Chapter 23 From bad to worse

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And the battle continues.
'What's this?' Kabuto couldn't help wondering as he used his free hand to hit naruto's chest with his chakra blade. Soon after Kabuto went flying backwards until he hit a rock which he did made a bit of a crater in. The pain in his stomach area wasn't too bad as a few drops of blood fell from his new injury.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya stopped for a moment as they hung from the snake as they both look to what just happened. She felt a little worried for Kabuto. 'A child mastering the jutsu like that, it's unheard of.'

Kabuto was breathing hard right now as this was starting to take a toll on him. He couldn't help smiling though when the little brat Naruto spat up blood. He felt smug despite his condition. He started to take a few steps forward after Naruto collapsed as he couldn't help chuckling. "I focused my chakra at the point of impact before he even hit me, I'd already started healing myself. You see now why Lord Orochimaru values me so highly. Not only for my skills and knowledge of jutsu but most of all for my recuperative powers." He said as his injure healed before her very eyes. "No matter how great the injury, I can repair and reenergize any damaged cells." He closed his eyes a moment as he felt so smug right now as he bragged about himself after having to hide his skills for so long. 'But there is a limit and I am almost out of chakra.' He thought to himself before stepping forward again. "Naruto on the other hand doesn't have that gift. He looks finished." He took a few more steps forward before he felt a surge of pain making him shake. "What? No" He said before his glasses cracked and he fell down himself face first. 'I never thought, even with my healing powers, the damage was too great. And now I haven't enough chakra left' He thought to himself as he tried to keep himself from crying in frustration. He looked up as he heard Tsunade trying to help Naruto. "You're wasting your time, it's all over for him." He was still shaking. "With my last strength I severed his heart's chakra network. I cut him off from getting any help from the demon, the nine tailed fox. And he hasn't the power to save himself. I am telling you he's finished, dead. All your skills are useless and-" Tsunade cut him off. "Oh SHUT UP! You'll be dead soon, I'll see to that." She promised.
The fact that Naruto woke for a moment and said something shocked Kabuto. "He's still alive?" He couldn't help asking.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya now stood on top of the snake. "Poor boy. I really don't think he'll make it." She couldn't help saying after taking a glance over there. "You are forgetting Tsunade's healing powers. Don't worry about him, she'll have him back up on his feet in no time." Jiraiya remarked. "Perhaps so but that wasn't what I ment." She looked back to her old friend. 'I'd be worried about the Akatsuki would do with the boy.' She thought to herself. "Forget Naruto, I'd focus on me if I were you. I'm the one you have to worry about." Jiraiya say before she glanced over again at the other three. 'There's far more to this little genin then meets the eye. There's not telling what might happen if the Akatsuki get their hands on him. But if he were to die, right now.' She thought before dropping off the snake to go and attack Naruto. Of course Jiraiya jumped after her. So turning around she used her long tongue to wrap around his ankle and this was greeted with him saying "What the devil" before being slung into the ground. Which she used to help move as she had a snake come out her mouth with a sword ready to attack since her arms weren't usable as she was going straight for Naruto. But annoying enough Tsunade moved in the way and let the sword piece through her instead.
Kabuto was only able to watch everything.

Orochimaru would stand and pull the sword out of Tsunade before taking it and the snake back down as well as putting her tongue back in place so she could speak properly. "Tsunade, you are the one person I wouldn't want to kill. Listen to me if that brat is allowed to live it will mean more trouble then you and your friends could ever imagen. Stay out of my way." She told her as she saw Tsunade was still shaking. "No, you listen to me. If I do nothing else, I am going to protect this boy. " This sounded funny to Orochimaru. "And how do you plan to do that? Look at you your body is shivering like a leaf in the wind. Beside why would you one of the Sannin risk your life to save a lowly genin?" She stood there as Tsunade spat out some blood. "By saving him, I am saving - my home, the village hidden in the leafs." This annoyed Orochimaru some as she looked at her. "You're really think your protecting the village?" She asked knowing the danger Naruto may cause later. Tsunade looked back at Naruto. "You see this boy, this lowly little genin has been chosen by fate to become Hokage someday." This made Orochimaru chuckled at how ridiculous she sounded. "What's none sense, even if it is true. What of it? Who cares about the Hokage? Only a fool would want that job!" She said smiling with glee before watching Tsunade as she got lost in thought for a moment which made her curious what she was thinking. "From now on -" Tsunade pulled herself up onto her feet. "I am gambling everything too, I'm putting my life on the line." This came at a bit of a shock to her. "Well if you're really willing to throw your life away for one insignificant brat, I am happy to accommodate you!" She would have her sword come up again before slashing Tsunade across the chest which caused her to fall back onto the ground. "Now all that's left is Naruto, himself." She said as she walked over to Naruto with her sword still out. She moved to swing the sword into the boy only for Tsunade to be in the way again. Which shocked her as she would put the sword away again. 'She is torn to ribbons, but she can still move that quickly?' She pulled herself together before speaking. "You really are determined, arent' you? I'm impressed." She said smiling softly. "Didn't I make it clear enough, you fool? I ment what I said. I will die before I let you touch him!" This annoyed her as the boy would cause them all trouble later and she knew it. "You're half dead already!" She said before kicking Tsunade off Naruto. "Such brave talk but look at you, you're still trembling all over. Poor thing, you just can't shake your fear of blood, can you? You see how pointless it is and all for what? For the sake of an obnoxious little boy you don't even know? For the sake of a worthless village, you left behind years ago?" She questioned only to see Tsunade stopped shaking. "WHAT?" She said right before getting kicked by Tsunade and sent flying. "You stopped the trembling but how?" She questioned. "I finally remembered something -" Orochimaru started to pull herself off the ground to look at Tsunade now feeling a little worried since she was back in the fight. "I've been chosen as the 5th Hokage of the leaf village." The mark on her forehead changed and grew to her shock. "Wha-What's that mark?" Orochimaru questioned before taking a few breath and standing up fully. "Whatever you call yourself, it makes no difference. You may have conquered your inner weakness but what about the rest of you, you can hardly expect to defeat me in your condition." Orochimaru would say before watching as Tsunade made a hand signed and closed her eyes to active a Jutsu. Tsunade's body started to heal itself. 'What jutsu is this?' She thought in awe. She couldn't help chuckling "It seem like I am not the only person spending their time discovering new jutsu. This one is very impressive, how's it done?" She asked smirking. "My chakra, for years I have stored it up in a space behind my forehead. Saving it for just such an occasion. With this chakra reservoir my body's ability to create new cells is accelerated, the cell divide rapidly, spreading throughout my body and regenerating any damaged organs. It's like having the ability to reincarnate myself. You see, you can slash away at me all you want but, I can't be killed." Tsunade explained which Orochimaru listened taking it all in before glaring.

