Chapter 13 Written Exam

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So by the end of this chapter my goal is to have it at the beginning of the chunin exam in which Naruto's group are apart of. After I looked at flashback for this I noticed the anime did cover Kimimaro getting his curse mark but I am not going back and changing the little part I wrote that touched on it.
The next morning Kabuto wake feeling a little groggy but couldn't help smiling feeling Orochimaru's back to his. He would reach for his glasses and put them on as his mind would wake up slowly as he sat up. The events of last night making him smile softly as she check him out of care and even placed his glasses in reach instead of leaving them in the bathroom. 'She was truly extraordinary.' He sighed softly to himself only now feeling the fact he was shirtless and now noticing as he looked at her that she wasn't wearing much. He kinda wanted to just embrace her and enjoy this moment but he stopped himself. He placed a hand over his heart as he remembered the conditions of being able to be this close. He cursed his emotions as he felt a bit too attached to her. Sighing he would get up and go to the bathroom to use it. It was only when he was washing his hands that he saw his forgotten hair tie. He sighed softly as a small smile formed on his face. He picked up the hair tie and walk back into the room as he would take a brush and brush his hair before putting it back up. He couldn't help looking over at her again as she laid on her side gently breathing as she slept. He couldn't help gently touching her hair. He was glad that he wouldn't stay for too long as he didn't want to get use to this. Kabuto sighed softly to himself as he pulled his hand away. 'I should probably just leave before she wakes.' He thought to himself as the thought of her waking from tiredness had his heart racing a little. So he would quietly stand and put on a shirt, sash his shoes, and his bag. He sighed softly to himself at the fact she had a few sets of clothes for him in a draw in her room. He would pick up his clothes from the bathroom and put them in the laundry before walking to his room so he could think and collect himself for a moment. He needed to make sure he didn't feel jealously over anything as he knew well that it just cause him to end up alone. He would swallow before walking out of the hideout to take in some of the sun rays before going back in to go to get breakfast.
Orochimaru woke up a bit after Kabuto left and sighed softly as she wouldn't admit that it bothered her that he wasn't there when she woke up. She felt a small sad ping in her heart which she pushed away as she got up and got dressed for the day. She couldn't let her emotions cause any problems now. 'Maybe it's a good thing he will have to leave again soon.' she thought to herself as she walked to the dinning room slowly getting there before Kabuto as she took a deep breath and would take her seat. As it wasn't for a little while that Kabuto came to join them. She kept her emotions to just her eyes as her face stayed straight. The meal was silent and the day was full of work. They both agreed that the following day after breakfast it would be good for Kabuto to get back to the village.

