Chapter 41 Morning activities together

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So after so long I am trying to get back at this. I just hope you all continue to enjoy the story and maybe check out and support my other works. Smut warning for what's ahead.
Kabuto would come out of the kitchen with the food on trays as to keep it all steady. He had even made tea. He placed the food on the table as he would sit next to his master. He would serve the food as they would quietly ate the food.

The food was a good meal as they ate. Orochimaru just thought about how he would have to make sure he knows how much he really cares about him. He would enjoy the food and eat his fill. Once he was done he looked over to Kabuto as he was still finishing up his meal. 'Oh how this will be a wonderful day. I know there is a lot to deal with but I can take one day to relax, right?' He thought to himself as he would just run a few fingers over Kabuto's hand.

Kabuto blush softly as he looked over to his master when he felt his finger over his hand. He had just finished eating. He couldn't help wondering what his master had on his mind since this was his birthday and they would spend the day together. "Lord Orochimaru, do you have any plans for the day?" He asked softly as he looked into his master's eyes as a small shiver down his spine as his eyes were so intense with different emotions. He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath.

Orochimaru smirked at him. "Oh a few thing, Just deciding what to do first." He say as he would lean over a little to place a hand on his cheek. He chuckled softly as he noticed he let out his held breath. "I think we can go to the lab first." He smirked softly before standing up and taking the dishes to the kitchen.

Took Kabuto a moment to realized what had happened before he got up and followed Orochimaru to the kitchen. "Lord Orochimaru let me do the dishes." He said a little rushed. Orochimaru turned towards him with a small chuckle. "Alright, While you do that I will do a few things and met you in the Lab." He said with a smirk. "Alright my Lord." He said softly going to do the dishes. Orochimaru would then leave him to do the dishes. He sighed softly. He would work on cleaning the dishes as it was something he was use to cleaning up after himself here. He just smiled softly as he thought about just spending time with Orochimaru all day. He started to hum a bit. Before he knew it he was done. Placing the dishes away before going to the Lab. He walked quietly though he felt a bit nervously excited. His breath caught in his throat a little seeing Orochimaru working a little on some of his experiments. He knew he would have to put everything on hold so each thing needed to be able to handle being without care for a long while. He took a deep breath before walking closer to his master.

Orochimaru softly smiled as he heard Kabuto's footsteps. 'How should I go about this? I want to catch him off guard.' He thought to himself as he glanced over to Kabuto as he finished his work. He wouldn't turn towards him as he spoke. "Took you a bit to do those dishes, Kabuto. We have to set everything up so nothing has issues once you have to come back to do different work." He spoke softly and smoothly.

"Very true master" Kabuto would say before turning to get to working on things. His mind would focus on the task he is working on so much he even forgot his master was in the room. He was doing well pacing his work as he completed plenty of the work. Just as he finished a task he froze as he felt his master's arms wrap around him. 'I got absorbed into my work that I forgot he was here.' His breath came out in a moan as Orochimaru nuzzled into his neck. He felt like melting. "Are you done with what you were working on?" He heard right in his ear which made his face warm. "Y-yeah."

Orochimaru smirked as he would licked his neck. "That's good to hear as that means I can distract you." He would move one hand down and into his pants so he could gently rub Kabuto's member. This was greeted with a moan as Kabuto placed his hands on the table in front of him. He chuckled softly at this. He would nip Kabuto's neck.

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