Chapter 26 Sasuke's arrival

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It's been fun to see things get this far and I just wonder how long this story will get.
Orochimaru stood infront of the man which would be her new vessel. "And who are you? I'd expected the other one. Whom ever th-" Making eye contact with Orochimaru they feel silent as he realized whom was standing infront of him. Orochimaru chuckled "Yes you will be set free but before that I will grant you one wish." She said calmly. "You used my clan for your experiments, let them go. That is my wish." Orochimaru smiled. "Yes of course, you may consider it done. Don't worry your strength of spirit was one of the main reasons I choose you and I'd be foolish to let it go to waste. Your residual aura will live on in me. Well then, I thank you for your body." She say before transferring over.

Kabuto watched it all unfold on the cameras as he heard the man's screams as he was taken over. It would become too much at the moment which he turned the screen off. "So it's done, and now it be a few years until he can transfer again. But next time..." He would say softly. "It's as you say my damaged body is of no use to him as a vessel for the transference jutsu. That was my purpose and now it's gone. What is left to give my existence a meaning? I see now what I must do. I was not ment to be the vessel. I was ment to find the vessel and bring it safely here. Even at the cost of my life. That is the only way I can repay Lord Orochimaru for my failure. The only way to give my worthless existence some value." Kimimaro would say pulling from the machines as he sat up. He let Kimimaro leave as he made sure to record all important data. As he trusted he would speed things up.

Soon he would leave to go make Orochimaru some tea and check on him. "That poor boy it's amazing he could still move with that body. Kabuto, I don't know what kind of order you gave him but it seems a bit cruel if you ask me." Kabuto just gave a soft grin as he spoke "Oh not at all, I gave him no order. I don't really like to focus people to do things against their will, my Lord. He acted on his own volition. He did it all for you, out of reference." He would glance over to his master after pouring a cup of tea. "Kabuto you are quite a hateful nasty person, aren't you?" Orochimaru said slightly as if teasing. "Lord Orochimaru, Kimimaro was the perfect match. He existed solely for you. His thoughts were steeped in eternal darkness, as yours were. Yet he saintified you, he deified and worshiped you. Moreover he came from the shinobi clan with the strongest and most ideal bodies. He had a genuine Kekkei Genkai. Well that is until just recently" Kabuto spoke as he moved to stand infront of his master. "Yes, when I think about having just lost such a specimen, I still can't accept it. I can't get him out of my head. The man best suited for my spirit. The body I wanted the most, Kimimaro." Kabuto had to keep himself from sighing. "And if he hadn't be stricken with illness the assassination of the hokage would have gone much smoother." Orochimaru spoke softly after thinking a moment. "We wouldn't have had to go through such an....ordeal. But in this world all too often things don't work out quite as we want them to." Kabuto knew that well hoping just that things would be more in their favor as things moved forward. "It's only a matter of time now, Lord Orochimaru." He would then move to hand her a cup of tea now that it cooled a little. "It's hard to believe the four of them are taking this much time. Do you think the leaf village sent some of their heavy hitters after them or are they just wasting time playing around?" Kabuto couldn't help asking after Orochimaru finished his tea. Orochimaru would simply chuckle before responding. "I can guess whom is slowing them down, It's either Jirobo with his appetite or Kidomaru and his pension for playing." He would say before Kabuto responded "But Sakon is the most dangerous with that temper of his. He's never satisfied until his opponent is dead, even when you should leave things be. Plus he thinks he is the strongest of the four, so he is always showing off." Orochimaru chuckled again. "Oh I don't know, Tayuya's blood boils just as hot as Sakon's does. But in any case nothing should go wrong now that we have sent him after them. Kimimaro, he'll clean up anything that will prove a nuisance to me, you can be sure of that." He chuckled again. Kabuto knew he would have to keep an eye on Orochimaru for a bit to make sure he stayed strong and well.

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