Chapter 27 Kabuto's trip

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Now for my none canon parts which will cover the area between here and Shippuden. I got some plans for what's ahead before we reach Shippuden including more birthday chapters.
Kabuto had gone to sleep early to wake up a bit early to go over his things once more before going and knocking on Orochimaru's door. "Come in" He would hear that was almost like electricity down his back. Kabuto took a deep breath before going into Orochimaru's room as he saw Orochimaru sitting at his desk looking over at him as his hair though still short had turned black. He had to swallow down his arousal from the sight as he moved to kneel before his master. "I came as you requested Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto said calmly as he looked to the ground.
Orochimaru chuckled as he stood taking hold of the scroll he wrote his extra orders on before placing a hand underneath Kabuto's chin to make his right hand man look up into his eyes.
When Kabuto's eyes met Orochimaru's his breath caught in his throat for a moment as he had to swallow down his arousal which felt like electricity thought his body from the look in his master's eyes. He couldn't bring himself to speak.
Orochimaru smirked as he saw how helpless his dear Kabuto was in his gaze which caused him to chuckle softly before licking his own lips. He removed his hand from Kabuto's chin as he held the scroll to him. "This is a list of dna samples I want you to get for me if you can." He said in a low tone as he saw how it made Kabuto shiver in anticipation.
Kabuto would look to the scroll and take it slowly from his master and put it into his bag with a nod as he swallowed softly. Kabuto took a few deep breaths to calm himself as he waited to be dismissed.
Orochimaru would watch Kabuto a bit before softly sighing. "Now you are dismissed." Orochimaru said softly.
Kabuto softly swallowed before nodding and turning and leaving the room before walking out of the hideout as he had to leave.
He blinked his eyes in the bright sunlight with a sigh. He would start walking as he knew he had quite a ways to go as it be in a different region which was a bit of a ways. He sighed softly to himself. 'He is back to his dangerous self. It's intoxicating but I must do this set of work. I guess I will check my extra orders once I am at a rest spot.' Kabuto thought to himself with a small sigh. The clean air outside was definitely different then it had been in the hideout as it was dense with tension but when it came from Orochimaru it was enticing for him. It's why he wanted to be closer to Orochimaru.

Kabuto would sit in a tree as he needed to rest for a bit as night was falling. It was then when he pulled out the scroll that Orochimaru had gave him. A small sigh escaped his lips as he looked over the 3 targets of getting dna from. 'Well this will add another day or 2 to my trip.....Well what do I expect, he loves putting me to work.' He thought to himself as he sighed softly. 'Though I want to get back quickly but if I rush too much then I may make a mistake which would be worse.' He thought as he sighed to himself. He knew in another day he would have to send a notice to Sasori so that he knew to met up with him. He wanted to be farther before sending it just so that he would be able to get where Sasori needs him to met so he didn't leave him waiting. He would move to rest himself against the tree trunk as he put the scroll back into his bag around his waist as he closed his eyes to rest for a bit.

Kabuto woke as his mind remembered Orochimaru's intense stare which made him swallow as he felt warm now. He chewed his bottom lip as he tired to calm down his hormones. 'This is not the time to be horny, damn it.' He thought before getting out a water battle to drink some before getting ready to go as he still need to travel more. He would eat a food pill and relieve his bladder so he was ready to go.

Kabuto sighed softly as he reached the point he could send a message to meet up with Sasori which he would take a time to breath at this point. He would take this small time to get one of the samples he needed before he got a reply with a good place to met up. Which he would quickly start to make his way there. He would chew his bottom lip a bit as he would move swiftly now. 'Time to get it over with as I made a scroll with the information update he would wants.' He sighed softly as he made his way to the meeting place.

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