Chapter 16 Preperations have begun

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So time between the second and third exams, not sure how long I will write it out but I know that there is some places I will write more on then others. Sometimes things end up not perfectly fitting with canon on some stuff but that's okay.
Soon Kabuto would report in with Gaara's Sensei as they had to make sure everything was coming along. As they watch Gaara attack the sound ninja underling. He wouldn't care the outcome as either way the ninja had served his purpose. He couldn't help letting a smirk form on his lips as he saw Gaara at work. It was then when he nonchalantly told Baki how he was ordered to kidnap Sasuke but failed and that they know he is connected to the sound village. Baki was a bit worried by this as it could ruin the plan to take out the leaf village. Kabuto couldn't help smirking as he felt no worry what so ever. He even chuckled as he admitted he let himself be found out. He wanted to test the village as he knew they still eventually get Sasuke. Baki would state that the sand wouldn't make a move until the last moment as this was the sound's idea. Kabuto would hand Baki a scroll with the plan that Lord Orochimaru gave him. He told Baki to inform his squad as soon as possible. After he confirmed Kabuto would turn to leave before mentioning he would take care of the little spy. Baki would speak up and say he would take care of them as a gesture of good faith and that it be easy. Kabuto smirked to himself as he knew this ment he has some free time.
Kabuto would go to his small apartment which he had already done all the preparations he needed there. He knew it was time to pack up as he opened a scroll to start packing his things as soon he would leave this spot so as to lay low until it was time. He knew everyone would mostly be focused on the finals as they set things into motion. He would need to go put in commands with Orochimaru's forces. He was the right hand man and now must make sure all was ready. He smirked softly as he thought of what was ahead as he packed. With the leaf unaware of the plans in full and just knowing something was looming felt wonderful. Kabuto felt free as he put all his things away before making one last meal in the kitchen. Kabuto smiled to himself as he sat down and ate the food. He sighed softly after he finished as he got up cleaned up and finished packing. He would need to go to the hideout where the troops were to be at to relay orders. He was excited to get this done. He would put his scrolls of things into his bag before he carefully left making sure to leave the apartment unlocked as he left the key on the dining room table. He walked carefully though the village before exiting and kept moving until he came upon a small town and took shelter in the inn when it was almost 2 in the morning. It was there he got some rest. Thoughts of all the plans ahead racing through his mind as he couldn't help going over it all as he had to make sure everything went perfectly.
When Kabuto woke he sighed as he got up and got himself some food. It was around 10 now which made him want to groan as he had a long way to go. He would need to travel a until near night fall to reach the hideout. When he arrived it was just as the stars were coming out. He had to catch his breath as he sighed. He rolled his shoulders back before he walked into the hideout. It was when he was walking in he couldn't help wondering if Orochimaru still felt attached to her old sensei. He had to push down the annoyance he felt thinking about it as he would walk around the hideout only to see Orochimaru there. He hadn't expected her to return to the hideout during this time thinking she would just have him do it and that's when he realized she hadn't told him of anything beyond his and the sound 5's parts. He couldn't help sighing which was when she looked over at him as a smirk formed on her lips. "Took you long enough to get here." She raised a brow and the slight look of annoyance on his face made her chuckle. "Well at least you are here now so we can go over the plans. Come" She would say as she turned and walked to the training area which held many fighters for what was upcoming. Orochimaru would loudly say "Listen up, it's time to go over the plans." Which got everyone's attention as Kabuto stood a bit behind and beside her.
Orochimaru would go over the plans as everyone listened. Kabuto stood beside her listening to her as he couldn't help feeling the itch to dissect something. His mind partly wondering off while he listened. When Orochimaru finished speaking she dismissed everyone. Kabuto would slightly clinch his hand to pull himself from his thoughts to refocus on the present as he saw her walking to leave the room. He would follow her as he felt likely that is what she wanted as she didn't give him a task to go do. She would walk into a small indoor garden as she wanted to look over things. Kabuto followed her and stopped in the doorway with a raised brow as he felt she might have just wanted to relax. He didn't want to disturb her yet he had a feeling if he left she might get angry. So he would just start looking at the plants to see if anything need watering as she sat down near some plants.