Seeing Tsunade put blood on her arm Kabuto pulled his strength together. 'Oh no, that could only mean' He knew he couldn't get to his master in time in his state so he called out. "Lord Orochimaru."

Hearing Kabuto, Orochimaru moved back and to his side so they could summon. "Do it, hurry." She said holding her arm out to him. Kabuto thankfully had enough strength to sit up now. Things were getting bad.
Kabuto used his blood on her arm before making the hand signs and placing his hand down at the same time as the other Sannin. Kabuto felt a little comfort sitting on Manda's head next to his master. Though he held a glare as he knew how bad things were.
"Well Orochimaru, why have you drag me here? You know I don't like being summoned. Maybe I should just eat you and be done with it." Hearing Manda say this made Kabuto feel a bit anxious knowing the state his master and him were in. "No, Please don't talk that way lord Manda. You will be well rewarded for your trouble don't worry." Kabuto say hoping to ease the tension he felt. "Who do you think you're talking to you little bug? What would the like of you have that I could possibly want?" Manda said loudly which brought more worry to Kabuto as the young medic felt useless right now. "So Orochimaru, When this is over I'll expect a hundred humans sacrifices." Kabuto looked over to Orochimaru worried. 'If Manda finds out that his master can't use any of her jutsu, he is more then likely to betray us. This was a mistake. No matter how hopeless things looked she shouldn't have summoned Manda, Not in her condition.' Kabuto felt they might be doomed a bit.
"I'm going to pop you like a ballon you stinken dirty toad." Manda would say after he had gotten smoke in his face from the toad "Then please come on and try it. I always wanted a snake skinned wallet." The giant Toad said back.
"Orochimaru, you're no longer fit to be one of us. Your evil days are finally at an end" Jiraiya would say and despite the worry Kabuto had Orochimaru was still confident and calm. "One of us?" She chuckled "What an insult" Then Tsunade interjected. "After this, there will be one less Sanin in the world"
After a moment of calm, the slug tried to spit acid at Manda before he would go in to attack her by wrapping himself around the slug and moving in to eat her whole while saying "I'll start with you." Then the toad would charge in with his sword which Manda held in his jaws as he chuckled and started to put the squeeze on the slug. But just as she looked fit to pop she turned into many small slugs to move away and reform again behind the toad. Much to Manda's confusion at first before swinging his free body at the toad to make him retreat without his sword. Manda would move in and chucked the sword at the toad which ended up landing right infront of the slug.
As Manda would move in to attack again Jiraiya and his toad made a fire attack which they got out of the way as Manda shed his skin having moved underground to prepare to attack. Manda attack the toad first with his tail before popping his head up to attack only for Tsunade to come in with the toad's sword which dropped through Manda's jaw.
In seeing it coming down they had jumped to land on Manda's body out of harms way. 'Fight one Sanin would be hard enough but two.' Orochimaru thought to herself before spitting her tongue out to wrap it around Tsunade's throat. Since it landed she chuckled as she heard Jiraiya exclaim "Tsunade" as it brought a small twisted grin to her face. "I've often wondered what it be like to wring that pretty neck of yours" She said as she started to pull her tongue back to do exactly that as Tsunade tried to fight some but it seemed like she was losing. "You say you can't be killed by a blow in battle but what if I keep squeezing the life out of you as quickly as you regenerated it, huu?" She said.
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