Chapter 34 pillow talk

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More smut ahead as that's how I am feeling it is to flow.
Orochimaru opened his eyes and smiled as he saw Kabuto still sleeping. He moved a bit to stretch and feeling still horny from the night before he would take a bottle of oil out of his nightstand and place it onto the nightstand before turning Kabuto onto his back. Licking his own lips as he looked down at the sleeping boy. He would gently untie the shirt to open it as he would run his tongue over the teen's belly and then over his nipples which would get a moan from Kabuto. "M-master?" He moaned softly in his sleepy state. A smirk coming to Orochimaru's lips as he moved to press his lips to Kabuto's to kiss him deeply as he had his tongue explore Kabuto's mouth and play with his tongue.
Kabuto moaned into the kiss as he wake more. His arms naturally going around his master's neck. He would gasp a little as he felt Orochimaru pinch his nipples.
Pulling back from the kiss Orochimaru smirked. As he would simply go to licking Kabuto's nipples as the boy moaned. "L-lord Orochimaru" Orochimaru would look up to Kabuto's eyes before moving to whisper into his ear. "Would you want to make sure I am fully satisfied?" He asked his voice full of lust.
Kabuto's breath caught for a moment as he blushed. "Y-yes, what must I do?" He asked softly as Orochimaru moved back and helped him sit up as he would untie his robe allowing Kabuto to see how hard he was. Kabuto looked into Orochimaru's eyes before moving forward as he would rub the tip a bit with his thumb before he licked it. Swallowing softly he would take the member into his mouth as he did last night this time easier able to keep an easy rhythm which had his master gasping and groaning. Orochimaru would gently take hold of one of his hands as he did his best until he felt Orochimaru's other hand on the back of his head which held him in place and he felt his master release which he swallowed down before pulling back. Sitting up he looked at his master whom smirked and kissed him deeply.
Orochimaru would push Kabuto back onto his back as he pulled back as he grabbed the oil from the nightstand and as he poured a little into his hand before placing the bottle back down. He took the oil and gentle rub at Kabuto's back entrance as he would prad it and stretch it so that Kabuto was prepped. He couldn't help smirking all the while as Kabuto was moaning a bit as he worked. After he was done he pulled his hand away and moved down to kiss Kabuto as he slide in a bit which caused Kabuto to gasp which gave him access to kiss him deeply. He smirked into the kiss as he felt Kabuto's arms wrap around his neck as he would pull Kabuto up so he was sitting in his lap.
This made Kabuto blush more as he hadn't done this before. So he would move up and back down as he gasped. Orochimaru chuckled at this. So he would swallow as he would carefully make a rhythm of movement as he got closer Orochimaru would start to thrust a bit up intohim. His face was warm as he felt this all. He held himself together until he felt the warmth of Orochimaru releasing into him which made him moan loudly as he release a bit after.
Orochimaru chuckled Kabuto seem like he needed to catch his breath. "Now get on all fours." He said with a smirk which Kabuto seemed to need a little help with so he helped him a little. Once Kabuto had his hands to keep himself from hitting the headboard he would grab Kabuto's ass before smacking both cheeks. Smirking he massaged his butt some before he would press into his back door again which got a moan. He would move slowly which would get whimpers from Kabuto after a bit. "M-master, fuck me faster......harder." Kabuto begged which brought a smirk to his face as he would pick up the pace a bit and smack his ass every few thrust. This had Kabuto moaning and gasping as soon Orochimaru even held his hips to thrust him harder. After a while Orochimaru pushed deeply into Kabuto before releasing again.
Kabuto was breathing hard thinking maybe this was the end when it wasn't. Orochimaru wasn't done with him yet. Orochimaru pulled out of Kabuto before helping him flip over. Kabuto felt his legs were already a bit weak.