Orochimaru sighed as she felt relaxed after feeling a few cramps earlier. She was thankful they had calmed as she spoke. It was the annoying thing about being in a female body but she had to admit this body was very strong and worked well with her. She wanted to send time with Kabuto but for the moment the silence between them felt comfortable and right. She did glance over to him smiling softly as he cared for the plants. She would look back to the plants infront of her as she let some time go by as they were like this.
Kabuto did do a bit of work with some plants like making some medications as well as caring for plants. 'Should I unpack some here?....maybe I should ask about that.' Kabuto thought to himself finally turning to look at her and take a few steps closer to her. She made a soft 'Huuum' to hearing his footsteps closer to her but didn't look at him. "Lord Orochimaru, since I have packed everything up. I wanted to ask would it be advisable for me to unpack some in my room here or should I keep packed?" His voice soft at the moment and she softly chuckled as she would think about it. She would look over at him with a smirk on her face. "What do you think? As it depends how our plans play out." Kabuto would raise a brow. "True so I wouldn't unpack my lord." He would say but now not knowing what to say to her. So he would turn to go back to caring for a plant.
Orochimaru would watch him. Her face softening a little. She would move to stand as she sighed. This was the calm before the storm and she felt hungry and so she thought it might be close to the time to get food. "I think it's time for dinner." She said and he looked up before moving his hands from the plant he had been working on. Seeing her leaving the room he would follow after her to go to the dinning room. Food was still being prepared as she and Kabuto sat down at the table to wait. Kabuto held in a sigh as he saw Jugo helping with getting things organized for the meal. He knew that Jugo would have to be move to another hideout soon and thus this would be the last bit of time he would get to see Kimimaro before the attack on the leaf. Kabuto, himself could feel the tensen of excitement for the plans ahead that was starting to build as just in one month they would be launching their attack.
Jugo and Kimimaro would end up helping serve the food before sitting down to eat. Kabuto stayed quiet as he ate sitting next to Orochimaru.
Orochimaru would leave first after eating to go to her room. She wanted to take a shower which which she let herself relax in as a small sigh escaped her lips as her body started it's monthly which was annoying. When she was done in the shower she dried off and got dressed in a kimono for bed as she felt tired. She honestly wanted Kabuto to join her but she wouldn't dare say it.
Kabuto couldn't help but to help with cleanup a bit before going to his room he stood with his back against his door for a bit as he felt the urge to go be with Orochimaru yet knew it wasn't good to get distracted right now. His mind getting filled with a list of things he had to make sure went well. All the setup that he had to help with. A sigh escaped his lips as he would go to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going to bed. He wouldn't be able to drift of quickly as the excitement for what was coming made it hard to sleep. He had to push it out of his mind and think of a list of all the things he had to do to help him drift off to sleep.
Everyone would be busy as things came together. It was a week before the exam was going to start again when Kabuto, the sound 5 and Orochimaru took out the Kazekage so that Orochimaru could impersonate him. This was when Kabuto's worries were validated about Kimimaro as the teen couldn't hide the fact that he coughed up blood. Kabuto had to take him back to the hideout and treat Kimimaro. Kabuto checked him over and felt frustrated as there wasn't anything he could do for the younger teen. He sighed as he put the younger teen into a coma for now. It was frustrating that even with all his knowledge he couldn't do anything for Kimimaro. He had tried his best over the two days and felt exhausted. He would have to get some rest before going back to the village. Kabuto sighed as he would go to his room and lay down for a bit. He slept for a bit too long for his liking as he would then make his way back to the village.
He snuck to report into Orochimaru. After hearing Kabuto's report Orochimaru couldn't help noticing that his medic looked tired. Which with a sigh Orochimaru told him to rest until the day of the exam. Kabuto sighed softly to himself as he would nod and go to an inn to get rest. He needed to rest and eat to get himself back into a good state. He needed to be at top form for everything. everyone was moving into place for things.
Kabuto woke early the day of the exam to make sure he ate and got around carefully. As he would take out an Anbu outside before things got started. As he would take on the Anbu's identity and get into place for the plan. A small smirk forming on his face.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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