And so more time would pass with them in this state. They enjoyed time together but worried about being too attached. Love blooming even if not acknowledged. Kabuto would come by for reports and work and spend time with Orochimaru a bit. Being sexual was easy as it was tenderness that made them feel fragile. As unknown to them it made them feel human and not so alone. Orochimaru would have had Kabuto watching the young Uchiha boy as she was interested in his growth as a possible candidate to be a host body later on. Kabuto honestly sighed at the thought as well the boy was younger then him by a few years. It was then that a small creeping fear grew in him. Would Orochimaru even want him around once he was older? Would he grow to age away while Orochimaru just stayed forever young? Would Orochimaru feel upset if he was gone? He couldn't bring himself to ask any of these questions. All he could do was work as the opportunity to crush the leaf came closer. With the hidden sand allying themselves with them it was going to be pretty easy at least that was what he thought at the time. His 19th birthday coming and going as work was done. Orochimaru told him on his 19th birthday that with the plan moving forward he soon wouldn't have to keep up this false identity which made him happy. He was excited to just be at his master's side without anyone thinking he belonged elsewhere.
He and his team filled out the forms for the upcoming chunin exams. He couldn't help a false softness of a smile come to his face. He could soon drop this false weakness. So the day of the written exam he smiled to himself as he got ready and made sure to make it to the testing hall early with his squad. He had made sure to pack everything he needed with him the day before. He had his shinobi cards and everything. This would be the day he would speak to the young Uchiha and his friends. He had trained for this. Though he didn't stay near his team as he needed to seem meak when they came in. Kabuto had to keep himself from rolling his eyes at the childishness they showed. 'Rookie 9 is definitely right.' He thought to himself as he contained his urge to sigh. He needed to come off as kind to them. He took a deep breath before coming over to them as he told them how they are making a scene. He would introduce himself as he make sure to point out what impression everyone was getting. He would go about telling them about the exams since they are rookies. He told them how it was his 7th try. He figured to help gain their trust that he would show his shinobi card collection a bit to them. He had to explain things to them a bit. He was fine with this as it was important for this mission. Sasuke wanting to get some intel did excite him a bit but then the boy already knew the names of the two he wanted to ask about. Kabuto would show his intel on Rock Lee as well as Gaara. This little bit would help gain their trust some. He then did something he knew would probably trigger the 3 hidden sound ninja as they didn't know of him being a spy. He would also try to discourage the group of rookies a bit. He was by far not expecting Naruto's outbursts. He couldn't help smiling softly at the bout of confidence in that outburst. 'This will be fun' he thought to himself. He hoped that the sound ninja would act on the insult before the test so that he could gain trust. And just when he thought that he glanced at them. He saw them moving and knew full well he couldn't completely move out of the way as he had to take some of the hit that was coming to gain sympathy. He saw them from the moment they started moving but made no attempts to move until last minute. He had to act off guard to them. He wasn't told which ninja were sent as his glasses broke. It wasn't until his inner ear was affected that he was put in a weaker state. He vomited a bit as Naruto and Sakura came to his side to support him. 'Yes this is what I need.' He thought to himself as the Proctor showed up. 'They are quite trusting as I guess rookies are. I am just glad I had a light breakfast.' He thought as he continued to kneel. Kabuto was glad that the Proctor did tell them no fighting as he had to recover a bit now from that. Kabuto was definitely ready for the written exam. Kabuto would have to get a his replacement glasses before taking his seat as he listened to the rules for the exams. This was going to be beyond easy for a spy like him plus he was smart ninja already. He was glad that this should be easy. He couldn't help wondering how Naruto would do based on his intel. Kabuto took his time to do the test as it wasn't too hard to go over and get the 9 questions done and he took the extra bit of time to spy and gather intel on other shinobi taking the test. Kabuto had to fake uncertainty so he seemed soft. His grey eyes soft for now to keep this identity up. For him the time before the 10th question went by fast as he gathered intel. He was a bit shocked how many were failing now. He chewed his bottom lip a little as he acted uncertain. His mind then thought of Orochimaru which gave him a reason to chew his bottom lip. 'I will keep up this false identity as a leaf ninja only as long as I need to then I will finally be by Lord Orochimaru's side.' Then the Proctor spoke up about the 10th question. 'More rules? As to be expected.' He thought to himself as he shifted in his seat. Mentally Kabuto was confident in passing and trusted his teammates wouldn't let him down as he sat there waiting on the question. He would watch others give in now. It was Naruto's outburst that would strengthen everyone's resolve as the young rookie talks about not giving up. Kabuto let out a breath of relief a small smile forming on his face. Kabuto listened to the Proctor as he explained how the test worked. He was glad to see Sasuke's team made it to the next round. He will have to report that to Lord Orochimaru for sure. He was glad that it went well for his team as well as those rookies made it. Scooping out Lord Orochimaru's possible future host was going well and will be easier since his team made it. Then a woman came flying throw the window as he sighed. 'So this is the woman Orochimaru taught some?' he thought as she talked. Listening he frowned when she said in the morning they would start the next test. He would have to go and get the info about where to go. Leaving the testing area with the information he smiled to himself as he would go out to go met Orochimaru for a late lunch as he was hungry after being sick. He understood why he wasn't told which of the experiment ninjas would be in the exam so his reaction would be natural. He couldn't help softly smiling as he saw Orochimaru which right now was using her host's face to hide which he didn't mind. He sat with her to eat a meal with her. Staying quiet until after they ate and paid they would leave to go somewhere they could chat without worry. Kabuto would give his report as things were going perfect. He also told her about the fact the next test would be tomorrow and where it was. Things were coming together. Though both of them kind of wanted to embrace the other they didn't as they knew they had to stay focused. So after talking about everything the two would split so that Kabuto could get some rest. Kabuto went to sleep early.

A bit before the dawn broke Kabuto would go to meet up with Orochimaru and the others to help kill 3 grass ninja so Orochimaru could enter the exam area to mark young Sasuke. Kimimaro slightly worried him since he did cough a little. But he couldn't let it be his focus as he had to go to report in for the next test as Orochimaru and 2 others as they blended into the other ninjas.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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