Chapter 7 Collecting samples

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Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter. I felt it was something that kinda needed to happen early to cement their relationship in that Kabuto will feel more comfort talking back to his master as he needs something to help him feel on the same level as Orochimaru. But don't think we are anywhere near done. My plan is to keep this running into Baruto time so keep an eye out.
Kabuto softly sighed in his sleep as the events of last night had been processed as not real for a moment until he realized he felt the skin of another with him under the covers. He opened his eyes and moved one of his hands to grab his glasses before putting them on. His eyes going wide as he swallowed seeing the scene of them both bare in the bed. 'S-so are you saying EVERYTHING was real? Oh my gosh we....did we really? Lord Orochimaru and I..' He thought as he moved from the bed slowly hoping not to wake the Sannin as he would check his trash to see the use condom. "It wasn't a dream" He said softly before looking at his master's form. He swallowed before going to the bathroom to take a shower while he tried to think things over. "I can't believe that we.....Lord Orochimaru is amazing. How should I act to her." He said softly to himself as he swallowed. He gave a soft sigh before taking his glasses off and placing it nearby. He felt a little exposed as he got into the shower a bit after turning it on. he was just glad the warm water came quickly as he washed the scent of last night's events off him. He couldn't help touching his lips softly thinking about how she kissed him. "She is leaving today and I have to see if I can go as well. I don't know what she has planned but I will be up for whatever Lord Orochimaru wants." He couldn't help saying softly to himself just before he heard the bathroom door which he had forgotten to lock. His face gaining color as he was so glad the curtain wasn't see-threw as he held his breath.
Orochimaru woke up slowly feeling Kabuto's warmth gone from the bed. She yawned softly before sitting up and glancing around as she rubbed her eyes. "Where did he go?" She said to herself before getting up and then felt the need to go to the bathroom. She sighed with a small shrug as she smiled softly. "Must be apart of being in female form." She said softly before trying the bathroom door finding it unlock she would step into the bathroom before going to sit on the toilet to use the bathroom. She yawned again. She didn't realize Kabuto was in the shower as her mind was still waking up as she relieved herself. It was only as she washed her hands after that she realized the shower was on only to smirk to herself as she looked at the unmoving form behind the curtain. She gave a soft chuckle. "Kabuto you didn't need to feel self conscious we both seen each other's body. In fact would you mind if I join you in the shower or would that be too much." She teased.
Kabuto would look at the curtain. He had been mostly still and silent through this. "Answer me or I will just do as I wish." She said and he swallowed. Taking a deep breath to collect himself he would speak. "I am almost done s- so I wouldn't be in here long." which received a chuckle from her. "Kabuto, that matters not. As what matters is sharing for however long you are in it." Orochimaru would say as she took steps from the door to the curtain as he didn't say he was against her joining. Kabuto swallowed hearing her move closer not sure how to handle things and even more what to say after last night. He couldn't help gasping softly as she stepped into the shower before hugging him softly. "After last night I would have thought you be more relaxed around me, Kabuto." She said teasingly as she let her fingers traced his back. "I...I am still trying to understand what it all means." Which got her chuckling. "Don't overthink it Kabuto, just enjoy it. I am not often so giving." She said as she look into his eyes. She chuckled when she remembered his glasses laid outside the shower as she gently place a hand on his chin before kissing him softly. Small tears formed in the teen's eyes as he kissed her back. When she pulled back she softly giggled before wiping away the tears. "I hope those aren't sad tears Kabuto." Kabuto gave a soft smile. "They aren't, I-I'm just so relieved and happy." He said softly which she smiled softly. "Good, once we are done washing we can get breakfast before we see your squad to tell them of your leave for a bit." Kabuto gave a soft nod.

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