Status of the story

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Okay, everyone, take a seat with me for a bit as I need to talk to you all.
I love this story and planned to write it well into 80+ chapters as I wanted to go through Baruto, but thanks to things going on in my life, writing has become harder. I tried to recover and return quickly, but I realized that wouldn't help the story or me as I feel like I am letting you all down.
I have read fanfics over my years of being a writer, and heck, it's what I started with around 14 or so years ago. So it's still seen as important to me. I love this pairing as why I have been writing this story, but I think I do need to take a full break to not even think about things for a while until I can recover and get a buffer of chapters ready to go for you all.
Don't fret as I wouldn't forget the story as I have made friends through this and wish to keep it going but sadly despite all my wanting to keep the ball rolling, once I dropped it thanks to life it has been hard to get it rolling again.
So in for now, a hiatus will be in effect for this story. For how long I don't know, but I do hope to return by January. I hope you all continue to enjoy the current chapters I have, which is still the longest story I have written, and know, I understand the feeling of an ubrupt stop to a story as I have seen it before as why I make these little updates so that you aren't left hanging not knowing what is going on and thinking maybe I wouldn't return. I just need rest. The next chapter is over halfway written, but I don't think I can add to it anytime soon. Not in my state. I love you all and glad that this story has reached so many people. When I first did the small fanfic for this pair, I didn't think anyone would read it and that it just sit unread in the void of content. But then people found it and enjoyed it. which drove me to add to it a bit before then starting this fanfic. It's why it has gotten this big. And I held pride in keeping it going so long, but now sadly I must make a choice. So I will rest up and see you all when I can get things back in a line.

With much love,
Your author for this story Zenya Motoki

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