Chapter 11 Lord and Master

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So with my current idea we will be closing in soon to Naruto episode territory. So this before Naruto arc will be ending soon enough but don't worry it will still be a lot of fun ahead. So strap in and here we go.
Kabuto would travel by himself excited to see his master and report all he had learned so far. When he reached the hideout he was told to come to he slowed down a bit before coming in as he had to make sure he had his mind collected. A young Kimimaro and Jugo would greet him which made the teen smile as Kimimaro would come and give him a small bow. "Lord Orochimaru said you would be here soon. I can lead you to where our Lord is." The kid was beaming a bit so Kabuto couldn't help nodding with a small grin. Kimimaro smiling would turn and lead Kabuto to a lab room which Orochimaru was sitting in looking over some paperwork. "Thank you." Kabuto say softly to Kimimaro who nodded and would go off with Jugo to do some training. Kabuto watched them go before entering the lab room and walking towards his master. He would knee to the ground before speaking "I am here to report master." Which Orochimaru looked from her papers to glance at him before raising a brow and sighing as she put down her pen. "I was hoping to finish this paperwork before you got here, oh well." she sighed again before smirking a little. "So I asked you here to report in and then tell you about how best to get in as a spy under Sasori. That is the member I know best as I am partnered with him. I don't plan to stay in their organization forever as it's just about learning what I can so we can make our village strong. Kabuto couldn't help a small smirk that formed on his face as he felt his master's strong will as he also felt that strength in her glaze which was on him. "Yes my Lord." He would say feeling excited a bit as he would give his report. Once he was finished the room fell quiet a bit as she glanced at her paperwork. She would stand up. "Come Kabuto and we will have tea together as we talk about Sasori and how to handle things with him." She said and Kabuto woud raise to his feet before glancing at the paperwork before following Orochimaru out of the room and walked with her to get tea and sit to talk.
Orochimaru would go over Sasori's personality and how to best handle talking to him. Kabuto would take it all in as he listened. Then Orochimaru would go over how to get in as a spy under the artist and then what she said after a small pause did catch Kabuto a bit off guard. "How have you been doing? How has your training been going?" She asked which Kabuto had to blink a bit for it to click what she was asked. "O-oh I am doing alright my Lord. I have been working hard on everything tasked to do. I do my best." He said feeling a little insecure. Orochimaru smirked as she sipped her tea. "Well you are going to stay the night at least before you go off traveling as I don't want you exhausting yourself." Kabuto would nod softly hearing her as he pick up his cup and drink some of his tea. "If that is your wish master then I will. It be nice to rest here before going out again," He said and she smiled a bit. "Good, now would you like to join me to look over a few experiments?" She asked and Kabuto nodded before finishing his tea. "Of course master." He said and so she would show him some of her experiments that were going well at the moment in the hideout. Soon enough it be dinner time and so she would bring him to the dinning room with her as she had him sit next to her at the table. The meal was quiet but Kabuto felt a few glares from a few of the lesser followers. He didn't let it bother him as he actually let a smirk form on his face to spite them. After dinner Kabuto would go to his room and take a quick shower before putting on clean pants and just as he was putting on his shirt he heard a knock on the door. He would sigh as he would go to his room door only to open it more when he saw Orochimaru at the door. She walked into the room before he closed the door. Kabuto was unsure what to say so he waited on her next moment. Orochimaru would grab his chin and grip it a bit tightly. "You make sure not to get into trouble and stay safe." She would say and Kabuto almost nodded but couldn't from her grip on his chin. "Y-yes Lord Orochimaru. I will be careful as always. You shouldn't have to worry about me getting everything you ask me to get done....." Kabuto had to stop himself from laying his heart bear as he looked into her eyes. She smirked as she let his chin go. "Good, I hope you sleep well tonight. If you can't sleep easily just knock on my door." Orochimaru would say and Kabuto blushed a little. "If that is what you wish Lord Orochimaru." He say before bowing a bit.
Orochimaru would chuckle before leaving Kabuto to go to her room. She partly hoped he would knock on her door unable to sleep so that she could hold him for one night but she wouldn't ask for it. So she would sigh as she would go and take a quick shower before dressing in a kimono for bed. She would sit on the edge of her bed and brush her hair hoping to hear Kabuto knock on the door.

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