Chapter 18 Depression

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I have been waiting to do this piece for a good while. I thought up the opening part when talking to a friend I made from my first Orokabu book. Belphegor4Life this is the detailed version of the little bit I told you of the little idea for something cute. Yes some cute moments ahead.
Please read the outro as I made a new one.
Sorry it's a bit late.
Kabuto helped Orochimaru sit down after having helped change her outfit. She was wheezing. Kabuto couldn't help but to speak his mind about how it shouldn't have been a surprised it wasn't easy as the 3rd Hokage was a highly skilled ninja that she was toying with. Even going on to say she had done well as now 2 of the 5 Kage were down.  Only for her to cut him off saying "Shut your mouth" as she was feeling pissed he was looking down on her. She even went as far as threaten his life.
Kabuto took a deep breath before asking for forgiveness as he didn't mean to come off that way. Before going onto speak about the mission again, as it wasn't a complete failure as Sasuke was definitely going to come to them sooner or later. Orochimaru chuckled as she said "And all it cost me was the use of my arms and the entirety of my jutsu." Kabuto stood quiet as Orochimaru spoke about Itachi which he missed out on. She admitted that Itachi was stronger then her as why she left the Akatsuki.

Kabuto held a tray which had food which was covered to stay warm and a small kettle of tea with a glass. He balanced the tray in one hand as he knocked on Orochimaru's room door. "I'm coming in." He would say as he would open the door before placing his hand back on the tray as he pushed the door open with his back.
Orochimaru was sitting quietly as she stared at her lap. The blankets of the bed were a mess as she couldn't fix them. She didn't even look up as Kabuto walked across the room and place the tray down on her nightstand after closing the door behind him.
Kabuto sighed softly as he turned to look at her. "Lord Orochimaru I brought you dinner" He said softly only to get greeted with her hissing at him. He raised a brow at her action. "My lord, you need to eat. It's been 3 days." He said and she hissed softly before pouting.
She couldn't even think about eating since it was painful to use her arms. So much so that beyond keeping her dignity of using the bathroom by herself it was too much. Kabuto had been trying to give her different things to help ease her pain but it didn't help much. She barely wanted to be around anyone as she hated that tears would roll down her face thanks to the pain. She looked up when she heard Kabuto sighing.
Kabuto would turn to take the metal cover from over the bowl as he picked up the chopsticks on the tray as well as the bowl as he moved to sit on the edge of her bed to offer her the food.
Orochimaru would try to lift her arm to take the chopsticks only for the pain to make her drop her hand back down as a small tear formed in her eye. She looked into Kabuto's eyes.
Kabuto scooted closer as he would then take the chopsticks into the correct hold to grab food before putting it into the food. After grabbing a bite of the Tamagodon he would put it to her lips. With a small sigh She would take the bite since not only was she hungry from not eating but it was a nice dish made with eggs and rice. He smiled softly as she accepted the food. The next moments would be quiet as he feed her all the food in the bowl. A small warm smile formed on his face after she finished the food. He would stand up to place the bowl and chopsticks back on the tray before he would pour her a cup of tea and sitting next to her he offered her to drink it.
Orochimaru sighed giving a pouty look. She didn't like this type of treatment and worse was the overly soft look in his eyes as if he pittied her. That look just made her more frustrated as she could do little about it. She sighed and drank the tea hating she needed this help.
After she drank the tea and he placed the cup on the tray. He would move to sit by her side again as he started to do a check over her arms as he asked about how she was feeling. She hissed at him as the pain shoot through her arms. He raised a brow. "I guess I need to make you something stronger for pain." he sighed. She looked to her lap, part of her wanted to cry out of frustration. So much was problematic now. They had lost so much. Kimimaro was useless, her arm's rendered useless, and they didn't get Sasuke. Sadly it was becoming apparent that despite his medical knowledge and skill this was beyond Kabuto's skill level. She sighed as one thought came to her. 'It might be time to find Tsunade as she is the most skilled medical ninja around.' She looked up slowly only to notice he was sitting next to her before softly hearing him sigh. "Kabuto, we need to start looking into where Tsunade might be." She said softly which he touched her cheek softly before giving a soft nod. "Alright but for now you need to take care of yourself. To do that I need you to move around some, you need to get cleaned up some, and let me feed you. Once we get a good lead we will head out to find her."  Kabuto would say and Orochimaru would sigh softly but nodded as she knew this was for the best. She would need to be in good health for traveling as it be safer. "Alright, that sounds good." She said softly and Kabuto smiled. "Alright let me help you wash up and change for bed and once you are tucked in to sleep I will get someone on looking for Tsunade." He's voice was a soft tone that actually annoyed her but she didn't say anything about it just frowned as she moved to stand only to stumble a bit. Kabuto would catch her as he stood up as well. He would escort her to the bathroom to help undress her for a shower. 'her normal layered wear might be best to not have until her arms are back to working.' He thought as he helped her. He then took his gloves off before starting the water so he could check the tempature to make sure it was right before letting her step into the shower. He then undressed as if he was going to get wet might as well not be dressed while he did that. He got in behind her in the shower. She was standing under the water with the water going down her hair and body. He had to take a deep breath before grabbing the shampoo to get a bit so he could wash her hair. He was careful and persise when washing her hair. His glasses fogging a little but he didn't care as he had to see as clearly as possible to make sure he cared for her the best he could. After he finished washing her hair he would then start cleaning her body.
She was being oh so quiet doing this process. Orochimaru held in sounds of pain but let the tears of frustation and pain come from her eyes as the shower washed them away so Kabuto wouldn't see them. It made her feel so low that she had to have him help her wash up. The pain in her arms were just too much for her right now. It was only when he was done that she let out a sigh of relief as it ment she could dry off and go to bed. She stepped out of the shower first as she would try to get a towel to dry off only to sigh when she couldn't force her arms to obey. It will take practice to handle this better.
She stood there trying to get a towel for a while as Kabuto washed up quickly before coming out to help dry her off before drying off and putting on some pants before going to her closet to get something different for her to wear. Picking out a kimino he would return to help her into it and tie it for her.
Orochimaru sighed as she would walk to her bed and lay down feeling defeated yet again. She wanted to cry but not when Kabuto was there.
Kabuto would get dressed before coming and pulling the covers over her before filling a cup of tea and placing it on her nightstand before taking the tray and leaving her room. He took the dishes to the kitchen and let someone else cleaned them as he walked to see the sound 4 and talk to them about Orochimaru's state. He got them in a room to talk. Kabuto sighed softly as he looked at them. "Lord Orochimaru has trouble using her arms if at all right now. We need to find her old teammate Tsunade. With any luck she can help her. I got her to eat and wash up for now." Kabuto would tell them and each of them nodded. "So we need to work on gathering information as you care for Lord Orochimaru?" Sakon say and Kabuto nodded. "Yes you all will need to handle gathering the information to find where she may be as I shouldn't be too far from Lord Orochimaru as she needs a lot of care." Kabuto would say as he relaxed some. They needed to get to work fixing the loses they had. Each of the four nodded. "We will get to it  as soon as possible." Sakon would say and Kabuto nodded. "She seems to still in a pain but I will do my best to keep it down." Kabuto say with a slight sigh before he would head back to her room to stay close if she needed him. He checked and she seemed to already asleep so he would go and he make a small mat on the floor to lay down on the floor close by so he could sleep without waking her. It took him a bit to get to sleep but he would soon enough but forgot to take his glasses off.

