back tto the monitor and typing a few things. "But still I, I haven't-" Kabuto cut him off "Don't worry, your replacement has already been found. He has a mark equal in power to your earth curse mark. He's been given the heaven curse mark, on top of that he has the Kekkei Genkai" He say before chuckling. "I wonder which of you are stronger." He said in a bit of a dark tone. "Now now calm down, no sense in getting agitated." Kabuto said as he typed more things into the computer to give commands to the medical equipment. "K-Kabuto sensei, tell me truthfully - how much time do you think I have left?" Kimimaro asked softly and Kabuto paused a moment "Relax, don't try and talk" He spoke sternly. "I've been wondering, there must be a purpose for people to be born into this world. Why are we here? What does it mean? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I realized that, finding our purpose is the meaning, that's why we are here. And the ones whom find it, they are the only ones who are truly free." Kabuto took a moment to take a deep breath to calm his nerves. "Yes, I understand what you are saying. Meanwhile, while we speak Lord Orochimaru is suffering horribly. In fact if something isn't done soon it could be the end of him. You must ask yourself truthfully, What should you do Kimimaro? What's your purpose now that you are no longer any use as a vessel? At this moment a new vessel is on it's way. But unfortunately it wouldn't arrive in time" He spoke carefully as he pulled up the camera feed for the area that he had left the inmates to fight to see one was demanding attention being the only one left. He watched as Orochimaru entered the room to stand infront of the man.
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