Chapter 14 The Forest of Death

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So now we get to this part of the story. Hopefully you all are enjoying it so far and will enjoy what chapter are to come.
Kabuto stood with his teammates as they gathered for the exam. He had to take deep breaths as he had to force himself not to grin as he was excited for how things were coming along and despite not likely having time with Orochimaru in the forest in front of him he couldn't help just feeling the strong presences of his master's will. Oh how these fools go about unaware of what is to come. He was pulled from his thoughts by Naruto's outburst which made him hold in laughter. Anko's response had him rolling his shoulders back to relax. Although when Orochimaru got so close to Anko he looked away feeling a ping of annoyance. Maybe it's because he knew their history, after all he is a spy so he couldn't help finding informations about his master as he wanted to know more about them. Kabuto grabbed his pants slightly to hide his slight excitement of hearing his master's voice. Kabuto sighed at the mention of consent forms. He made himself look unsure a bit at this as he would take his form. He was glad to distance himself from Lord Orochimaru for the moment as he needed to be calm and focused on the task ahead. After hearing all Anko had to say Kabuto and his team would go over their consent forms as they filled them out. He glanced over at the females fighting before sighing. He was glad he wasn't on a team with those two. Kabuto and his team wouldn't be the first team in for good measure to turn in their forms and take their scroll. Kabuto walked with his team to their starting gate. Once the gates opened Kabuto and his team headed in like others did. He just hoped these five days would go well for their plans. It be nice if he didn't have to hold back soon. He hated having to hide his true strength. He knew it be best if they did well and maybe did pass. He wondered what opponents they would face. He wondered if he would get a chance to report in to Lord Orochimaru during this time but knew well day one wasn't going to be the time. 'Maybe day 3 or so.' He thought as he focused at the task at hand.

Thing went well for them the first 3 days and Kabuto would split up from his team as they each made sure to check on something. He had to met up with Lord Orochimaru and report in before probably checking on Sasuke. Kabuto sighed as he yawned a bit. He would jump into a tree and find a nice spot to hide to take a nap. The spot he found was small so it be a little cramped but safe-ish. So he crawled in before taking a kunai out to protect himself before closing his eyes to rest his body some.
He woke several hours later as he felt a presence nearby. His eyes opening as he sat up and fixed his glasses which had tilted. He moved to get out of the space only to see the person who was near and a small grin coming to his face. It was Orochimaru. He came out of the space and gave a small bow. "Greets Lord Orochimaru" He said softly as she smirked. He took a deep breath as the chills of excitement washed over him seeing that smirk. "How are things?" She asked moving closer and caressing his cheek some. His ears grew warm as he gave his report so far. She nodded listening to him before speaking. "I have marked young Sasuke and I want you to help make sure he gets into the next round if you can. Of course without outright giving him a scroll." She said and Kabuto nodded. He then made eye contact with her only to regret it as the dark strong will in them made him aroused. He looked away and chewed his bottom lip a bit. "Alright" He say as she would move a bit closer which made him step back until his back hit the tree trunk behind him. Kabuto swallowed feeling it as he gasped softly. Orochimaru would grip his chin and make him look at her. Her gaze so intense it could melt his insides. Kabuto's face grew warm and with a smirk she pressed her lips to his and he closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Orochimaru let the kiss be a bit long but when she pulled away she would leave him by himself. Kabuto sighed seeing her gone but knew he had to focus. He would go and start looking around for Sasuke's team. He already had both scrolls and so had no worry about that. Though it wouldn't be until day 4 he would find the trio.
