Chapter 2 Damn Hormones

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Things are continuing for the pair. Please note that Kimimaro is 15 years old when he showed up in Naruto which means if we are back 4 years then he is but around 11.
I do not own these characters or Naruto.
This chapter like the title contains some spice.
Kabuto felt his back against the wall as he felt Orochimaru's lips on his in a deep demanding kiss. His face burned as he felt his master pinning his arms above his head as he pressed his body against his. He would moan if any sound could escape his lips as he felt Orochimaru's tongue exploring his ever detail of his mouth. He felt himself getting a bit aroused.
Orochimaru sighed as he entered the room after ordering breakfast. He gave a glare to Kabuto who was still asleep. "Why is he sleeping so long and soundly?" He murmured to himself as he walk over to the boy. Lucky for Kabuto he was laying on his side and Orochimaru had been out of the room when he had softly moaned in his sleep.
Orochimaru shook his shoulder. "Kabuto wake up!" his voice sharp a bit which snapped him awake just before the young boy ended up accidently saying his master's name. His face flushed when he was pulled from the dream realm back to reality. "L-lord O-orochimaru?" He said sleepily which made Orochimaru sigh as he crossed his arms. "Well at least you're up. We will have breakfast soon, get ready to get going as once we eat we are leaving." His tone held authority which Kabuto could just nod in response as this helped him push down his hormones for the moment.

He grabbed his glasses from the nightstand and place them on. Getting up to go use the bathroom, it was then that his mind replayed the events of his horny dream. He sighed as he washed his hands and then washed his face to calm down more. He took deep breaths to let the horniness leave him. "I need to keep myself calm. He is my master nothing else. I need to not let hormones to lead me to think otherwise." He rolled his shoulders and tilted his head to each side to relax his body and release the tension he felt in them. He would leave the bathroom and pack his things real quick as he stored them back in his scroll.
It was not long after he did this that food was brought in and so they sat to eat. The meal was quiet before they would leave the inn with Orochimaru paying for things.

They traveled quite silently as Kabuto couldn't bring himself to speak to Orochimaru and the man was being quiet as well so they just traveled in silence. Kabuto was cursing his hormones as they traveled.

The next few days he kept quiet as his mind tried to get past the damn dream summoned by hormones or at least that's what Kabuto told himself as he tried to suppress it so he could focus on what he needed to be when they arrived. Orochimaru seemed to leave him be in his thoughts though the man was actually not only enjoying his company but paying attention to the change in his demeanor. He wanted the boy to be ready as any weakness shown may get him killed which he wouldn't want.

It was midday when they slowed their pace getting close to the hideout as Orochimaru glanced over to Kabuto to make sure the youth was collected. Giving a small smirk when he saw a cold expression on his face. He lead the way to the entrance and walked into the hideout with Kabuto following just slightly behind. He would smile softly as the young Kimimaro ran up to greet him. "Lord Orochimaru-" the child bowed before continuing "I am glad to see you back." The kid beamed.
Kabuto grit his teeth just slightly as he didn't expect this.
"Oh I brought someone to help me so we can get to you and Jugo as he has wonderful medical ninjutsu." Orochimaru said as he pet the kid's head. This caused Kabuto to feel a small ping in his chest but he choose to ignore it.
The kid gave an excited expression as he turned to Kabuto and gave him a small bow. "Nice to met you my name is Kimimaro" Kabuto would give a gentle nod "Nice to met you, My name is Kabuto Yakushi." He said softly and Kimimaro smiled softly "So you're the medic Lord Orochimaru said would join and help us? I am glad you're here."
Orochimaru had been watching them and thought it was a bit cute. "Well Kimimaro would you mind showing him around while I make sure everything is in order?" He said to the child and Kimimaro turned and bowed to him. "Anything for you Lord Orochimaru." he said with a smile. Kabuto would push his glasses up slightly something that would become something of a habit later on. Kimimaro would turn back to Kabuto "Follow me" he smiled softly before starting to lead Kabuto around as he explained each room as they went. Kabuto couldn't help feeling a kinship with the young boy even more when he found out the kid was but 4 years younger then him. It made him wonder how such a young boy could end up here but he didn't ask. The base was bigger then the one before and with rooms came many people to met which before he could even say anything the young boy would introduce him as 'This the medical ninja Lord Orochimaru said he would bring" Which got a few different responses he had to answer from questions to just some looks. Some seemed happy he was there some thought he wasn't worth the talk. Kabuto just kept his composure with each response, he didn't let any weakness show. He would prove his place soon enough.
It was around dinner when Kimimaro was done showing him around. The kid even showed him where Lord Orochimaru's room was and the empty room that was prepared for him next door to Lord Orochimaru's room. The kid was smiling as he went to help serve things. Kabuto walking into the dinning room naturally walked over to Orochimaru's side figuring the man would tell him where to sit. Which to his right was an empty seat which he had saved for Kabuto. Kimimaro after helping set the food out would come sit to Orochimaru's left side.
Kabuto just simply blinked at the child sitting there. He wondered why he was so keen on being so close to the man but figured he find out sooner or later. For now he would eat with everyone as he knew waiting too long wasn't good as Lord Orochimaru didn't like his food cold.
Though once Orochimaru finished his food he would speak. "Did you commit everything to memory Kabuto? As you will be here with us for a while so we can help Jugo and Kimimaro." He said and Kabuto nodded softly "Yes, Lord Orochimaru." He said softly as he shifted a bit in his seat. This had been the first time it felt natural calling him that.
Orochimaru noticed this small shift and it brought a smirked to his face. "Good as I expect you to not sleep in and be here for breakfast so you can focus on our work." Kabuto would wordlessly nod this time. He was starting to feel a peace in his soul about his place. He finished up his food before rolling his shoulders back. "May I be excused?" He asked softly as he glanced over at his master, his glasses hiding his eyes a little which Orochimaru lifted a brow at but with a small smile he said. "You may go Kabuto"

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