Chapter 10 Chunin exam end

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So I ended up taking a small break but that's okay. I now have the idea for the next few chapters as I hope it will be what is left to help bridge over to when we met Kabuto in Naruto. I have gotten excited for this part and hope it comes out good.
After traveling together for while they came to a small lab hideaway which Kabuto was curious as why it was a small lab but shrugged it off. "We will have a guest later but for now it will be just us working on a few things, Kabuto" She would say with a small smirk as he nodded "Alright master, so what do you need my help with?" Kabuto asked as she lead him to a stack of papers as she handed some of them to him "I want you to look these over and then give me your thoughts. They are young shinobi like yourself that I intend to have possibly be part of the first from the village to enter the chunin exam some years from now under the sound." She said and he nodded before sitting down to read.
She would leave him to work as she would go make sure she was all put together and would even change so whenever Sasori arrived she was ready to get whatever job done that they got. She wasn't sure if she wanted Sasori seeing Kabuto but at the same time wanted Kabuto to see Sasori so if need be he could gather intel on the Akatsuki. She hadn't mentioned to Kabuto that she had gained membership but figured he was smart enough he would figure out, if not already he would soon.

The rest of the day went by pretty quiet and Orochimaru would have Kabuto stay in a separate room then her which Kabuto couldn't help sighing over but didn't let it bother him. 'Guess whatever guest it is maybe shouldn't know our closeness. So even if I want to be close it might be best if I am not. At least I get to be here with her right now. Much better then being bored in the village probably trying to get any useful information I can.' He sighed again in his empty room. He would take a short shower before heading to bed. He took a deep breath as he relaxed to go to sleep.
When morning came he got up and with a yawn would grab his glasses but just before he placed them on his face he thought of a few things to add to the papers he saw yesterday. So after placing his glasses on and using the bathroom real quick he would go to the lab to jot down his thoughts into notes so he didn't forget as he wanted to be the best help he could. The experiments would go better a bit with these ideas. He sighed after writing and looking over his notes. Kabuto would stretch before going and head to the kitchen to cook. He wanted to cook for his master. He looked over what was in the fidge to cook and smiled as he started to prep the food wanting to make sure she had everything she needed in a balanced meal. Female bodies could be a bit to maintain healthwise so diet was important. He was so deep in thought as he cooked he didn't notice Orochimaru peaking her head into the kitchen for a bit before shrugging and leaving when she went unnoticed.

Seeing Kabuto so deep into preparing breakfast Orochimaru would go look over the papers she had him look at yesterday as she would take them with her to the table as she read them over. She would raise a brow at some details as how he described some of the things as a smirk formed on her face. She couldn't help thinking about crushing Konohagakure. A small sigh escaped her lips as she thought of all the things she needed to do. The over 50 things to do on her to do list. She closed her eyes to breath as she brought herself back to the here and now only to chuckled a little as the smells of the food cooking started to roll into the dinning room and since it was small she could smell it strongly what he was cooking. 'I hope Sasori doesn't come right away as he doesn't like waiting. Knowing him he would pull Orochimaru away as soon as possible after his arrival. She broke from her thoughts only when Kabuto would come out with breakfast as he served them both before sitting and eating with her. Which after finishing her meal she would sigh softly making up her mind. "Kabuto." She said to get the teen's attention as he looked over at her. "Yes, Lord Orochimaru?" He asked and she gave a small smirk before speaking "I did manage to join the Akatsuki and my partner is the one who will visit later. I don't want them to know you are here but I want you to observe them while they are here. Likely they wouldn't be here long. He is a bit impatient. I want you to get a good look at him since I want you to try to get in as a spy for him for me so that I can have even more intel on what they maybe planning and everything." Orochimaru would tell him and Kabuto would nod before picking up the dishes and going to do them. Now making sure he kept his guard up for when this guest arrived.

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