Kabuto's eyes widen as he saw what stupid move Naruto and Sakura were about to do. He jumped in and stopped Naruto from opening his scroll before Sasuke arrived. He then informed them what happens when a scroll is opened and that he himself has both scrolls. He couldn't help being a bit cocky and showing them to the trio knowing that one of them might try and fight him for what they needed. He turned his back to them to leave when Sasuke spoke up to offer the challenge. Although he also knew someone was watching and figured it would get them to come out soon as well. Kabuto had to put on an innocent act to the challenge. He inwardly smiled at how Naruto yelled at Sasuke. He also couldn't help pointed out Sasuke was lying as his heart wasn't in it to fight him. This was easy to read on the young ninja. He pointed out challenging him shows he didn't want to fight as if he did Sasuke would have simply attacked him. He honestly knew the boy wouldn't attack him like that simple thanks to him being a rookie. He would offer some advice but said he wouldn't give it until they moved. He simply put that the fire would draw any animal in and more over enemies as well. Knowing this might spook the one watching them. He was glad he was right and soon they would get a move on it, right after Naruto put his clothes back on real quick. He gave them the advice as they were on the move. He of course had to play the scared card since he was sperated from his team. Though honestly it wasn't an issue for him but he had to make Sasuke feel he was right and trust him. He still needed to keep his cover for now. He knew traveling with them would give them a higher chance to get the scroll they needed. And sure enough as night falled and they took a break with the tower in sight he could feel the enemy closing in. Naruto pinning a giant centipede was entertaining but it also made a lot of noise. He would inform Naruto about keeping quiet so they don't get seen easily. As he didn't want to be swarmed. Kabuto took a deep breath as they all split up and take positions to get a drop on another team. 'I can't let Master Orochimaru down, so I have to make sure they get a heaven scroll.' He thought as he stood in a tree spot. Slowly the moved closer to the tower together as they stayed hidden. After seeing what happened to a team caught in a trap he hoped they be careful. Then Naruto trips a trap so he turns around to help the younger shinobi avoid getting hurt. He used a substitution to take the hit for him as he figured Naruto would slow them down if he got harmed now. Standing on a tree he adjusts his glasses as he feels the pressure is on. Soon enough Sakura and Naruto needed a moment and it was then that they noticed they were likely caught in a trap. He pointed out the centipede from before as he clenched his teeth a bit. He would have to fight without giving away too much as he had to pretend to be on their level. He adjusted his glasses after explaining how they were in trouble. With that the enemies started to show themselves. Things didn't look good. Kabuto clinched his jaw. 'This looks like it be annoying.' he thought to himself. He positioned himself close to Sasuke as he didn't want the boy too hurt if he can help it. They all came together but of course Naruto punched one of the clones only to go threw it as it turn to goo of some type. Seeing Sasuke have a delay in his reaction he took the hit as he pushed the boy down to keep him from getting hurt. This got him a small cut on his arm. He moved to get what was thrown while holding his arm where he was cut to seem weaker then he is. He didn't want to show he could just heal himself. This was going to be hard fighting with a handicap and against a good threat. He talked to them about the situation as it seemed his knowledge skill was not going to get him into trouble which was good. It ment figured out how to handle it so they could get out alive without him showing more of his skills, He could even give the trio a profile type for these ninja without them thinking anything wrong with him. The fact he was a bit tired just made him think of the night he met Orochimaru for a moment before pushing away the thought to focus. Naruto would then make shadow clones and start fighting the other clones. He, Sakura and Sasuke took this as a chance to move out of the way and rest as 3 clones took on their forms.
