Chapter 40 Orochimaru's birthday

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Can you all believe we have reached chapter 40? And we still got a long way to go. Here is your smut warning as we all should know it's coming. Haven't finished the next chapter but I will do so soon. I am working on a lot of things right now. I missed you all.
Kabuto would walk back down the halls to the bedrooms. His feet felt so heavy, he couldn't explain why he felt a bit anxious as he walked. He knocked softly on his master's door before opening it. His breath escaping in relief to see that his beloved master was laying in bed in a fresh robe. 'Guess I took longer then I thought if he already brushed his hair.' He thought to himself as he would then enter the room and closed the door behind him. He would sit on the side of the bed as he would take his shoes off, sash, his bags, and his gloves. Just as he thought about taking his glasses off he felt his master's arms around his waist right before he felt Orochimaru nuzzled his neck. His face warmed as he stiffened. His face was warm and his mind went blank.
"Ready for bed?" Orochimaru asked as he smirked feeling how Kabuto got stiff. 'Oh how much I love how I effect him.' He thought to himself. "Sleeping would be good." Kabuto would say softly. Orochimaru would pull back slowly to let Kabuto finish what he needed to before bed,

Kabuto took a deep breath and he would get up and use the bathroom real quick and after washing his hands he splashed his face to calm himself down before going back to the bed. He was glad that Orochimaru seemed to be asleep already. He would take his glasses off before moving close to Orochimaru and cuddling up to him. But just as he was about to go to sleep Orochimaru would shift his position as he would wrap his arms around Kabuto as he held him close. Kabuto blushed but didn't say anything. He just nuzzled into his chest as he took in his scent and drifted off to sleep with the last thing he hear was. "Good night dear." Orochimaru said softly right into his ear. But he wasn't sure if that was just his imagination.

Kabuto would wake in the middle of the night feeling his master's arms squeezing him. He swallowed and he gently moved his arms to get out of his grip and stand. Once he was standing he would grab his glasses and put them on. "I think he is still asleep" He said softly to himself as he raised a brow. When Orochimaru didn't do anything besides looking a little pouty he couldn't help smiling before going to use the bathroom. After washing his hands he would look up into the mirror as he felt a little nervous about returning to his sleeping master. "I've not been around him in a long time, why is it so nerve wracking. I need to calm down." He said softly to himself as he took a few deep breaths before opening the door to the bathroom and walking over to the bed. He couldn't help smiling softly at how peaceful his master was. 'For such a powerful man he looks so at peace right now.' he thought. He would sit on the side of the bed and he couldn't help reaching out and touching his hair. He would take his glasses off and place them down on the nightstand before laying down and cuddling back up to him. He couldn't help but to touch Orochimaru's face so he could kiss his master's cheek with his face warm. "I love you." he said under his breath knowing that his master was fast asleep and thus wouldn't hear it. He would just shift a bit and close his eyes as he let his head rest on Orochimaru's chest as he would go back to sleep.

When morning came Orochimaru stirred and the first thing he did was unconsciously ran his fingers through hair. He blinked his eyes as the fog of his mind would go away slowly as he realized his hand was in Kabuto's hair. He held in a chuckle as he saw that in his sleep he had taken Kabuto's hair out of his hair tie. He would kiss the top of his head before slowly shifting to let him rest before going to the bathroom real quick before coming back to stand with the bed in front of him. 'He looks too damn cute like this. I don't feel like waiting anymore.' He thought to himself. He would move carefully as to not stir him from his sleep. He would move to straddle Kabuto's waist and he would gently move Kabuto's arms so he could pin his wrists together above his head. 'Oh how I love that when he sleeps next to me he gets oh so deep into sleep he doesn't wake as I do this.' He would lick his lips as he looked him over. 'It's just us for my birthday which is perfect.' He thought before he would lower to take Kabuto's lips with his own. He smirked as he felt Kabuto kiss him back as he deepen the kiss. He would push his tongue into Kabuto's mouth.
Kabuto couldn't help moaning softly into the kiss. His face warmed as he felt aroused as he woke to the feeling of being kissed and that he felt their tongues dancing together. When Orochimaru pulled back he was breathless. He opened his eyes though he felt frustrated that he couldn't see properly as his glasses weren't on his face. He couldn't help pouting a little which was greeted with a chuckle. "Oh, why are you pouting Kabuto?" Orochimaru said his voice like silk to him. He would tried to move his arms only to realize they were pinned down. "M-may I have my glasses?" He asked softly wanting to see his beloved master.
Orochimaru couldn't help giving a small loving smile to the question. He reach over and grabbed his glasses before gently putting them onto Kabuto's face. The smile had turned to a smirk when Kabuto could see him clearly.

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