Orochimaru would wake in the middle of the night with a sigh as she got up and went to the bathroom. She struggled with her arms and hands to handle this small thing by herself and to wash her hands. Her pride was definetly wounded thanks to this. She sighed gathering herself before leaving the bathroom. It was then she noticed Kabuto and raised a brow. She walked over to him and kicked his leg. She sighed and glared when he didn't wake at the kick as it wasn't too hard. She wished she could shake him awake. "Kabuto" She called glaring down at him. He made a small sound as he moved a little. She took a deep breath as she glared at him. She kicked him a bit harder."KABUTO!" She said louder and this time the young medic opened his eyes and sat up looking at her. His face was a bit flushed as he looked at her. "Y-yes Lord Orochimaru?" He asked and she sighed shaking her head. "Since when did I say you could sleep on the floor? Get in the gosh damn bed." She said as her tone was a bit cold. She looked away from him as she would go to the other side of the bed to get back into bed.
Kabuto sighed as he got up and took his shoes off before sitting in the bed. He would tuck her in before taking his gloves and glasses off to get comfortable as he turned a bit away from her as he tried to go to sleep.
She just scooted herself a bit so that her back touched his as then she drifted off to sleep. It gave her some comfort that he was there.
Kabuto drifted off to sleep quickly and so the morning came fast. He woke up early to get up and get ready for the day before going and making sure to get breakfast for them both on a tray as he figured she wouldn't be wanting to come back out just yet. So he would come into her room with the food and since he was quiet about it she was still sleeping when he returned. He smiled at her sleeping form before he came over to the side of her bed to shake her shoulder softly. "Lord Orochimaru, it's time for breakfast." Orochimaru would blink the tiredness from her eyes as she sat up. Kabuto would first help her drink some tea so that she wasn't dehydrated before getting her food and sitting on the side of her bed feeding her it bite by bite. She pouted a little as she was being fed but he couldn't help thinking it was adorable and thus smiling as he feed her. She would sigh when he turned away after the food was done as he had to get his food to eat. "You sent scouts to find information on where Tsunade is, right?" She asked softly and Kabuto smiled softly "Yes my Lord, I informed the sound four whom will handle that and will tell us when something is found so we can go find her." He said softly. She nodded softly. "Alright good, she can be a bit hard to find. She is known to change her appearance to look like she is at different ages. But it shouldn't be too hard to find her trail since her reputation of being unlucky yet gambling a lot leaves a trail." She said softly as he ate.
Thank you all for reading this chapter. Any votes and comments are wonderful to see and help me feel encouraged to keep going in this fanfic. Following me helps you keep up to date with me with posts I put here.  See you next week when the next chapter goes up.
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