It was nearing morning when he and the other came down from hiding to the battle field now that the attacking team had come out of hiding. He couldn't help feeling a little shocked that even though Naruto seemed exhausted he delivered a good punch which knocked the 3 enemies back. Kabuto would think about how resilient Naruto is since the boy hadn't passed out yet. He didn't know that he carried the nine tailed fox. But he knew from that moment that if this kid because a master of chakra he will be unstoppable which might be a problem. He was starting to feel now that Naruto's recklessness would get Sasuke kicked from the exams as if he was unable to continue then his team would fail with him. So he jumped in to help. He would try to stop Naruto so he would rest. He pushed Naruto out of the way when the boy looked back at Sasuke as he was attacked. Getting cut on the leg for his trouble. Now clinching his leg as he couldn't show his medical abilities. 'I hate this. All because Naruto doesn't think before acting, I am hurt and thanks to my cover I have to act like it's bad.' He didn't let himself sigh. Kabuto laid on the ground. Kabuto looked behind him seeing the 3 real ninjas but having to act weak. Thus taking another hit. 'Please let me not have to die here and now without even getting to be able to see Lord Orochimaru reach her goals.' he thought to himself as his body flung through the air before face planting. His grey eyes looking at his attackers as his irises turned red resulting with the trio stepping back from him and giving Naruto a chance to attack. He sighed relieved that it was over as he sat up. He thanked Naruto for saving him. He played his injuries off as he noticed the mark on Sasuke and he played innocent asking what it was. He was glad when Naruto found the scroll his team needed on their down opponents. He was glad when they got to the tower and just as he was seeing Sasuke's team in his own teammates showed up as planned. They commented on him being late as originally the plan was to met up on the 4th day to get in. So he told them he got side tracked. After a little back and forth he mentioned how this is where they part as his team has their own door to go through. He couldn't help smirking hearing his master's voice as they entered the tower. He had recorded all his intel on Sasuke onto on of his cards and handed it to his master. He had to just play informant since his teammates were there. But Orochimaru was looking quite good at that moment. He felt flattered a bit that Lord Orochimaru asked his opinion but he played it off as what mattered is what his master thought. Kabuto swallowed down his feelings as Lord Orochimaru sounded like he was flirting with him. He was glad she left them to handle the scrolls and see what happened next. He was glad to have the scroll thing done before going to the next room where they all stood together as those whom passed. Kabuto was glancing around and kept his face expressionless as he saw his master. But seeing his master looking at him made him a little bashful. He would stand and listen ready for what was said next as he focused his eyes away from his master. He listened to the 3rd Hokage until a new proctor showed up. He held in a sigh as the Proctor coughed a lot. He had to push down his inner medic. He clinched his jaw a little at the mentioned of a preliminary exam. In hearing about opting out Kabuto knew he had to take it. Giving a glance to his master he knew it be okay since one on one battles would put his cover at risk. He already almost slipped up in helping Sasuke's team. Had Naruto not stepped in then he might have lossed his cover. He took a deep breath as he couldn't help listening a little to Sasuke's team before raising his hand to bow out. He was glad to follow instructions to get out of the way. He held in a sigh as he turned to Naruto. He apologized to him as he thought. 'I can't let my cover be blown by fighting one on one like this. Plus Lord Orochimaru is here and thus wouldn't need me to be her eyes right now.' He had to explain how 'beat up' he was even if he was fine enough as he healed himself with his chakra. One of his teammate spoke up against him which made him want to laugh. "I am leaving that to you, what's the problem? With someone of your abilities it should be no trouble." A small smirk shining in his eyes as he issued his teammate a challenge as he knew full well he was jealous of how Orochimaru gave him attention. He had to keep himself from smirking as his teammate went on about how Kabuto wouldn't be Orochimaru's favorite forever. He glared softly at him as he thought. 'You wouldn't ever be as close to her as me if you can't understand it's Lord Orochimaru as you have no right to say their name so casually.' Just as he finished talking to his teammate he would look over at young Sasuke to give him a small wave before walking away as he thought to himself. As he knew he couldn't play nice in combat like this as old habits might come to the surface and blow his cover. Which he couldn't have that. Not when Lord Orochimaru's plans were coming together so well. He couldn't help wanting to fight Sasuke and Naruto a bit at this point. He was glad to take a rest now after putting in so much work.
Thanks for reading, please vote, comment and if you could follow me that be grand. If you follow me on Tumblr melodicphoenix where I put up art and will be blog some with updates on projects as they become ready to be shown. Next chapter will be out a week or so later. Honestly made it thinking it be fun and no one would really read it but now here we are.
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