Orochimaru would kiss Kabuto deeply as the teen was trying to regain breath as he gently stroked Kabuto's member getting him to gasp. Orochimaru would nip at Kabuto's neck as the teen moaned "Y-you're not done, m-master?" His voice was almost a whisper. Orochimaru chuckled into his ear before saying softly "Not just yet" He said before licking his ear a bit before moving to place Kabuto's legs on his shoulders as he entered his back entrance again which was greeted with a loud moan. Smirking Orochimaru would decide he would thrust at a decently fast speed as he didn't feel the need to go slow right now. This causing Kabuto to moan loudly. "L-Lord Orochimaru." he said as his face was flushed and his moans getting louder up until Orochimaru would release deep into him which made him release as well. This time Orochimaru was breathing hard. He leaned down to Kabuto's ear and whispered. "This body seems to have a very high sex drive." Which made Kabuto swallow as they both tried to catch their breath. "I-I see." he said softly. Slowly Orochimaru would pull out of him before heading to the bathroom.
Kabuto would sit up slowly as he would move to try and follow as he also wanted to clean up some but found his legs wouldn't hold his weight which caused him to sigh. 'I wonder if he ever felt like this?.....Na, that's unlikely' He would think to himself as to took deep breaths as he channeled his chakra to help get the strength back in his legs as he had work ahead of him. Kabuto sighed softly as he would adjust his glasses which he had forgotten to take off last night. He would try again to stand and smiled softly when his legs obeid him. He then walk to the bathroom to find that Orochimaru was rinsing off in the shower so he would use the toilet real quick.
Hearing his footsteps Orochimaru smirked. 'I wonder if he was having trouble with his footing and that's what took him so long.' He thought to himself. "Once we rinse off we need to get ready for the day, it's still early but it's better to get going then to oversleep." He would say with a smile on his face.
Hearing him, Kabuto would blush a little as he forced himself to take a deep breath before washing his hands. "You're right, and this gives us time to clean up and relax some before the work of the day." He would say as he smiled softly before taking his glasses off to set them down before getting into the shower.
Orochimaru smirked seeing Kabuto get into the water as he pulled him close to kiss him deeply once more. He knew soon they would be busy and thus separated, so he wanted to enjoy this moment.
Kabuto kissed Orochimaru back as he didn't want this moment to end either. He only pulled back when he needed to breath. He looked up into Orochimaru's eyes the urge to say the words which he knew better then to say 'I love you.' His throat tightened as he swallowed them down. Kabuto looked away and pulled back. Taking a deep breath he would move to rinse off.
Orochimaru sighed as he watched Kabuto pulled away. He would decide to step out of the shower to dry off before walking to his closet to get clothes to wear for the day. 'I can't let myself get so attached. Even with his loyalty being to me, there is still a lot of danger I must send him into.' He sighed to himself as he clenched his jaw. Glancing the the bathroom he decided to just leave the room to push away those feelings.

Kabuto had gotten lost in thought a bit in the shower so he lost track of time a little. Thanks to this when he turned the shower off and had dried off, Orochimaru had already left. Kabuto couldn't help sighing as a small bit of sadness formed in his heart which he pushed down as he had work to do. He would change into his ninja wear, placed his sleepwear to the side before figuring it be best to get new linens for the bed as they made a bit of a mess. He would take the dirty linens to the laundry room as well as grabbing his own laundry so that it could get done. Kabuto sighed softly after he had done this small chore as he then went back to Orochimaru's room to make sure the bed was made before going to breakfast only to feel a little disappointed as Orochimaru wasn't there but Sasuke was. He chewed the inside of his cheek to keep his composure as he would sit at the table. He then realized he felt quite hungry after all the activity he and Orochimaru had gotten up to together. He would push the thoughts of it out of his mind as he rolled his shoulders back.

Orochimaru would have walked off look over a few things. His mind going to sending Kabuto out on a few missions, just not right away. He had to make preparations to fight the Akatsuki if it came to it down the road. He knew enough the danger they would pose to the world which included him and all his plans. He sighed softly. He wouldn't be telling anyone about what he knows, not even Kabuto. He sighed softly to himself as he would finish writing out the few missions he would be sending people on with the most important ones going to Kabuto whom he trusted with so much. He would place the scrolls away before going to the dinning hall to eat breakfast. 'I think I will give out some of the missions around noon but I will wait until tomorrow to send Kabuto off as i don't want him to leave just yet.' He thought to himself on the way. A small smile formed on his lips as he saw Kabuto sitting there with Sasuke as breakfast was starting to get served. He sat where he normally did and eat with them quietly as he enjoyed the company of Kabuto being there for the moment. "I will need to check a few things and do some lab work this morning Sasuke but I will help you train this afternoon." He said sternly so the young teen couldn't argue. Sasuke simply glared as he got up and took his dishes to the kitchen before going about his day. Orochimaru watched his moments before looking over to Kabuto with a smile. He would stand and say. "Kabuto, let's get some work done"
Kabuto would look to his master and nod. He would stand and follow him to the lab to get some work done and enjoy being around his master. All the while no knowing how much was on Orochimaru's mind.

Orochimaru would work around the lab and stuff until a bit before noon when he would go to hand out a few mission scrolls to a few underlings. 'Maybe I should have Kabuto stay in my room tonight since I will have to send him off soon.' He thought to himself before going to lunch.
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