Chapter 29 Trio Travels

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A traveling chapter with more planned stuff to go as well as unplanned stuff that just goes with the flow. This little arc will go on a bit before we reach Shippuden times. It's a good thing as I am not ready to handle writing that right now.
The next morning the third of them ate breakfast early then headed out. Orochimaru lead them with Kabuto more to the right side of him while Sasuke was more on the left side of the Sanin. Kabuto made sure to take a bit of his medine he made himself as to keep calm as they traveled. The first day being pretty relaxed and they would make camp when night fell.
Kabuto would roll his shoulders back to keep his stress level down as he worked on cooking a small meal in the fire. He couldn't help glancing at Sasuke whom was sitting down while glaring at a tree. Orochimaru had left for a moment to use the bathroom as Kabuto cooked. 'Well things are going to be tense for sure. Maybe I should take a small dose of my medication to keep myself calm. Can't let myself get careless. I know full well how dangerous they both can be.' He thought to himself as he took a deep breath to allow himself to relax some. His mood brighten a little when Orochimaru returned and took a seat near the fire. Just his presence put Kabuto at ease for the moment as he cooked. Soon enough he would take the food off the fire and into bowls for each person to eat. Wordlessly they all took their bowls and ate. Kabuto felt a bit annoyed as the quiet was thanks to Sasuke being there. 'But of course Lord Orochimaru doesn't want others to know the depths of our relationship nor have the boy walk off. So it can't be helped I guess.' Kabuto thought to himself as he finished his food. With a small sigh he would work on gathering the things to wash them as it was his job. He knew well not to bug over it. Thought it did make him sigh as he washed things off in a nearby river before coming back to camp. Once things were cleaned and put away it was time for them all to rest with someone serving lookout. And of course Kabuto was chosen to go first.
Looking up to the stars with a sigh. 'To think I wanted to be by his side so much yet now I can barely enjoy it right now.' He thought with a sigh. As time went on he couldn't help glancing over to the two sleeping forms especially Orochimaru's with a small smile of at least getting to enjoy that small view as he waited.

When it was time for a change Kabuto took a deep breath as he moved over to Orochimaru to wake him so he could get a little sleep. Kabuto would kneel next to the Sanin and gently shook his shoulder. "Lord Orochimaru you said you would take the second shift." He said softly. "huuumm" Came from his masters lips as Orochimaru started to sit up and his eyes opened. Kabuto had to move back a bit and swallow back his thoughts as he knew now wasn't the time.
But Orochimaru had seen the effect he had on the teen which made him chuckle softly as a smirked played on his lips. "Oh Kabuto if you aren't careful you wouldn't be getting much sleep." He teased smirking ever more when he saw how Kabuto's breath caught for a moment before he moved away to his sleeping area. This only made Orochimaru chuckle as he found it adorable. He would then stand and stretch. He was still adjusting slightly to his new host. 'Going from a female to male host is a little draining mentally, though I wouldn't be clueing anyone in on that.' Orochimaru thought to himself as he took in the night scene. His eyes would fall onto Kabuto's form after a while. The boy had laid down and was breathing evenly. "huummm" he said softly with a smile. 'He seems so peaceful right now, just makes me want to give him a little extra work when we arrive. He surely will be busy with what I have planned. Though I can't wait to have him to myself a bit as well.' as smirk played on his lips.

Before they all knew it morning would start to break and Sasuke would be the first of the two sleeping to wake up. Sasuke would look around blink a few times before going off a little for what Orochimaru guess was to use the bathroom. It wasn't until he was back and starting the fire again that Kabuto woke up. His glasses a bit crooked on his face as he took them off a moment to rub his eyes a little before placing them back on. Kabuto sighed slightly seeing Sasuke had taken to making breakfast. Kabuto would stretch and start packing up before he felt Orochimaru's eyes on him. Though when he glanced over his master had been looking at the food cooking. This made Kabuto just sigh before finishing packing what he could for he moment then he would go use the bathroom and refill his water bottles so as to make sure they stay hydrated. When he came back to the camp food was served so Kabuto just took his bowl and ate his breakfast.

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